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Messages - DJ Deny

Quote from: Debon on 14/07/07, 05:20
Guys!! This is my review of this very rare moment:

Shots on goal: Achdiyat 5, Sinchan 5
Possesion : Achdiyat 50% Sinchan 50 %

Untuk time slot yang mereka harus main.. menurut gw, both of them are perfecto.. Sayang Achdiyat has to struggle with grounding turn table..

Gw gak nyesel sama sekali ngorbanin 1/2 carl craig for these two guys..

Especially to Sinchan: The Journey is so wicked..  flawless...Harmonius.. believe it or not guys, i actually kissed this guy's hand when i left Centro..

Terserah orang mau bilang apa.. from the deepest of my honest heart. I salute Achdiyat and Sinchan for such an unbelieveble performances... Big respect to both of you.. and i pray to God that someday i can take my game to the same level as yours.. Thanks for Sound Syndicated who made this all happened!!

Sincerely yours and lots of respect


@ DJ Debon:

aah...situ pakai teori ilmu padi hehe,bisa aja merendahnya..jadi malu gw.. :-[
pokonya..hidup MEONG GARONG bro hehe.. ;D *piss* *tepuktangan*
Guys..Some small words aja deh,

Thank you buat semuanya yg udah nyempetin hadir ke proggresivism tadi malem..it was a memorable one,jadi kayak nostalgia dgr proggy bebrapa thn yl.. *piss*

@ DJ Achdyat..no words can express my feelings..elo memang salah satu dj proggy yg terbaik  *tepuktangan*
@ SS:  Thank you for letting me shared the decks with the legends.. ;)
@ DJ's: Agoose,Roni joni,Chri M,Dikaa,Debon,Bhokero,Yudhi,Wendy,Fil,Vky,flux.. thank you for your support
@ Dion,nuril & paras,Dimas(tengaloopnya gw puter lho,..),kc,sapi,Ian,Vibe ses,witha & angga,secret admirer,awie,ricco sepet,ompie,okky,febi,frico,zelda & tyas,agra,others...thank you jg yah    :D
@ MC Ditter, Dedy centro.. 8)

Thank you guys, hopefully can meet you again on next progressivism *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Big Respect,


btw: ini baru pulang lho hihi... ;D ;D





@ DJ Beben:

good luck for the gig..jangan kalah sama robert hehe


Quote from: OmphieHaze on 12/07/07, 18:10
ronjon  *bgs*
ade bro  *bgs*
deny  *bgs*

@ronjon - bro klo bisa maen waktu kayak farewell rob... asleee underground banget  *bgs* sedaap!  ;D

@ Omphie:
memang 205 mak nyuss hehe..

Support aja buat kang mas Di kendi... *tepuktangan*

keep ambyaarr yaa... ;D

Quote from: DJ Deny on 11/07/07, 16:46
Homeses.. ::)  ::)


Homses... ::) ;D (?)

Homeses: HOMe terus ke SEnSity maksudnya..ehuehehehee.. ;D ;D
Success n Happy 3rd Anniversary yah guys.. *tepuktangan*

Homeses.. ::)  ::)


Homses... ::) ;D (?)

Homeses: Home terus ke SEnSity maksudnya..ehuehehehee.. ;D ;D
Quote from: Debon on 10/07/07, 21:07

This is a very rare event! Achdiyat and Denny jarang bgt ketemu.. Dua-duanya jagoan progressive.. Dua-duanya sangat dihormatin ama senior maupun junior..
This Friday is going to be a FCUKin wicked melodic journey!!
buat rookie-rookie yang doyan prog and melodic trance.. I strongly recommend you guys to come.. We can learn the art of musical journey from these two guys.. Bukan Basa-Basi!

btw, Achdiyat sekalian bachelor gak yah? hihihi..

Big FCUKin support from Ravelex and Electrosoul.. Respect!!

@ DJ Debon:


sinchan vs pak tua hihi... ;D ;D

beneran rare tuh...seumur umur br 2  kali (kalo ga salah) kayaknya 1 deck bareng..itu jg lagi bad sector.. ::) :-X :P

Quote from: Bone on 11/07/07, 08:38
What a Rave!!! Gokil!!! Good in everything.
Tapi mungkin kurangnya pas musik sempet mati (of course) sama susah cari makanan aja. Tapi gue sempet minta nasi kotaknya panitia yang jualan minum he3. Abis gak di makan kelihatannya. The best nasi kotak ever walaupun opornya udah beku :)

@ Dimdok & Didi
Gue juga di kasih tuh plat warna biru. Ori sob kalo kata abo he3
Sayangnya gue baru mainin pas mau pulang, soalnya pas malemnya gue masih muter2 di kejar2 "serigala" ;)

@ Bone:
Bener tuh yg ngejar isinya kebon binatang semua..ada serigala,kelinci,ayam.eh, bikin shio aja sekalian huehhihii... ;D
Quote from: Debon on 10/07/07, 18:33
@ Vibe Blue

hahahae!! Ada satu kesamaan antara 1945 MF dan Electrosoul--> anggotanya sama2 kucing garong!!
kalau dalam sepak bola istilahnya "Penyerang lubang"
hahahaha.. Love you guys...

@ DJ Debon:

Thanks jg udah mau drop by ke pro stage..sayang bgt mau liat pak tua, eeh..ga taunya schedulenya jadi barengan jam 3 hehe... ::) :(

btw...emmm hidup Meong Garong... !! ;D ;D

Buat 1945 crews plus DJ Didi n Dade thank you jg ya..gw sempet kalut waktu monitor tiba2 dikecilin dr main mixernya..ga kedengeran soalnya.. ;D

Thanks ya DJ Didi mau bantuin hehe... *piss*

IMHO again:

Party was safe,good sound system and nice line up..

Cuma tenda aja sama becek yg agak ganggu..oh ya sama booth minuman kurang banyak menurut gw..

thou.. it was the best ever in 2007! *bgs*

dats all..

Kalo perlu invit buat jumat ini pls let me know yah. bisa PM or SMS gw.. *bgs*

See you there:

@ Achdyat:

iya bro..minta CD nya duong.. ;D


Rasti from Soundscape is worth to watch guys...

kapan main di jakarta ya..?

hmm..let me see:

- Sasha & Digweed 1996 ato 1999..lupa, in Zouk (NE Asian's tour)
- Anthony Pappa in Planet (2000)
- God kitchen 2002 with Armin (cool bgt orgnya, ga sombong )

- and of course 777 hehe..
;D ;D
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 10/07/07, 12:29
@ Dj deny

mas den..wah gw ngga sempet liat dikau maiN !!! abis riri langsung pulang soalnya !!

dikaa udah ngajakin tuh pas dia baru dateng !!!

next time gw harus liat the best PROG Dj or the year!!!

@ Dedo:
lah..gw kan main sebelum riri do,hehe..

Anyway,thanks for coming,cheers..
Quote from: 1945MF on 09/07/07, 22:08
Quote from: DJ Deny on 09/07/07, 18:03

Lepas dari segala insiden2 yg ada,rave ini benar2 salah satu local rave terbaik yg gw pernah datang.
Good sound system,good lighting and also good visual di semua arena.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Thank you buat 1945,and crews for making this event happened *bgs*

Happy anniversary 1945 MF.. keep on rockin dude..


Thanks Den..

Quote from: 1945MF on 09/07/07, 22:13
Quote from: ^rustyman^ on 09/07/07, 18:45
wah kereen acaranya :) perdana rave gue nih :-[ sayang ga bisa liat E45 main :(

venuenya boljug, cuma tempatnya buecek, spokat gw jadi putih kecoklat2an deyh :(

BT banget si BEYB pake ngasi tau kunci mobil ilang :-\ PR gilaaa nyari2.. untung ketemu :)

gw pikir masalahnya uda kelar, eh ga taunya pas nyampe rumah, cewe gw nanya

"sayang HP aku mana?"

:-\ :-\ :-\

gw ngilangin HP cewe gue dahh.. :'( :'( ada yang nemu ga nokia 3230  (?)

masa gw harus ganti siiih???? :'( :'( :'(

E-45 gak jadi perform.. but we will have live at X2 by next month.. check it out..

@ DJ Romy:

Thanks to you too again, Happy anniversary mate.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Cheers to the beers:
Keep supporting yah Diet as always..


Trance / Re: DJ.BOBBY(stadium)
10/07/07, 11:17
Gondrong? hmm...

no comment lah udh tau kan kayak apa dia hehe...

Cuman sayang sekarang main ableton..gw udh protes tuh,ga ada seninya soale,kecuali kt bs main efx n mixingnya ga ada larinya..

Support gondrong hehe.. ;D


Lepas dari segala insiden2 yg ada,rave ini benar2 salah satu local rave terbaik yg gw pernah datang.
Good sound system,good lighting and also good visual di semua arena.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Thank you buat 1945,and crews for making this event happened *bgs*

Happy anniversary 1945 MF.. keep on rockin dude..

Quote from: TT Boy on 09/07/07, 16:08
pro stage sebagai tempat persinggahan terakhir gw sama anak2 yg laen sampai acara dihentikan...stelahh sebelumnya berpindah-pindah tempat dengan penuhh perjuangan :-\ tapii seru man... di pro stage kita duduk2 dibelakang, ga bisa ngeliat dj nya yg maen siapa... tapii koq gw kaya tauu siapa nihh yg maen,,, bener aja ternyata bobby maenn... gila Bobby soundnya tetep khas!!! canggih man...

Tapi sayang gw ga bisa ngeliat jerome maen di alt stage,,, gw denger cerita dari ija,, seru bgt pas jerome maen, MC nya 3 orang gokil2,, sampe nahan2 Dj yg mau men selanjutnya... Wahhhhhhh seruu gila tuhh kayanya...

after party yangg sedikit melelahkan... (emang udahh terlalu diporsirr sihh)hahhaah thx bwat semuanya...
@ dimas : iya mass sama2,, thx bwatt tebenganya,,,huehueh
@ jule : thx le bwatt tebengan baliknya (huehue muree amatt gw yaks)
@ Dj deny : wahh sebelumnya gw blumm kenal,,, tapii gw udahh ketawa2 aja... bro lo gokil abis, ... ga salahh dehh klo lo jadii legend.... gila gw nemuinn cd stadium punya kk gw tahun 94,, mix set by deny... ;D ;D

@ TT Boy:
Thank you  hehe..btw lawakan2 yg garing kmrn  itu cm keluar pas lagi bad sector lho hihi... ;D ;D

Quote from: Chris.M on 09/07/07, 15:56
777 parade & villases at kompas tak terpisahkan,, hehehehehehehe

@ DJ Chris M:

Setuju..manteep bgt,dingin,sejuk,segar bebas polusi..mana ada dokar 2 biji pula hihi

Thank you bgt buat Ija n friends mau nampung gw transmigran ehehe ;D

Buat anak2 rvlx:
sonique,merari,mike,siska,awie,nuril,paras,KC,daniel,walasok,dimsboy,bebek,dhanty,bergajulan dll..
Thank you yah guys bisa gabung2 bareng2..jarang2 nih bs join up sampe siang hehe.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Buat roy,nissa:
thank you buat nasi gorengya hehe.. ;D

PLUR sampe BLUR,