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Messages - nandi

Tonight, Saturday 8 September 2012 episode of 99.9FM Homesession with Burnscode present you:

- Jemir Blanco (Burnscode) (10:00-11.30)

And our very special guest for this session:

- Stevanus Irawan (11.30-01:00)

For Stevanus sound you can check his soundcloud mixes to get a warm up for tonight: http://soundcloud.com/stevanus-michael

It's gonna be a techno madness with these two guys ;)

and also our radio host: Chendy Advanis

Start from 10PM sharp and don't forget to tune in to 99.9FM

Please follow us:

Sync button do not stop people playing shit music..what to play and when to play it is more important and that's what makes a DJ good DJ..IMO
Ditunggu edisi perdananya brur..hehehe :D
@Mazday: Sama2 rom the pleasure is ours too :)

@firboy: apa lo gokil2..thanks yak udah rekamin jernih suaranya..hehehe
Hahaha kalo gelap nyalain lampu makanya sambil dgrin bro..hehehehe..thanks ya udah dgrin

*amiiin buat radioshownya gw anggap doa bro..best regards from us

My set live from 99.9FM Homesession with Burnscode Radio Show 1st September 2012

Please listen and let me know what you think  :)
Tonight 1st September we are back after the break from fasting month...just tune in your radio tonight from 10PM-01:00AM to get your fix in underground dance music..

With DJs:

-Nandi (Burnscode)

And our special guest for tonight:

-Romeo (Spinach Record/weplayitdeep)

For more info please follow:


Bikin mixtape suaranya doang udah biasa..tp kalo bisa liat orangnya juga pas bikin itu baru beda..hehehe
Solomun dong
Nanti boleh pas dia main disini difoto atau divideo boothnya fader channel mixernya naik ga :p
House / Re: Mix of the Day
18/08/12, 15:26
Masters At Work Essential Mix 1997


get schooled by MAW!! ;)
Heran gw yg ginian jadi momok bgt..DJ itu musisi.dan menilai seorang musisi adalah dari musikalitasnya bukan gearnya. Tentu skill juga jd pertimbangan tp apa patokannya decent skill itu sendiri selain bisa beatmatching dan paham struktur lagu untuk mixing? Ga semua DJ harus bisa mixing 4 deck secara manual kan buat menciptakan set yg bagus..

Gw tau bbrp DJ yg cuma main pake traktor 2 deck mixing A ke B back and forth with sync tapi punya musikalitas dan flow yg bagus ketimbang yg mengutamakan skill tapi cuma main top 40 hits..atau parahnya udah sync cuma main top 40 hits pula..Akhir kata mau cuma pake vinyl,CDs,atau sync di software yg penting outputnya. Kalo untuk skillshow itu selera masing2 gw rasa dan bukan patokan utama.

No offense..imo
Kalo angello waktu itu pake alasan udah budeg kupingnya kira2 guetta pake alasan apa ya?
Avicii mau naik haji karena disini bayarannya gede..
Potek setengah sob sama kurma..
Booka Shade 2 track terakhirnya keren nih..

Btw kayanya skrg udh jadi suatu keharusan kalo live electronic act bisa main DJ set jugam.
Avicii ngikutin jejak dash berlin dong kalo main lg di dwp..ga sampe setahun :p :p

Frankie Knuckles gitu diboyong..biar ada line up proper house *ngarep
@danzig: kan menurut selera gw broo..heheheheh..
@Danzig: bukan gitu bro..gw biasa denger setnya dia yg lebih idealis drpd di EM ini..EM nya enak kok tp gw bilang bukan salah satu set terbaiknya dia. Imo

Gw lebih suka set dia waktu dulu di loewy..bener2 boogie/funk sama northern soul 70's. Di DF juga agak kurang mainnya, katanya gara2 ada ridersnya dia yg ga terpenuhi..mungkin minta cowo ga dikasih kali.wekekeke..

Tapi buat disco gw emg megang DFP so far gda yg ngelewatin dia untuk yg main musik sejenis..
EM nya dia yg ini agak komersil menurut gw..gw lebih suka setnya dia yg main 60-70's philly disco..
Hi guys..this is an exclusive mix i made a while ago for Manila based label, Deeper Manila. In this mix i'm trying to explore my sounds in house music starting from smooth deep house and moving to tech house with a lil bit disco..This mix is now available online at Deeper Manila website for this month podcast..enjoy 

About Deeper Manila

Deeper Manila is a label dedicated to all. We are based in the Philippines and we push quality music to the global audience. We are artists and producers of music and lifestyle. Our artists are dedicated to their crafts, giving you only the best and nothing less. Our goal is to share our music to the world.

Deeper Manila was born early in October of 2009 from the idea of nurturing the house music scene in the Philippines. Now accepting the best music from everywhere else in the world from house to synthpop, hip-hop to downtempo, we are more global and versatile than ever. Deeper Manila is not just an independent label, but also a lifestyle.

For download link and full info about this mix simply click this link: http://deepermanila.com/2012/08/01/29-deeper-manila-podcast-nandi/

For more info about Deeper Manila you can check their official website at http://deepermanila.com/

Please let me know what do you think about this mix..feedbacks are more than welcome ;)

kira2 ada mereka ngga ya..

Mumpung SHM udah bubar ini gantinya ;D ;D ;D
Thread kali bukan treath..

Respect bro! :)

No further comments..
Nice topic nih..mungkin salah satunya konsep musik yg jelas untuk target crowd yg cocok juga..imo