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Messages - cosmiek

Quote from: Rendy on 07/01/07, 00:02
coba ke tiga negri aja boss..info terakhir mereka bilang januari atw februari ini barangnya dateng...

thanks for the suggestion man..baru gue email tuh mereka, mudah2anlah barangnya jg cepet dateng, butuh bgt soalnya gue hehe
Quote from: space on 20/12/06, 20:51
eh kayanya g ada deh tuh, alatnya yg kaya tuas itu bukan?
yg bisa buat pindah2 station kan?

eh btw ini junglizta ya?
wahh lagi nunggu kabarnya buat acara di jkt neh?
kapan seh? desember ini kan?

alat yang dimaksud itu bisa dilihat di www.nuvj.com , kalo emang itu yang loe maksud kasih tahu ya hehe :-D lagi butuh banget soalnya ;)

btw iya this is junglizta...hmm, we'll have a small gig actually in january di jkt, pls stay tuned to the Drum n'Bass section of this forum, karena kita pasti posting disana begitu ada tanggal yang fixed :-)

Thank you yah.
hallo semua,

gue lagi cari Numark NuVJ nih, mungkin ada diantara kalian yang bisa bantu?

Thank u sebelumnya  :)
Quote from: Jerome on 06/12/06, 13:45
@ cosmiek....
ya uds seperti yg gw bilang di marotii kemaren, tempat yg udah nawarin ada, jadi tinggal di set aja untuk tahun depan jalan. mungkin di cari2x siapa lagi yg mo joint.... gw coba tanya 62 lagi deh

ok ntar gue contact as soon we have the time to meet you mate  ;)
Quote from: walasok on 01/12/06, 10:56

ada dulu di jogja namanya "D'Junction".. sayang banget dah tutup.. pdhl gw suka banget tempatnya, so communal..

:'( :'( :'(


iya yah berapa tahun lalu memang gue inget dnb lumayan gede di indo, tapi mendadak kaya turun gitu..tapi tetep aja kalo menurut gue sebenernya ada kans untuk dnb untuk berkembang lagi, kalo ngeliat keadaan yg dulu2...sekali lagi I say if we dare to take the risk again, I'm sure the result will also good...thats my opinion, lets see the feedback from others on this....
Quote from: Celcius on 29/11/06, 20:38
hmmm.... seru nieeeh!!!!

bring on your wicked set again mate  ;D this time I'll go with full battle gear  8)
Quote from: walasok on 29/11/06, 16:42
tempat yg biasanya ngadain evend dnb-nya dah tutup sekarang sobb..

:'( :'( :'(

tempat yg dimaksud dimana ya? anyways kalo emang ngga bisa di tempat itu, kan tempat bukannya ada banyak di indonesia tercinta ini  :P cuman mungkin researchnya yang aga susah hehe...but I will look into it too, it will be awesome to see dnb rise...its about time anyways...gettin tired seeing dnb seen as the "bastard son" of electronic music, I mean dnb is different (just like any other genre that you can imagine) but so what if not many people not ready for this music, I say unite first to make the scene bigger  ;D...dnb is about passion and love for the music man, cannot put it into the box like any other genre  >:( ...it is sad to see that in an already small scene, thinking "in the box" still applies...I mean it is totally fine becoming idealistic, and I do support everybody to become idealist, but in this case think in the big picture: the word "drum 'n bass" doesnt belong to any particular individual or group, it does belong to anybody who has passion and love for it mate  :) .....cheers

p.s. maybe I always wear "Junglizta" banner as my avatar, but it doesnt mean that I only care for my own label..I care for dnb as a whole, and I dont really care who gets the credit if someday dnb is big in indo...the point is if you really love it, you wont think about anything else, instead you just do it and do it and do it continuously...its what they called "love" man  ;)
Quote from: Celcius on 28/11/06, 22:45
Quote from: cosmiek on 21/11/06, 16:58
hmm ada yang kepikiran bikin acara dnb cuman isinya semua label di indo ngga?? hehe...that will be awesome man

sebenarnya sih bisa2 aja tapi masalahnya label laen pada gak mau sih....

kita mau kok ;) we support full spectrum drum n'bass  ;D
woww...baru sadar gue kalo tanggal 2 sabtu besok hehehe....BERANGKAT PASTINYA!!!
Quote from: s0nty on 21/11/06, 17:07
:) Udh pernah ada sich dulu..."IGNITION"
but gak bertahan lama...
Sebenernya tetep msh mau lg sich...

kalau begitu mari kita bikin lagi :)
hmm ada yang kepikiran bikin acara dnb cuman isinya semua label di indo ngga?? hehe...that will be awesome man
Drum n Bass is my tranquility in the middle of real-world madness, I think this is the only music that really touch my soul and be myself despite all the definition of normality in this life  :) :)

I like all kind of dnb, but lately I kind of attached to the likes of DJ SS, Commix, Photek and JEBC (the latter is my all-time favourite actually  8) ) for MC-ing, I will say MC Dynamite, MC Dapper and DMZ rocks  ;D
yo mate...wicked that you got new tunes, I havent check it out though, having some bandwith problem lately...well u know the problem I guess...anyways congrats for the new tunes and I hope that all of the junglist in this forum will enjoy it  :)

looking forward for Javabass anniversary event next month  ;D it will be rocks especially with Javabass crew spinning along Vortex and MC Dan Stenzo, which I have seen both before on their respective gigs...so can imagine that mixed with rockin javabass mixes, it will be a f***in hardcore party next month hehehe  ;D

big up for the Javabass crew  ;D ;D

how's dilinja gig goin? I bet it's rock isn't it?? damn I wish I have enough money to go there last weekend to go for it, I feel a bit numb of not getting the regular dosage of dnb gigs it used to be  ;D but anyways I'm looking forward of Javabass anniversary party next month at jkt hehe  ;D


of course mate, it's the dream of every junglist to know that their music is being loved by so many people  :) but for now, I kind of enjoy the small but loyal crowd of drum'n'bass, it gives me that feeling of cozy and intimate atmosphere and the way I see it, goin clubbing is supposed to be like that  8) but again, we will get there sometime in the future, its only that it will be slow because I think listening to dnb needs more delicate ears and appreciation of the techniques involved in its production (doesnt mean to disrespect the techniques involves in other genre though..)....until that time comes, I will just sit here and enjoying every bit of dnb I can get mates hehe  ;D


yup I totally agree with your point on marketing strategy for promoting this delicate sound of dnb  ;)
hmm this is interesting topic for me...selama ini gue pergi ke event dnb di Indo, siapapun yang organize itu gue selalu notice kalau sebenernya dari segi technical or skill, our local players definitely has it even if I compared it to some foreign (dnb) DJs gig that I've been into...kayanya menurut gue pertanyaannya lebih ditujukan ke orang-orang yg punya power di dalam electronic music business scene di Indo, apa mereka dapat melihat hal tersebut diatas dan mau memberikan kesempatan ke dnb untuk berkembang? jujur aja yah kalau buat gue, pergi ke dnb gig selalu beda atmospherenya dengan pergi ke gig genre lain, tanpa gue bermaksud merendahkan juga, tapi dnb gig selalu punya sentuhan khasnya dimana orang bener-bener bisa relax en peoples could just be themselves unlike other gigs that I've been into in Indo...gue rasa di dunia yang ideal, kalau bikin gig cuman bisa dilhat dari enak atau ngganya atmospherenya, dnb udah lumayan besar popularitasnya skrg (even bigger than now I mean) cmn sayangnya yah hype, money and prestige seems to be the main concern for most people with powers in (local) electronic music business...FYI gue inget gimana berapa tahun yang lalu music trance buat most people dianggep sebagai musik untuk kalangan tertentu dan kalau orang dengerin mereka akan bilang "gila musiknya kok aneh bgt yah?" or "gila musiknya diskotik di kota bgt yah (for JKT people u know what I mean right?)" tapi liat skrg dengan dukungan money and influence dari orang-orang powerfulnya industri musik elektronik kita, who doesn't know trance? and who doesn't want to go to trance party? I hope u guys got my point dari contoh yang gue bilang barusan...but personally, I like dnb scene like it is now, where it is small yet u know that these people are the ones that really into the music and loyal to it, or shall I say that I'm just too idealist to see dnb grows too big particularly in JKT scene  8)

cheers guys...
Merdeka juga deh   ;D!! I hope Indonesian dnb scene will also progressing as Indo is growing old  :)

DJ Fresh & (It used to be..) Bad Company


All of them are good, big upz for all the local talents!!
big congrats too from me man...

it was actually DJ Jerome too that brings me to my first DnB experience back in 1997 at Jakarta, so whatever it is you really deserves this award man  ;) cheers...