udah di plan kok untuk phunktion.. mungkin setelah lebaran...
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Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: let's bring the old sound back...12/08/07, 23:04
udah di plan kok untuk phunktion.. mungkin setelah lebaran...
Main Talk / Electronic Groove's new album RECUTS REJECTS REMIXES is available on iTunes09/08/07, 16:46
Electronic Groove's latest offering is now available on all iTunes store worldwide.
RECUTS REJECTS REMIXES is a collection of b-sides, remixes and tracks that didnt fit into our last album. Created between 2003-2006, this album contain diverse style such as progressive house, house, techno and electro, documenting the evolution of ELectronic Groove from it's humble beginning into what you're familiar with today. Some of the tracks include remix version of You're So Amazing, I Don't Wanna, Tomorrow & Star Overrated, along with The Way which previously appeared on Jakmov '05 compilation and some unreleased gems. You can get it http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=261028402&s=143441 #178
Producing Music - General Talk / Electronic Groove new album RECUTS REJECTS REMIXES is out on iTunes store09/08/07, 16:34
Electronic Groove's latest offering is now available on all iTunes store worldwide.
RECUTS REJECTS REMIXES is a collection of b-sides, remixes and tracks that didnt fit into our last album. Created between 2003-2006, this album contain diverse style such as progressive house, house, techno and electro, documenting the evolution of ELectronic Groove from it's humble beginning into what you're familiar with today. Some of the tracks include remix version of You're So Amazing, I Don't Wanna, Tomorrow & Star Overrated, along with The Way which previously appeared on Jakmov '05 compilation and some unreleased gems. You can get it http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=261028402&s=143441 #179
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: Kita itu music board teraktif kedua setelah trance....07/08/07, 16:57
Producing Music - General Talk / to sample or not to sample02/08/07, 16:14
ngomong soal sampling, apa menurut kalian itu bagian creative dari music production ato tidak?
contoh... banyak yang bilang daft punk itu legendary.. padahal most of their work itu ga lebih dari satu sampe loop yang di loop dari depan sampe belakang... contoh adalah lagu "harder, better, baster, stronger" yang mengambil sample dari Edwin Birdsong's Cola Bottle Baby". Yang tau lagu harder, better... kan pasti menganggap lagu itu keren... belum lagi kekonyolan dari Kanye west yang menyample harder, better... untuk single terbarunya "Stronger" jadinya kan sampling dari lagu yang sampling.. nah kalo udah begini credit samplenya dari daft punk ato Edwin Birdsong? Jadi intinya.. apakah sampling itu good part of production or bad apple? harus diingat, kalo ga ada sampling, ga ada hip hop as we know it juga... what do you guys think? #181
gw sih selalu support..... what is a dj when they can't scratch, aite?
eh menurut kalian gimana kalo kita bikin acara dengan musik dari era golden age of d'n'b (98-2000) the time when liquid is just getting started and the minimal tech step rule the land? setuju?
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: PHUNKTION - Proper DnB Monthly !!! Saturday August 4th 07 @ WEST PACIFIK02/08/07, 12:39
jadi kan? gw bawa lagu2 era 98-2000 gitu yach..... ..
ada request? here comes.. Bambataa, Brand Nu Funk, Piper, brown paper bag, dll..... #184
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FIULLY S. aka kRucil31/07/07, 14:10
met amet deh.... success selalu!!!
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: THERAPY - Saturday 28 July 07 "Liquid Funk, Broken Beat with Jazzy flavour" @ FC26/07/07, 16:01
3+2 = 5 yaks... 5 th...
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: PHUNKTION - Proper DnB Monthly !!! Saturday August 4th 07 @ WEST PACIFIK26/07/07, 15:59
yuuuukkk... tspi kspsn kita bikin special edition ysng proper gitu?
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: THERAPY - Saturday 28 July 07 "Liquid Funk, Broken Beat with Jazzy flavour" @ FC24/07/07, 18:29Quote from: Celcius on 24/07/07, 17:56 apa aja deh... yang penting gw maen sebelum lu.... #188
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: Lawrence a.k.a. Random @ Vertigo on 13/7/o7 Audio Mekanik -- dateng doong!19/07/07, 17:11
abis lawan carl craig.... gimana ya?
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: THERAPY - Saturday 28 July 07 "Liquid Funk, Broken Beat with Jazzy flavour" @ FC19/07/07, 17:04
pokoke kali ini gw maunya maennya tukeran sama si Celcius... gantian.. gw ga mau maen terakhir lagi.... plus ntar si nomtje maennya ke kencengan lagi....
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: THERAPY - Saturday 28 July 07 "Liquid Funk, Broken Beat with Jazzy flavour" @ FC17/07/07, 15:54
jer.. ga maen lo?
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: Kita itu music board teraktif kedua setelah trance....16/07/07, 16:02
wah thread hidup lagi karena udah disalip lagi!!!!!!
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: Lawrence a.k.a. Random @ Vertigo on 13/7/o7 Audio Mekanik -- dateng doong!16/07/07, 15:56
iye.... 4/4 yang ok2 aja ga harus house.. apa aja sih yang gw suka
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: TUNE IN TO PARANOIA @ Hard Rock FM TONITE!!!!16/07/07, 15:54
baru tau tuh....
Gears and Technology / Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??12/07/07, 23:00
mau pake mac ato pc, itu kan cuma alat.. ga terlalu penting lah..
kl di mac kenapa ga coba sequence pake garage band? lumayan seru itu software dan gratis pula... #195
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Lawrence a.k.a. Random @ Vertigo on 13/7/o7 Audio Mekanik -- dateng doong!11/07/07, 14:55
Eh.. daripada bengong di rumah, jumat ini ke vertigo yuuks... gw maen nih... time to play all those non d'n'b music that influence me now...
invi ada di gw.. kontek kontek aja.... #197
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: I know we junglist are a proud bunch... artist that influence you at the moment!11/07/07, 13:47
kalo lo dengerin daft punk.. their sound 10 years ago itu sangat kental berpengaruh pada that french sound today... just check Justice dan all those stuff on Ed Banger and Kitsune
@ DTX gw nonton coldcut di spaceland, silverlake hollywood th 98 gokil.. gw merasa tua.... #198
Music / Re: "i'm listening to" RIGHT NOW!!11/07/07, 13:29
Old Yellow Bricks (Cryptonites Tease the Monkey Remix) - Arctic Monkeys
Main Talk / Re: YOUR BEST 3 PARTY IN 200711/07/07, 13:26
buset baru setengah jalan juga gitu loh...
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: PHUNKTION - Proper DnB Monthly !!! FRIDAY July 6th 07 @ WEST PACIFIK06/07/07, 14:51
ada yang mau jemput gw ga?