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Messages - guih

@ Paman Gober

boleh tw ga,.ntar tgl 18 jurinya siapa?? thanks yah!! GBU

                                              *tepuktangan* Succes 4 Heineken Thirst 2008 *tepuktangan*
Mark Knight (cant get enough of him)

Quote from: Bedjo on 13/11/08, 13:55
Quote from: guih on 11/11/08, 19:19
Alrite Gary is back....  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
Cant wait.... ;)

maen jam brp van?

maen jam 2.... hehehehe, dtg ga??
Congrats Bwat Deefo  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

harus menang ya di KL you rocks!! *bgs* *bgs*
wake up guys!!
salute 4 the VJ Team..
You guys r so good bro.....
libremotion + tinkerbell you guys rockS!!
Alrite Gary is back....  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
Cant wait.... ;)
@mr adhievizuale...
ganti ma kulit apaan bang??
so what time nih tomorrow???
@ dekra:blh tau ga ntar pas semifinal rider alatnya apa aja ya?? trus durasinya berapa lama??
              apa sama  yg di filtering event?? Thanks b4
mr adhievizuale bisa aja...
Sumantri : Kerennnnnnnnn....bikin crowd goyang terusss... *bgs* *bgs*
RPO : awalnya ok banget...tengah2 basilah...akhir2nya lumayan... 8)
Deny : Gokillllllllllll....emang Keren... *bgs* *bgs*
Bobby : engga liat....heuheuueuhe *piss*
Visual : libremotion & Tinkerbell...U ARE THE BEST VJ lah sob...enggak ada lawannn !!! MANTAAAPPPPP  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Holographic : CANGGIHHHHH !!!! *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Laser : Kaga ada mampusnya....

overall Happening... *bgs* *bgs*
best place for sunday night
Quote from: ~ Vu* ~ on 27/09/07, 13:27
Quote from: guih on 27/09/07, 11:04
Quote from: adhievizuale on 09/09/07, 21:33
PVD..... *tepuktangan* ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D aja yach...huhuhuuh....

Setuju bgt Dhie??? Wehehehehe,klo iya mah hrs Caesar tuh.... Wakakakakaka...
Bisa membludak pengunjung kampus......

Waduh Caesar'nya rebutan pastinya neh..., berantakan neh stadium... ;D

BeneR bangeT, harus di book and dibayar lunas 2 minggu seBelumnya  ;D ;D

Hmm dari laNtai 2 mpe 4 bakaL heboh..CaNt wait,,,   ::) ::)
Quote from: adhievizuale on 09/09/07, 21:33
PVD..... *tepuktangan* ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D aja yach...huhuhuuh....

Setuju bgt Dhie??? Wehehehehe,klo iya mah hrs Caesar tuh.... Wakakakakaka...
Bisa membludak pengunjung kampus......
wow.. inovasi baru dlm berjualan gear.. hihihi
air mineral & energy drink  ;D ;D ;D
Sasha + Digweed

ATB dah pernah blom sih??

Benny Benassi datang lagi donk...

D-Formation please main di Stadium.....

Ferry Corsten
Very very agree....
Line upnye mantebh dah....
Techno / Re: yer fav techno artist
25/09/07, 17:00
Carl Cox
Denger2 sukses berat... Ada Dj INdo laen yg maen juga ga seH waktu itu???
mineral water + sedikit House Pouring
Alex Morph & Rank 1 - Life Less Ordinary....

Di Bdg kaYanya Embassy or Amnesia deh...
Selama Bobby msh resident di sana, Stadium will be fine...