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Messages - mantili

Quote from: lesli on 28/11/07, 19:03
Quote from: kedondong_vibes on 31/10/07, 14:59
somebody describe himself as a truenorth :P

1) Contact-Glenn Morrison
2) Arguru-Deadmau5
3) Zues (Jay Lumen Remix)-Mike Mikhjian & Tasadi
4) Destructor (Mashtronic Mix)-Mark Dynamix & Jaytech
5) JMJ-Paolo Mojo
6) Casiopea (Jermoe Isma-Ae Remix)-Stellar Mansion
7) Gridlock (Muirs Stripped Down Mix)-John Digweed
8) I Go Deep-Jim Rivers
9) Columbian Soul (Gabriel & Dresden Tuscan Soul Reconstruction)-D Ramirez & Mark Knight
10) Infinity-Stel
11) Silver Moon (Derek Howell Remix)-Joel Armstrong
12) Heart Full of Napalm-Stel


jim rivers kewl....
kemarin malem sabtu pas di K 7 DJ Remy ada bawain 2 tarcknya Jim Rivers ...
dewa gue belum pernah lihat maen....tapi kl Yudhi tahun lalu gw pernah lihat di heineken 2006 ,,,waktu itu masih agak sedikit grogi....gw nggak tahu tahun ini....makin mateng juga kayaknya :)
Quote from: luthfi on 08/12/07, 20:59
speechles gw, bngung mau nulis apaan.
masih ngak bisa mikir sampe sekarang.

remy : MINIMAL nya beneran MAKSIMAL ! 1 jam prtama minimal, 1 jam berikutnya progre, lumayanlah.

armin : pertama2 dia mainin anthem2 buat ngangkat setnya, dan dia mainin setnya dibawah terus, disini ditahannya lamaaaaaa bgt. abis itu lagu2 standar ASOT dikeluarin.

pas udah jam 5an keatas baru nih keluar " magic" nya armin. setnya diturunin se turun turunnya ( kaya orang udah mau diusir pulang ) abis itu, DUAAAAAAAAAAR dinaikin lagi setinggi tingginya ;D

set kaya gini diulangin dia sering bgt, pertama2 sih ok-lah gokil, lama kelamaan agak cape juga dngernya, turuuuuuuuuuun - naiiiiiiiiiiiiik - turuuuuuuuuun - naiiiiiiik :-\ :-\

track2 yg gw inget :
1. John O’Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher “Big Sky” [Agnelli & Nelson Remix]
2. n.y.c - pvd
3. BISSEN - QUICKSAND ----> track jagoan gw di ASOT, kenceng abis, asli gw seneng banget pas dibawain.
4. megashira - kyau vs albert -- > g o k i l !
5. ronski speed - the space we are --- > asli pecah bgt !! track lama tapi tetep yiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk *tepuktangan*

nice and groovy set...gw inget sama statement nya dia di salah satu dance magazine jerman bahwa utk stage act harus enjoy the music and free your mind (dia pernah bilang)....he reallly enjoyed the music !!! @ Jakarta :):):)
Demo cds for the aspiring and upcoming DJ probably makes the best use staying at home or being available on the net for friends to listen.

is it pointless handing over demo cds to promoters in this era of dance music?

it seems the big nights and clubs are always looking for up and coming  Djs with a history, mainly released production / press etc.
On the contrary to the early years of dance music where demo cds were more or less a focal point for aspiring djs.
Is it hard for a young and talented Dj's to breakthrough throgh CD demo ????
salute :)

video nya masukkin you tube yach...hihihihihi
This is available for your listening pleasure, click on the link below to download.



1. Paolo Mojo and Jim Rivers - Darkplace (Feat Anton Neumark Get no sleep accapella) oosh
2. Anton Neumark - Get no sleep (Asles fully blown instrumental) Jeepers
3. Steve Mill - Ucube (Sam Ball remix) Groove collection
4. Visionary - Dizzy (Twisted frequency)
5. Federico Epis - Brazillia (Audio therapy)
6. Cou musik feat Hanna - Infrasonic (Ogi Gee Cash and Synchronized remix (Gravitation digital)
7. Underworld - Cowgirl (Tim Davison remix) White label
8. Jalebee cartel - Angels deserve to die (Blip dub) Segment records
9. Depeche mode - In your room (Mercurio remix) Cdr
10. Joey Feranbach - Ghosts (Tim Davison remix) Morrison records

live setnya di bikin cd package keren tuh sob !!!! di edit studio dulu :)
gw masih ada CD nya Curiosity killed the cat sama Crowded house mirip mirip ...hihihihihi
langsung click kanan + save as......
 big tunes with big moments(feet 4 main room), little or no subtlety.

1. Mlle Caro & Franck Garcia - Always You (Ewan Pearson Remix) [Buzzin Fly]
2. King Unique - Yohkoh (Luke Dzierzek Remix) [Curfew]
3. Trick & Kubick - Trip (Club Mix) [Great Stuff]
4. Omid 16B - MK 8 [xes On Wax]
5. Steve Lawler - Courses For Horses [Renaissance]
6. Paolo Mojo & Jim Rivers - Darkplace (Rene Amesz Remix) [Oosh Music]
7. Supermayer - Two of Us [Kompakt]
8. Phoenix - Rise Up (D-Dub Mix) [Northern Exposure]
9. Josh Gabriel - Summit (Josh Gabriel Remix) [Organized Nature]
10. Robytek - Sun (Gianluca Motta Edit) [Rebirth]
11. Dave Gahan - Kingdom (Booka Shade Club Mix) [Mute]
12. Soliquid - The Caterpillar Of The Windmill [Audio Therapy]

http://www.homegrove.1g.fi/mix/Homegrov ... maVol2.mp3

8) 8) 8)
support ko bobby, memang asli pedekar ....hihihihihihi

kayak lagunya Thomas schumacher

suara vocal ceweknya gokil banget  ;)

Debbie Harry so sexy  *bgs*
waktu Laurent Garnier maen di Embassy jakarta , di pasang nih lagu (kayaknya sih yg original versionnya )


rada rada disco electro hihihii
Quote from: jesi on 17/11/07, 23:29



MC BY LEX DMC ( M1/43 )

wah wahh... yg main drum and bass set siapa cing ?

mantep nih....

4  people dead and 9 wounded from club shooting in Carl Cox concert Nov. 3rd 2007 in Caracas Venezuela
Quote from: DJ Deny on 02/10/07, 04:49
Waktu Sasha dtg ke jkt thn 2202, gw sempet ngobrol banyak sama dia di lt3 std. Salah satu pertanyaan gw adalah soal NE part 1 ini yg gw bilang gila banget.bayangin deh jaman itu (!996),dia bisa masukin lagu jazz, klasik,breakbeat,ambient..all in 1 cd.

salute :)