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Messages - Bone

Eventnya di host PCI'ers juga. Jadi yang punya Piaggio diharapken dipake & parkirnya nanti kita sediain di depan.

Reggy...bawa ya punya lo. he3
C u guys on Friday :)

Guest list atas nama ravelex nanti pasti ada
Dave ulang tahun ke 15 ya?
Kalo udah kawin nanti jgn nakal2 lagi ya he3
Quote from: im_innu on 14/02/08, 23:34
mas bos...
kita seiman ini track listnya...
sukses terus ya mas bos...

Thank you sob.

Terutama Giacomotto & Acquavivia lagi gokil semua release mereka
Numpang nanya...
Yang 1 maret nanti Doc Martin & Soul Central nya yang main atau mereka main di Indodance Music Fest. Soalnya di flyernya ada tulisan Pre-party.
Atau acara 1 Maret ini yang Indodance Music Fest?

Anyways, big support from us :)
Nuezky... :)
Pada main di bogor ya nanti?
Ikut dong, lagi libur soalnya
Welcome to our lovely dance scene.

Inget gak dulu gue subuh2 pernah main ke tempat kalian he3.
What a random thing to happen...

Godspeed sister :)
Guest list dong Om Naro...Bisa gak? he3
Congrats Yudhi...cool, composed & smooth :)
Congrats & Godspeed to all the finalists

All the deserve to be in the final :)
Big Support for Spinach DJ School Alumni:

DJ Fabio & DJ Antonio

Godspeed, my brothers :)
Quote from: DNA on 11/11/07, 11:27
Gw dah beli....kewl...
ANyway,buat Live PA,klik yang ini,hehe..   http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=8887.0

Yang vol II kayaknya Bone ngikut nih..hehe...whats up sooob...how's life?

Amin :)

Life's been good. Pa kbr nih sob? Dah lama gak ketemu nih kita.
Yang pasti available at Spinach Store Kemang :)
Untuk toko musik yang besar kita sudah distribusi. Untuk yang luar kota kita juga sudah start distribusi juga kok. Check back aja at your nearest major music store :)

Support our local producers!!!
Lupa satu lagi... Andre from Subspinna :)
Special big support as well
Wah, banyak teman2 yang masuk nih. Congrats ya. Big support for all

Godspeed my brothers & sisters :)

PS: Especially bigger support to my fellow Spinachers:
Reggy, Kono (Mr. Rusty Guitar he3) & Resty
Thank you my brothers :)
Pada dateng ya nanti ke X2
It's that time again...Halloween Night October 31.
Let the ghost & ghoulies grace the dancefloor of X2 on Wednesday, 9pm onwards

Spinach & X2 presents Frightnight featuring Devil's Parade

A must come Halloween costume party where all the performers will wear their craziest, scariest & sexiest costume. Be prepare for X2 to be turned into a haunted house.

DJ performances by

Riri Mestica, Adhe, Sun & Bone (Spinach)
Deny (Clubhoppers)
Achdiyat (Sound Syndicated)
Ali (Sound of Zeus)
Didi (1945MF)
Debon (Electrosoul)
Cello (Vertigo/ M1/ 43)

Patricia & Arsya (Spinach)

Lorenz (Spinach)

MC by Melaney Richardo

Host by:
Alice Norin, Laudia Cynthia Bella, Dini Aminarti, Rafi Ahamad, Gading Marten, Nabilla Syakieb & many more.

Wear your craziest, scariest & sexiest costume & win prizes!!!

Don't be shy...It's time to bring the evil in you ;)

This event also in conjunction with Bone's birthday bash. You are all invited!!!
Telkomsel menyusul, secara yang bikin lagunya pake telkomsel juga. Minggu depan nati gue info lagi...
New Ring back tone code for "Rusty Guitar" & "Cloudseven" (Spinach Sampler 001)

"Rusty Guitar" by Kono & Riri
Indosat: 1100632
XL: 10110024

Also available:
"Cloudseven" by Riri Mestica
Indosat: 1100638
XL: 10110025

Tinggal sms kode diatas ke 888 untuk pelanggan Indosat & 1515 untuk pelanggan XL.

Enjoy :)

To download full length (MP3 or WAV) of both tracks just click www.beatport.com/riri+mestica
Jgn2 lo telp gue dari airport itu maksudnya mau traktir gue gitu? Tapi malu mengungkapkannya he3.
Kemaren gue mau closing party disana, tapi tutup... :(
Gokil penutupannya nih.... :)

Bday lo gue di traktir di ITC aja deh he3
Terima kasih untuk semuanya yang udah dateng ke Grasshopper fest. Thank you for your support :)
Thank you for all the DJs, MCs & VJs. Quality music & quality vibe!!! Saking senengnya gue sampe lupa  ikut beres2 selesai acara, maaf ya teman2 ku di Spinach he3. Mudah2an 2008 kita bisa bikin Grasshopper fest yang bigger & better.

Memang gue akuin, seharusnya bisa lebih packed. Tapi mungkin karena sms2 murahan dari nomer yang gak jelas itu. So no "thank you" untuk orang2 yang udah nyebarin sms kalo party kita gak aman & bakal di grebek.  Acara lancar dari awal sampai habis, gak ada "toilet berjalan" yg mampir. Aman deh pokoknya.Kayaknya setiap ada acara besar pasti aja selalu ada sms kayak gitu. What's the point?