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Messages - echaaaa

kita perbatasan jakarta timur dan bekasi tepatnya di daerah transito sumber artha

check the map please . . . . .
Main Talk / Re: ETIKA "MINTA LAGU"
01/11/08, 17:40
Andy C , DJ Hype

pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...................   mungkin ngga yah  (?)
Quote from: guntUr on 06/10/08, 16:56
cd 12" cd sleeve...

Pm Harganya dong sob

ada yang mau jual ngga ? baru or second no matter ( prefer baru siiy  :P )

kalo ad PM gw ya or email gw di : praeka_anggara@yahoo.com

tengkiu kawan2
ikuuuut dunk wisata kuliner di surabaya . . . . .
hahahahah congrats guyssssssssssssssssssss

ni pas latihannya tiga2nya sempet nongkrong bareng gw niiih ,jadi gw bawa hoki yaaa  :P weee.......

just kidding guys ,you guys earn it , you all deserve to be the finalist !!!! gokil rumus !!!

@ chiefy

smsin gw alamat2nya chief heuheu lu kan tau gw chief,wisata kuliner wannabe :p

@ mas iwan

dolly mah gw tahu  mas,menu utama daging mentah kan ;D

@36O club

cu soon yaw heuheuheu
makanan yg enak d surabaya apa ya ?? huhuhu

cu in surabaya bro n sis . . .
just wanna share a new track

DJ Echa Ft Princess Jo - Just Bounce :


Dont miss our live set @ 360 club surabaya on sat 8 nov 2008 !! cu there ...


Ps :

although that this is a drum n bass track .... our liveset is more to tech house,house,progressive,tribal and electro while our studio work is everything from dance music to pop  :)


Echa 1945mf

Princess Jo :


lampung sob ................ the best club in lampung to be precisely :)
welcome to the jungle yeaaaaaaaw .. . . . . .

warm hugs from me . . . . . sukses yaaaaaaaa
di rumah ... tidur ... sendiri .....
horee keluar juga ! ! manteb dah niii
experiment . . . brani coba pattern2 n sound2 unik,

jgn pernah nutup kuping dr musik lain krn itu bakal bikin musik kita lbh berwarna

follow your heart and last but not least , have fun !

just my 2 cents

piss yo
BK,Lisa Lashes or Yoji Biomehanika .............
any critics guys ???
mampir2 atuuuh ki........... di tungguan ku abdi nya hehehehehe
heheheheh makasih ya anak2 chemistry lab bandung .................... mampir2 lagi ya kapan2 our home is your home
mau share boleh kawan2 ?

sedikit nuansa tribal Progressive ;D ;D ;D ;D

DJ Echa - The System


kritik dan saran di tunggu yah kawan2

great job daydow !

full packed bgt ! ,great crowd !

@ herard

dasar tukang cekok lu ;D ;D ;D ;D