Quote from: Chris.M on 11/09/06, 13:03
Talking about this topic,,, apa kita harus selamanya ngikutin tren yg lagi naik disana???
Kenapa gak kita mencoba membuat sesuatu yang disukai orang indo, dan itu menjadi tren tersendiri di indo???
good point.. but also remember that dance music is universal.. and it is a global culrure.. which means global trends will likely be accepted everywhere.. jgn terjebak sama egoisme terrtitory yang sempit, like NY VS London, or Detroit techno vs German Techno...Think of how we can make Indonesian genine sounds accepted globally... like what Innerlight and Rommy is doing..
Minimal sendiri menurut gue agak "sepi" untuk crowd di indonesia yang udah terbiasa dengan lagu2 yang nge beat with multiple sound layers.. But there is still a good chance that it can be accepted.. tergantung determinasi dari para minimalist nya juga.. electro juga dulu diprediksinya bakalan susah diterima.. tp sekarang udah lumayan mainstream.. Good luck to all the minimalist.. please keep the replies inline with the topic.. MINIMAL.. we can talk about global vs local trend in other subjects... Thanks