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Messages - 1945MF

DI sini CD Bajakan gila2an ... jd download yg gratis pun masih jauh lebih mahal cost connections nya lebih mahal dari pada beli CD bajakan..
Yg ngajar Alvin ya??
Organ itu sample dari lagu jaman B1.. gue bikin jadi lagu baru.. gue ambil soundnya karena unik organnya.. yg lainnya 100% gue yg buat.. eh mau nge remix lagu gue ngak?
Electro Tech beneeerr.. good hearing jempol buat elu..
on d spot gue..
Tatar ngak pelit kok.. dia hanya terlibat urusan yg cukup rumit..ha ha ha...
Charity on d road gue bw deh cd lagi.. yiuuuukk..
Ha ha.. eh elu teteup hrs keep the "VOLTUS" joo... Yiuuukk Tatar.. tar.. tar..
@DJ Shop.. Vinyl gue yg "SOUND OF JAKARTA" vol 1 & 2 dah import belum??
ayo dong cinta pada produk indonesia... Check deh ke distrubutor elu.. yiuuukk..
Oke keep me update with the charity thing K guys..
Yg track better man is my fav now.. check it out..
Ada dong open house.. let u know ya.. b d w give me the opinion of selected track ya mas Heru.. trus gue dah liat yg Yamaha.. u got the second place at the list ... jempol !
kapan sih charity nya joo? mau gue ikut lahhh...
Ngak bisa joo.. mesti di studio beresin track buat release gue "Sound of Jakarta vol 3" karena dari label yg di London dah minta master nya .. trus2 gimana kemaren? seru joo?
This my promo's track some are unrelease and some of them are limited remixes 
For the Ravelex Team.. enjoy ;)

File 1:
File Name: Shades of Rhythm - Deep inside - DJ Romy Renegate master mixes.mp3
File Size: 5 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/tedz2y

File 2:
File Name: DJ Romy - Sleeping Beauty - DJ Romy original mixes.mp3
File Size: 3 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/rky20t

File 3:
File Name: DJ Romy - It's a good times - DJ Romy remote mixes.mp3
File Size: 5 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/2vis38

File 4:
File Name: DJ Romy - Better Man - Sound of Jakarta driving mixes.mp3
File Size: 3 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ye4mw1

File 5:
File Name: DJ Romy - Advice for the yound at hearts - Tears for fears is so good mixes.mp3
File Size: 4 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/m6g6mx

To download the files, simply click on the download links.

Cheers Guys :)
Keep the good work guys !