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Messages - olis

Main Talk / Re: Obama Menang?
05/11/08, 20:27
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 05/11/08, 18:01
I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight
and only time we chill is when we kill each other
it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other
And although it seems heaven sent
We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh
It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact
the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks
But some things will never change
try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game
Now tell me what's a mother to do
bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you
You gotta operate the easy way
"I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way
sellin' crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid,"
Well hey, well that's the way it is

tupac - Changes !!

kejawab juga nih lagunya tupac !! CHANGE YES WE CAN !!! *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

Sayangnya 2Pac telah tiada...
Flyernya ga taro di sini Tas? bagus thu, keren heheheeh..
Main Talk / Re: Obama Menang?
05/11/08, 13:44
it's okey bro.. hehehhe
Main Talk / Re: Obama Menang?
05/11/08, 13:31
Quote from: Jovier on 05/11/08, 13:19
Semoga dgn menangnya Obama akan ada dmpknya buat indonesia....



pakai T sob? hehehe
Main Talk / Re: Obama Menang?
05/11/08, 13:09
Quote from: 7 on 05/11/08, 13:06
Moga2 bikin Visa US jadi ga susah lagi :P

Biar bisa dengan mudah ya untuk menunaikan ibadah rock di AS? hehehe
Main Talk / Re: Obama Menang?
05/11/08, 13:06
Quote from: sonique on 05/11/08, 12:57
with great power comes great responsibilities...
congratz yah obama... ;)

berasa akrab bener... ahuahuahaa... ;D

pernah main bola bareng ya di Menteng? hehehe *piss*
Main Talk / Re: Obama Menang?
05/11/08, 12:56
Ya kita memang harus tetap waspada terhada segala kemungkinan, heheheh *piss*
Main Talk / Re: Obama Menang?
05/11/08, 12:48
Moga dunia juga makin aman, karena ngga ada lagi tentara amerika di luar negri....
Main Talk / Re: Obama Menang?
05/11/08, 12:35
Sorry paman, gw juga ngga nyangka hehehe.... Kita semua ikut senang donk Obama menang...
Main Talk / Re: Obama Menang?
05/11/08, 12:24
Amiiiiiiiiinnn *tepuktangan*
Main Talk / Obama Menang?
05/11/08, 12:18
Kabarnya Obama menang dan jadi presiden AS sekarang.

Krisisnya gimana donk  (?)

Komentar lainnya?
Bener juga kawan.... free entry, tapi di dalam kan pasti haus, beli minum donk...
Wah sukses buat PTLS... *bgs*
oi selamat ya!! btw itu club nguik2 apaan? hhehehe *piss*
Lg tour ke sana kah?... Di Sby bntar or lama?
Hmmm.. Udah jadi ya?... Kenceng abis.. Wah pnya gw blm nnih ;D
Quote from: RezaManifesto on 27/10/08, 15:23
Yuhuiw....cpt bngt updatenya... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
jd ga sabar ni pngen cpt2 pulang ke kampung halaman  ;D

Emangnya lagi dimana nih?
mungkin bisa diinstal flash player nya... kunjungi  website...nya... ;)
mungkin remix nya....
Music / Re: your weekly EDM chart
25/10/08, 21:38
Wah kayaknya lagi suka dengerin Anjunabeats vol. 6 or ASOT 2008 ya? hehehe *piss*
kok download not found (?)