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Messages - 1945MF

Apa y.. sampe menu makan sahur jd topik.. he he.. Plng enak gue nasi..sayur lodeh.. ikan asin belado pk kacang.. krupuk orange.. Perkedel Jagung.. udang goreng tepung yg crunchy.. yiuuuukk..
Happy Bithday ya joo.. dah umur brp skrg?? he he..
Wah wah.. kapan pd ke Kfc ya? gue lost info neh..
Wah .. wah .. lama ngak bisa buka Ravelex error melulu .. ternyata banyak topik yaa..
How was the music do u like it guys?? :-)
Guys... just back from sahur at Didi house.. Wah td session gue seneng bgt pd dateng.. ada Mikey,Sepet,Nightwatcher & Ayu,Pay,DJ Debon,Dedi & Dodo Retro,Vibe Sesson,Sultan,Firman,MC Drew,Anak2 1945MF , Trus Oki Juice yg Birthday malem ini,Erland,hmmm siapa lagi ya tadi??hmm Seru kok..
@Nightwatcher thanks for the M Donalds..
@Sepet joo rekaman yiuuuukk jgn lupa.. kl td ngak mesti sahur gue anterin elu deh he he..
@Curly Sue gue salamin besok deh ke Dade..
@Heru Iqbal Gue dah dengerin mixes elu.. boleh2 bagus! Classic disco feel diawalnya kerasa.. Good work dude!!
Quote from: dafkaf on 27/07/06, 16:27


seinget gw nih, BLISS [ achdiyat, stewart, alan, henry ] juga bikin sekitar thn '93 awal - tp lupa pastinya - hbs mrk ini pelopornya sih.. SALUTE!!!

BLISS ini dr era '93 sampe '94 konstan bikin party juga dr cilandak sport centre trus manari sampe niaga tower

terus thn '93, di lapangan golf PI juga pernah ada open air party [ boleh d blg rave kecil - mungkin? ] ; yg ngerjain RIM dulu masih pake indra namanya

thn '93 akhir gw brg romy ngerjain party d puncak - yg restoran d pesawat yg d gantung itu..

trus thn '94 brg romy & naro ngerjain party d anyer pertama kali - ini cikal bakal AQUASONIC sekarang [ one of memorable moments ya juo...  :) ]

d thn '94 itu juga anton sering bikin party brg "phil PURE" ( kalo ga salah...huhuuhuu ) d koi sama yg d cinere yah?

dan banyak2 lagi ya...

ada yg mau koreksi n nambahin mungkin?



More add history of rave:
@1993 Flight at Puncak Plane (Romy - Donny - Irwan)
@1994 Depth of the Oceans sounds I at Anyer (Romy - Naro - Irwan)
@1995 Depth of the Oceans sounds II (at Anyer Romy - Naro - Irwan)
@1996 Warp at Studio 41 mampang (Romy -Anton)
@1999 Siloutte I at Pelabuhan Ratu (Romy - Ando)
@2000 Silouette II at Pelabuhan Ratu (Romy - Riri - Boank - Naro)
@2000 Hambalang X2 Sentul(Romy - Riri - Tim Barry - Didi)
@2001 Hambalang II Sentul (Romy - Riri)
@2001 Indika Party at Indika Building (all eo together)
@2001 The Valley (Romy - Riri with almost 14 Dj's Jakarta)
@2001 The Reconstruction at Abandoned building Mega Kuningan (Romy -Riri - Dade - Jason Patrick - Tim Barry  and other dj's Jkt)
@2002 The Valley II (Riri - Romy)
@2003 Beat & peacez Skatepark Bdg (Alvin & 1945MF bdg)
@2003 Beat & peacez II at Sangria Lembang (Alvin & 1945MF bdg)
@2003 Candi boko (Riri - Alvin - Romy) i think with Advark also..
@2003 Aquasonic Depth of the Oceans sound III ( Romy - Riri - Dade plus other dj's from jkt)
@2003 Gods Kitchen at Ancol (Riri - Romy - James Sulivan with Peace Division,Armin Van Buuren,Circulation,Dylan Rhymes etc)
@2004 Aquasonic Depth of the Oceans sound IV ( Romy - Dade - Bimo plus other dj' from Jkt)
Ini yg seinget gue guys..
Layer yg gue maksud is a detail like pad's,sweeping,rools..
Voice its oke kok.. as long u not release them joo.
full support !! ;-)
Waduh .. sorry bg bukannya ngak mau tp ngurusin segini aja dah pusing he he..
@Esge.. ur track is good but just need more layer and rools inside.. nd a voice of woman there.. just a bit input.. keep the good work!!
Thanks to everybody supporting us, cheers..
Wah joo.. he he jangan ah ada lomba lagu gue he he.. its too flashy for me.. better keep it underground ya kan.. Ya udah gue tunggu remixes elu joo.. yiuuuuk
@Curly Sue.. dah gue salamin ke Dade tuh.. he he
First i need to know your real name? what gear u use (software or hardware).. kl mau remix perlu split tracknya ngak? classic disco?? hmmm komentar elu more to classic disco.. mas heru dulu tennagenya pas jaman classic disco ya?? he he
Pastinya ngak ada di Indo.. ini release di UK.. by d w thanks for the A+ Point.. glad to hear that dude.. inspiration dr lagu ini emang awan.. makanya covernya gambar awan.. he he..
Udah release di UK Sepett a.k.a Futsal.. tp belum bisa di copiin ke elu dulu he he.. sebulan deh bro.. ya.ya ?
Kyknya ada kamar mandi deh kl mo keramas ha ha ..
Emang ya break sebulan kyknya lamaaa gitu.. Tp sebulan back to DJ decks with new stuff and set dong guys.. ya kan..