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Messages - LosTSisKa


haduuhh keren,,,


ampuunnnn,,,  :-\ :-\  :P

kalo gitu next time kali ga?....hehehe
@bang tito
ga papa deh,....*kelar dirampok abis2an neh,, ama 4 sekawan badung2 itu bang,...heuehhee  ;D ;D
@bang tito
itu dia gue bingung 'girls @the sofa ' sebenernya yg mana...[apa gua kali, secara duduk nyempil di sofa?...hehhe]
Quote from: walasok on 22/01/07, 11:45

must_energic brkt
lostsiska brkt
adjie the_think brkt

gw sendiri deh jaga gawang.. :'(

makanya lo juga kalee...  ;)

ga sabar neh...  :-\

yaahhh kenapa ga bisa  (?)
Quote from: walasok on 22/01/07, 09:00
oh nooooooo.. knapa ada foto gw di situ..  :-\


anyway.. thanks for that night guys.. it was marvelous. ;)

vj-nya canggih semua.. dj-nya gokil.. crowd-nya uncontrollable.. ;D

akhirnya ketemu juga sama the honourable goldie 001.. hehehehehe.  *piss*

vjnya canggih???,,,,yg benerrrr [pssst, ya u knowlah napa...  ;D ]

akhirnya ketemu juga sama the honourable goldie 001.. hehehehehe. -->>>bisa aja situu..  :P

@sepet & disco
ayuuukkk seru2an barengan  ;)
kok radio gue kaga bisa yaaa??...   ::)
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 21/01/07, 13:44
eleuh eleeuuhh... jadinya pada gathering akbar lagi ya tanggal 26??

sonik.. jadi dateng apa engga??

ouch.. mba, tiketnya brapa sih? aku dapet diskon ga?? ;D ;D ;D

kalo emang hanya cara agar ketemu mami siska itu dateng ke K7,
yaudah... sapi insyaolloo hadir deh... demi mami siska!!
oia, demi membuktikan omongan si bibir setan tuh... katanya sapi harus dateng ke K7!
mana ya tuh si bibir setan?? :o

Sapiiiiii, kalee ini kita harus ketemuaaaannn ga mo tauuu,,,  ;)

@captain & mikeyboy
haaaalaaahhh yoiii banget...  ;D ;D
small party but gokil teteup, secara yg dateng komunitas sendiri...berasa hommy bgt!, hehehe lagian kedatangan sodara dr jauh anak2 jgj & surabaya [yah siapa lagi klo bukan anak2 rvlx yg demen party hahahha)....
so semakin rusuhhhhh dehhh.....  ;D ;D ;D

Pasukan rusuh jgj, solo, surabaya

Senyum2 menggoda para lelaki genit, hahahhaa

The ambience...

Dj Louvi 'enRoom' maen house genit2,.. ;)

TariK sobbb,,,,  ;D ;D

MuKa Barbuk, huuhuuhuu....

Euphorianya dapet deh..

Gadis 'KuPu-KuPu'.....Halaahhh,,, hauhauahauahaua...

Itu kenapa si 'PaSha UnGu' [jadi2an sih..] nonggol mulu?..

Pssttt, sob...samping noh!...ahuahauahua..

Yuhuuuu,,, 8)

Serius kali ga?,,,*vj dadakan...hehehe

yg laen silahkeun :

@the think

halaaaghhhh kok malah diperjelas....kekekekekekee...
ada lah ditungguin yeee..

husshh!!,...*mule deh ngegosip khan...  :P :P
keren sobbbb, kereeennnnn....*makin maju ye situ... hehehehe
deg'degan,...takut ama kejamnya ibukota....  ;D ;D
@bang tito
sudahhh,,,,semuanya ga ada yg dinakalin kok,...malah akunya neh, hehehehe
nyumm,,nyummm  ;)

semoga tdk ada politic of dancing,.....heuehhehehe *van dyk beunerrrr  ;D ;D
@the THINK

SALUTEE!!.... ;D ;D
16/01/07, 21:41
galau, galau.....  :-\  :'(  :'(  ::)

TIME GOES BY - Carie skipper [chill out]

Found your home somewhere
Now you've reached the end
The game seems so unkind
When this moment ends
You'll look back to see
The love you left behind

The closer the feeling
The more you recognise
Familiar, the faces
Reflected in your eyes
I'm with you, I know you
If only in my head
I always remember
(I always remember)

No more holding on
To a fading memory
Of how things used to be
Life will carry on
Love will always be your guide
If you just set me free

The closer the feeling
The more you recognize
Familiar, the faces
Reflected in your eyes
I'm with you, I know you
If only in my head
I always remember
You looked to me and said

Time goes by
From the point of no return
You've gotta be strong enough to learn
Time goes by
The love you leave behind
Builds a temple in your mind
Quote from: Papapey on 16/01/07, 17:03
Masak sih gw mau sms gini sama elo :
"Sis, lo keren banget seh.. ntar malem dugem yuk di mbc, tempatnya keren loh, ntar tak kenalin ama djna..." hahahahahahahahaha...... 
secara elo kan yang mbaureksa mbc????? hehe.. titip homebase gw, taun depan gw ambil lagi....

Huahahahahahaha, sialllllll benerrrrr....  ;D ;D ;D ;D , ...*ngakak guling2an..

halah ga juga kok...  ;) ..*gw cinta jgj kale...
aiih,...aihh papapey emang 'juara' klo menganalisa...  ;D ;D heuehheheheee
lo klo sms knapa mamer doangg yaaa,,,,*huh! bikin sirik  :P