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Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - LosTSisKa #1926
Jakarta Events / Re: Christopher Lawrence Indonesia gigs Januari 2007...06/01/07, 04:05
sangat menarik... #1927
REDMA II - 2007 / Re: Localized category...05/01/07, 01:09
hihihihihi,....*pada mamer neh
klo best local dj yah, JOGJA Nominee : *Joe Van Blade *Numan *BiLLy #1928
@must energic
bu??....kekekekkekekkee.........*msh ga ngerti jg yg "kemaren" neh, bsk dicall!..huuhuuhuu #1929
Disk Jockey / Re: DJ LOKAL D MATA GW05/01/07, 00:56
@joey & walasok
gubraaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,,,,dasar!...heuehhee @madame diskoteka KEMANA AJA NENG?????.............*kangen parah!! #1930
kewl!!... #1931
Yogyakarta / Re: "EMBASSY ULTIMA NYE"05/01/07, 00:33
Haahahahahhaaa,,,,jadi wondering aja gitu 'cuz.... " waktu luang dan dlm keadaan pikiran jernih " itu kapan ya terjadinya,,,, #1932
Disk Jockey / Re: HAPPY B'DAY TO DJ ROMY04/01/07, 12:25HaPPy BeLaTEd BesDaYYY wish u all de' best and Keep RocKS ya!!! #1933
Yogyakarta / Re: "EMBASSY ULTIMA NYE"04/01/07, 05:25
MBC ROCKSSS!!! always ya, GOKIL! *how was the book?..hehehe #1934
Yogyakarta / Re: 5tereowerk Anniversary @North Club. Sat.23.12.0604/01/07, 05:19
siaaappp... #1935
REDMA II - 2007 / Re: Localized category...04/01/07, 05:04
MAGICAL RHYTHM rave feb 25, 06 [with graham gold, remy irwan, ardi pite, joe van, chris. M.....*maaf rave sendiri paman, hehehehhee ] #1936
Main Talk / Re: global anthems ,yang di kuping loe "teteup gak cocok"03/01/07, 07:55
haaahahhahaaaa,,,,paarraaahh itu mah, the book is on the table!...*ada apa dgn buku diatas meja ya?..
Disk Jockey / Re: DJ LOKAL D MATA GW03/01/07, 07:10Quote from: DIMDOK on 18/12/06, 15:28 @dimdok jangan terpengaruh tuh ama tukang kompor disini hehehee, ntar chris.lawrence deh 'mengulang' kerusuhan di K7,... btw, bhs jawanya bagus juga tuh!, 'ingih mas, sami-sami'.......kekekekeke @dj adhie feel free ya... #1938
Main Talk / Re: RAVELEXi Diri...02/01/07, 03:21
huuhuhuuhuu,,,,icon apaaan? aja deh! #1942
Main Talk / Re:INDONESIA GOT DISCONNECTED!????[@capt.]28/12/06, 22:09
maaf ga bisa chat, tau2 dc,,,huh! #1943
Main Talk / Re: INDONESIA GOT DISCONNECTED!????28/12/06, 01:47
gua pgen chat ama lo skrg but MSN or YM kaga bs login nehhh,,, #1944
Main Talk / Re: INDONESIA GOT DISCONNECTED!????28/12/06, 01:08
gua jg ngerasa seharian ini loadingnya lama bgt,,,,baru skrg bisa...*sampe gua nyangkanya compie gua yg trouble...
Music / Re: Songs You Are Listening To, Rite Now..27/12/06, 06:58
John Dahlback ft[1]. Erika Gellermark-Nothing Is For Real (Mark Knight Remix)
Disk Jockey / Re: Oakenfold Mo bikin pilem,,,27/12/06, 06:54
hmm bener ya klo kita yg kluarin duit, djnya engga....tapi masa ga bosen sih?,.. #1947
Yogyakarta / Re: 5tereowerk Anniversary @North Club. Sat.23.12.0627/12/06, 06:43
siaappp, bebaskeunnn......*adjienya teparrr,,,heheheheh #1948
Yogyakarta / Re: 5tereowerk Anniversary @North Club. Sat.23.12.0626/12/06, 17:46
@discoterror & titosimon
senangnyaaahhhhh bertemu kalian2,,,,,*pgen ke surabaya nehhh...hehehe @walasok kok situnya ga dtg huhuuhuhuu.....foto2nya disini #1949
Disk Jockey / Re: Oakenfold Mo bikin pilem,,,26/12/06, 17:25
gua juga punyaaaaaaaa,,,beli pas zouk kmren ,,,*mamer hehehehe
Disk Jockey / Oakenfold Mo bikin pilem,,,26/12/06, 17:17
Oakenfoldnya capeee djuooo, mo nyerah aja gitu jd dj ,....ktnya lebih baek bikin pilem di hollywood,,,'cuz dianya stress travelling mlulu,,huhhuuhuuhuu....secara demandnya tinggi,, *plzzzz, jgn dongggg khan blm mampir kesini kaleee....ntar dipijitin deh!! hehehehehe "I still like DJ-ing, but travelling kills me. I hate spending every weekend in the airport. This can become very stressful." trus klo dj2 disini pd bosen & cape ga sih? secara isinya partee mulu,,,,suka ilfeel gitu ga? silahkah dibaca,,,, |