ntar malem nih yaaa,,,,,,, lucu nih,,,
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - DimsumonDLine #1977
Movie / Re: dvd DVD dvd DVD dvd13/01/07, 12:51Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 13/01/07, 08:13Quote from: secret admirer on 12/01/07, 13:49nah ini dah paling bener banget nggi , hueheuheu.....Quote from: capt. digweed on 12/01/07, 13:37 emang Ija tercipta untuk di cela,,,,, ahuahuahuahuhuaa,,, piss ja,,, #1978
Disk Jockey / Re: Apa pendapat u ttg Live DJ Ronijoni13/01/07, 12:44
behhh klo ga ada Roni semalem, apalah artinya diriku,,,,, ciamik tenan oom!!!!! hidup Ronjooonn!!!! hahahahaha,,,
Disk Jockey / Re: HAPPY B'DAY TO DJ ROMY13/01/07, 12:41
@1945MF: Oom,,,, enak sekali makanannya,,,,, terima kasih banyakkk lo.... kenyang!!!!!!! ciamik, sukses ya oom!!!
@ninbo: halaaaahhhh,,,,, lo emang klo udh jumat malem bo bawaannya mules mulu kali gak,,,, #1980
Main Talk / Re: VOTE FOR TOMMY @MEZZOTUNES 12 January 200713/01/07, 12:27
nah, berarti makan2 ya Toms, ga mau tau pake makan2 ya,,,, hihihihihi
Jakarta Events / Re: Tranceformer #412/01/07, 17:28
@Ronjon: klo k BSD mampir2 donk oom k bintaro, jmp gw gt,,,, hihihihihi
@Giri: siap Gir,,, bsk kan yaaa!!!!!! #1982
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: [Nu-Breed] take a listen...hehe...!!12/01/07, 17:24
death!!!! i like it!!!!!! fit in the peak time!!!! good job
kpn main undang2 donk, pengen liat live nya,,, #1983
Main Talk / Re: STADIUM ESSENTIAL MIX VOL.112/01/07, 17:14
yuuukkkk Ja,,,, yuuukkk!!!! udh 2007 nih,,,,, *loh????
New Year 2007 / Re: Mezzo Motion Presents Embassy's Venice Masquarade Ball 200712/01/07, 17:10
behhh kalungnya omphie cakeeeppp tuh,,,, beli dmn phie???
Hard Style / Re: Hardstyle,Jumpstyle,Gabber.....?????12/01/07, 17:04
oiya, Kai Tracid gabba kah??? bukan trance kah? (tech to hard trance), gw ada beberapa lagunya dia, i like him,,, hard but floating,,,, trance and acid cihuyyy!!!
anyway,gw jg inget pertama kali denger trance thn 2000 meski pas itu progg lg booming, tp gw jatuh cinta pd pendengaran pertama,,, bukan kontra sob, its about taste i guess.... #1986
Hard Style / Re: Hardstyle,Jumpstyle,Gabber.....?????12/01/07, 16:55
kuping gw sih nerima, tp kepala gw ga nerimaaa,,, hehehehehe,,,, too hard for me,,,
Jakarta Events / Re: Christopher Lawrence Indonesia gigs Januari 2007...12/01/07, 13:12
@blinksatan: ahhh lo sepeleee,,, klo ga "berantakan" pasti ga mau ktm,, sepeleee!!!!
Movie / Re: dvd DVD dvd DVD dvd12/01/07, 13:08
ga jauh2 deh Ja bahasan lo dr pecah ama berantakan,,,,,, ckckckckck
Jakarta Events / Re: Christopher Lawrence Indonesia gigs Januari 2007...12/01/07, 11:18
@ouch: 2 minggu lagi yak,,,, brrrrr,, aura K7 makin berasa,,,,, ahuahuahuhauhuaa iya mbak, bsk Insya Allah dtg,,,, pengennya sih dtg yg santai2 aja sblm tgl 26,,, hahahaha
Jakarta Events / Re: Christopher Lawrence Indonesia gigs Januari 2007...12/01/07, 11:06
asiiikkkk,,, ga sabar,,,,,
Movie / Re: dvd DVD dvd DVD dvd12/01/07, 09:47
gw br beli DVD:
-adrift : good movie, rekomend!!!! -illusionist #1992
Music / Re: Songs You Are Listening To, Rite Now..12/01/07, 09:38
-delerium : angelicus (andy moor remix)
-signalrunners : aria epica (bart claessen remis) -solarstone : release -orbital : halcyon on on -nitrious oxide : North pole Manstaappp didengerin sambil nyetir malem2 sendirian,,,,,,, #1993
Jakarta Events / Re: ACHTUNG!!! TIEFSCHWARZ @ EMBASSY JAKARTA10/01/07, 08:07
lets go for minimal,,,,, #1994
Music / Re: LET'S CRY TOGETHER10/01/07, 05:33
Chicane -Salwater
Leama & Moor feat. Ormandy -Distance Between us!!!! 10 ember plus satu K7,,,, #1995
On the Air & Media / Re: DANCETERIA | VINYLS - the saturday journey09/01/07, 04:57
ada rekamannya ga bay? kris?? dik??? mau donkkk,,,,,,,,
Jakarta Events / Re: :: MIMI PRODUCTION PRESENT ::07/01/07, 23:31
weitsss,,, dah lama ga liat rakaz nih,,,,, 4 dj spesial melintirrr,,,, hahahahaha,,, bahaya!
Main Talk / Re: share Your wishes untuk DANCE SCENE 200707/01/07, 22:08
all agreee Tante,,, plus, more International DJs play in here,,,,,
for number 1: more Rave,,, tentunya Rave yg aman!!!!!!! #1998
Main Talk / Re: ?????--> HOW ABOUT DJ EDIE INNERLIGHT 4 HOURS LIVE SET<--?????07/01/07, 22:02
ga usah ditanya,,,,,,,,
10 JAM JUGA GW JABANIN!!!!!!! huahuahuahuahjuahuhauhauhaa #1999
Bandung / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO -- DJ JODI EVILution --07/01/07, 08:15
Happy Birthday,,,
Best Wishes,,,, #2000
On the Air & Media / Re: DANCETERIA | VINYLS - the saturday journey07/01/07, 07:56
direkam gak??? mau mau mau donk denger,,, di upload gt, pasti canggih!!! 2 DJ kondyangg gt....