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Messages - deejay

Thanks bagi semua yang udah PM dan Telepon.......Barangnya dah Sold to David URS!!

Wait another Barang Seger from me..... *bgs* *bgs*

thanks :)
ah.....bisa aja lo jo....tarohan deh...kali ini pasti lo ga kalah cepet......krn yg jualan gw!!! hahahahaha
Guys ...numpang jual barang seger lg ni....
CDDJ 1000MK2 SEPASANG!!!  *bgs*

Scratch (Vinyl Mode)
Pitch Range 10%, 16%, Wide!!!
Loop adjust for in and out
3 Hot Cues Rec Mode
Backwards Play
Master Tempo
and much...much...more!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Dus masi ada .....tp bukunya dah ga tau kmana....skip nih bukunya!!!

Call 08164829328/02192861564
or PM me

Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat........


biasa di pake di toko buku aksara kemang sih buat nyoba2 plat...mungkin bisa dpt info dr org aksara?
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 26/06/08, 08:02
agung laris manis,,,,gw nyewa dong buat disini !!! boleh ngga? mau bikin mixtape nih !!
boleh jo....paling gw kirim pake UPS yg langsung nyampe besok......tp kalo di itung2 bisa setengah harga beli alatnya jo...huahuahuhahuahua
book for :
27 28 29 besok.....

thnks all......
masih aja usaha.....ck.....ck...ck.....ga baca rules ya!!!! >:(
dah di PM guys...please check
hmm...yg ijo atw yang item ya....kalo yg item berarti ada tanda tangan tiestonya...... asli lho!!!
thanks for DJ @khd@ for Yaris event chitos....7/6/08
thanks DJ Edo Rhythm for prom night party ......8/6/08
and thanks to Mr. Malik.....9/6/08

thanks 4 honda motor 4 launch @ wtc serpong ....
today is rent by dj @khd@ goes to bandoeng.......thnks bro..
thanks 4 dj defdi playing @ segara ancol
thanks 4 honda for launch @ sunter mall
up 4 this week..... ;D
Support buat skip jungle....
lucu....btw brp harus merogoh koceknya ni?
bukan kita yg harus ke hongkong kan..... *piss*
Quote from: colis on 17/04/08, 16:14
acara apa gung di borobudur???
tau ...road worldcup gitu deh....

this week 23, 24, 25 is booked already......
count me in......


today is booking for World Cup event at Borobudur Hotel (Flores Room)
ikutt........siapa  ya????
thanks 4 Funk....
thanks 4 honda di parkir timur senayan....utk sewa dj set for dj romy n vicky
PM sent to bur1tos....
PM Sent to SGStronic.....