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Messages - olis

maklum nubie... ;D
sedih juga amal yg dibajak...
Quote from: Ijash on 13/04/11, 12:35
gw ga ikutan dulu ngga.. hehehe..
ikut tim hore aja deh hehhee
sibuk banget ya jash? ;D
Quote from: egha on 13/04/11, 09:22
gak sabar next mixtape  8)

ya, akan ada beberapa track dari producer Indonesia yg mengusung UK Garage ;D
baru sampe intro ;D FYI: remix gw jenisnya Future Garage *piss*
I make a mix but still unfinished because I rarely live in that place. So I make the new one. This mix is about garage tunes. Enjoy.. :)


Date: 11 April 2011 (110411)
Style: Garage / Dubstep / 2 step etc
Duration: 57:52
File Size: 66.2 MB
Bit Rate: 160 kbps
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6hmd8u7d36vdkv0


1. [01:00] Submerse - Full Metal [Maltine]
2. [04:03] Silvanian Families - Sightsberry [Maltine]
3. [07:25] VVV - Linder Years
4. [11:43] Burial - Arcangel [Hyperdub]
5. [15:03] Burial - Dog Shelter (Price Remix)
6. [21:11] Price - Cosmic Shift
7. [26:50] ReSketch - Madhattin
8. [31:37] Artful Dodger - R U Ready [London Records]
9. [35:40] VVV - Back to Life [Fortified Audio]
10.[40:08] Submerse - Passion [Maltine]
11.[44:53] Burial - Homeless [Hyperdub]
12.[49:53] VVV - Project X [Fortified Audio]
13.[54:18] Artful Dodger - It ain't Enough [London Records]
I love fashion tv!!  :-*
gw mau cobain, tp ngga trance kayaknya... :D
Quote from: DJ Rangga_Electros on 04/04/11, 14:56
well I think, sebenarnya bukan dibajak sih.. mungkin kata lainnya "laku" dipasaran global dan mereka menikmatinya hehehe :P

tokia bangettttttttttttt...., :-\
Quote from: Dj R'AngeL on 25/03/11, 17:47
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

banyak yg view tp ga ada yg comment.

rvlx uda bkan tmpt buat producer x y  ;D

keep up the good work brooo!!!  *tepuktangan*

gw kan suka ngintip  :-[
yg terkahir cooly g ya?
eh mantep nih si angel!! *tepuktangan* support dah..

btw kasih gambarnya lewat attachment ;)
nice info *tepuktangan*
ok, harus ada nih info kayak gini... *bgs*
Jakarta Events / Re: Phunktion #65
22/03/11, 13:12
remixer-nya canggih2!!! *tepuktangan*
woh DJ Marky termasuk!!
Quote from: echaaaa on 22/03/11, 10:38
kalo gw di bedroom biasanya ga ngeDJ tapi........ ;D ;D ;D ;D
ngeDJackpot? ;D *piss*

@heruiqbal narasinya text atau voice nih?