Quote from: Nuez subspina on 09/06/08, 02:10
wahh...seru bgt hugos pekanbaru ternyata...
reporting SUBSPINATION @hugos pekanbaru 07.06.08 :
dj's :
Nuez Subspina
Arsya Spinach
also resident dj Deckha
the crowd :
happening bgt,penuh sepenuh penuhnya...
the crowd pumping bgt with the guest and resident dj.
the good :
all the people get fun in that party and almost all guest are open bottle
stage full of people who dancing till drop..
guest dj pump up the night..
the bad :
Nuez Subspina di cekokin tamu trz..while spining..hehe..tapi enjoy and feel fun in that night..
susah mo ke toilet krn penuh sesak..but thats the big party way goes..
special thanks to :
Mr. Arie,eka,deckha,jepank and miss vivi..
all the best 4 u guyzzz...
sukses hugos pekan baru...
di tunggu panggilan2 berikutnya guyz...
mas tinus mainnya kereeenn..!!! walopun dicekokin abis2an,tetep aja mainnya rapi crwodnya kena bgt..!! huehehehhe
full support..!!!