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Messages - bimzkee



Under the influence of Kraftwerk, Derrick May, Juan Atkins and Jeff ÒThe WizardÓ Mills, Chicago and Italian house music and the radio icons of the ElectrifyinÕ Mojo and WBMX/Chicago, Stacey Pullen was nurtured in the rich, fecund musical soil of Detroit in the mid 80Õs. Inspired by the mystical epicenter of the techno earthquake, The Music Institute, Stacey began spinning at local venues and underground parties only to chuck it for a short three years to pursue a collegiate career.Ê

Drawn back by his destiny, Stacey released his Ritual Beating System under the alter ego known as Bango. The full, resonant tribal percussion of that release opened the musical minds of others who followed with tribal dance tracks of their own. Similar to the innovators that came before him, PullenÕs first release was a big sound influencing others throughout the world.

As a result of remixing projects and a hoard of releases on KMS Records, Eclipse Records, BMG/Ariola, Buzz, PIAS/Belgium, R&S, Warner, Virgin and, of course, Transmat Records, Stacey has been in demand all over the world mixing magic on the dance floors to countless fans. His exotic style has taken him all over North America, the Dutch Caribbean, Chile, Australia, Japan and throughout Europe.

At the same time he has developed his vibe into a mixture of ambient, jazzocentric grooves. Silent PhaseÉ the signature of his first album on Transmat Records. Born under the sign of the Twins, StaceyÕs music is dual in perspective and approach. True to the pure electronic sound of the 80Õs/90Õs, he grooves with a round, heavier African bottom. Flowing from two inherent sources Silent Phase is both the passion and energy of the soul fused with the vision and expansiveness of his mindÕs eye.

for more info www.staceypullen. com

Live at Wonderbar,
FRIDAY APRIL 21st 2006

DJ HERU & IZO (Houselife)
DJ ALDO (Juice)
DJ 1MAN (Embassy)


Pre-sale Rp. 60.000,-
At the door Rp. 90.000,-

Get your Pre-sale ticket now
(BUY 10 GET 1 FOR FREE, before FRIDAY APRIL 14th)
at OPCO Office
Jl. Hang Lekiu 3 no.8
For more info call 6221 683 52003
Main Talk / Re: berita duka!!!
03/04/06, 20:30
guys.. turut berduka cita yang sedalam2nya..
semoga arwah beliau diterima di sisi Nya, dan keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberikan ketabahan..

me n electrosoul crew
hehehe... senang kalo semuanya senang... soo.. siap dukung REDMA 2006 kan??? yuukkk....
masih lama kali yeee???

siapa ndra yg kecapean? :P

hehe.. kalo gue bilang... bisa aja dije dijadiin mata pencaharian utama.. tapiiii... ada tapinya nih.. sebagai seorang DJ, lo musti extra ordinary.. lo musti totalitas disitu.. dalam hal update tracklist, bangun networking atau bahkan produce music sendiri, dll.. atau kata lainnya.. fokus lah disitu... pasti bisa kok..

nah yang jadi pertanyaan nih.. seberapa lama orang2 itu mampu berkecimpung terus di night life?

kalo di luar negeri sih beda ya gue liat, secara industrinya berkembang pesat banget n udah exist aja. kalo disini kan masih tahap perkembangan n apresiasi masyarakat thdp industrinya juga belum segitu nya kayak di luar negri.. yang gue bilang.. itu jadi ngaruh juga terhadap penghasilan para pebisnis dunia perDJan...

so.. mudah2an sih di Indonesia bisa jadi kayak gitu... Industri dance scene diterima seluruh lapisan masyarakat sampe ke pelosok2.. hehehe.. gokils kan tuh..

ya gak?
saya pingin merokok bareng Inul terus duduk di pangkuan Gus Dur

July 6th (Bimzkee)

tae ah ga asik banget hasilnya...
anjrot.. pur bahasa lo terminal banget sih nyetun... berapa lama idup di jalanan? hahaha
hehehe gawat lo jo mentang2 dr ciledug...!! hihihi...
heheh abriel kecil2 portfolionya udah banyak ya... pake acara kampus segala? preschool ada inagurasi segala ya briel??? hihihihi... benar2 anak jenius.. :P

iyah.. dikarenakan ravelex dan electrosoul masih ada ikatan batin... ceilee.. ikatan batin.. hahaha.. so.. sebagai soulmate terdekat dr ravelex... kita pastinya ikutan repot dik abriel... semuanya buat kemajuan EDM tanah air kok... nothing else...

anyway... dizzy tadi malem sinting hehhe.. kita gak nyangka sedashyat itu partynya... n buat yg udah dateng.. thanks yah... next week will be our gig on WONDERBAR... sat 8 april 06

with me, debon, vicky, Oki (Bassrush), n residents of course...

then until i see u guys ok??
Music / Re: nanya genre
01/04/06, 04:39
hehe emang bener sih kayaknya gak pantes kok di sebut house music.. jujur gue sendiri gak gitu ngerti genre apakah itu.. ada yg bilang itu ada unsur gabba nya.. hehe... tp ga usah dipikirin kali ya? karena mikirin identitas genre lagu seperti itu nampaknya ga ada gunanya juga buat kemajuan dance scene tanah air?

bukan begitu kawan2? hehehe.. peace ah..
Main Talk / Re: Umur Vs Clubing
01/04/06, 04:15
Quote from: Ninbo on 28/03/06, 20:29
Quote from: bimzkee on 28/03/06, 20:07
is anyone there could provide me a good reason for me to stop clubbing? hehehe...
as long as the music lives, i will not ever stop doin' it..

coz music is the answer right?

secara dr musik jd duit ya bim..?? hehehehe  ;D

yabezzzzzzzz???????? hauehueahueahuae... shiyt ketauan deh :P
eheheh wah paman gober lagi siwer sepertinye... hehehe 8 APRIL yang bener kawan2.. alias sabtu depan.. DIZZY semalem gokill... happening banget.. hehehe... sayang ya pd ga dateng...

anyway.. si ayu gadis yang sabar.. i'll si yu at WONDERBAR....

love u love u love u.. heheh
hush schenka.. tau apa si kamu nak.. hehehe... jgn buka forum pribadi disini ya nak...
om bima juga lagi survive kok nih buat acara2.. hehehe... tenang aja nanti papanya di ajak kok.. okayyy??? kita lagi planning buat 2006 gila2an.. hehehe.. love u schenka....
abriel.. dateng ya ke dizzy malam ini.. om debon mau traktir ulang taunan tuh hihihi... ya bon yaa???
yang lain juga mari2... :D
hehehe schenka sombong siii ga pernah ajak2 om bima ke s.e lagi... hiks2,,,
guys.. pada dateng ya.. malem ini... free entry... n lets have fun tonite.. heheh c u guys... :)
no doubt about it.. u deserve them all.. ehehhe.. congratz...
sadis lo de.. hehehe.. congratz
my brothaa.. hehehe ah sudahlah.. saya sudah congrats dia berkali2 di dunia nyata.. but why not..? once again bang.. CONGRATULATIONS on winning 2 award categories ya.. u deserve it...

love u miss u hehehe.... =D
iye mondar mandir seksi repot jo plus bingung bertindak juga... jadi dilemma deh... nah lo bingung kan loe?
lupa lo tar ketemu gue? ck ck ck...
Yogyakarta / Re: Berita Duka Cita
30/03/06, 05:40
turut berduka cita yang sedalam2nya... yang tabah ya bos...

from me an all electrosoul crew
Main Talk / Re: Umur Vs Clubing
28/03/06, 20:07
is anyone there could provide me a good reason for me to stop clubbing? hehehe...
as long as the music lives, i will not ever stop doin' it..

coz music is the answer right?
so... rayain di DIZZY ya??? sipp.. its a deal
Guys, gue debon n fadlie akan main di ELECTROSOUL GATHERING Jumat depan tgl 31


It's a free entry, minumannya juga disc gila2an... apalagi musiknya heuheuhue.... tempatnya juga enak bgt... soo... pada dateng yaa... gak usah pake guestlist2an kok karena emang gretong juooo.. hehehehe c u guys around..
Electrosoul Pres.

Friday March 31st, Dizzy Lounge Kemang


resident DJ Rhee'o

Dizzy Lounge promotions:
Jack D 350K ++, Chivas regal 450++, Black Label 450 ++, Free flow tequila for ladies before midnite, Discount 20% Drinks on all long drinks all nite long, and one more thing!! Its a FREE entry guys!!

We'll c u on the fresh n new dancefloor then!!!