sadis, juara juara semua isinya !
amarula cream enak gak yee ?
amarula cream enak gak yee ?
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - luthfi #2101
Jakarta Events / Re: CIRCUS (The Launching of AMARULA CREAM) FRI.28 MARCH 0818/03/08, 13:44
sadis, juara juara semua isinya !
amarula cream enak gak yee ? #2102
Jakarta Events / Re: PRO's PARTY feat DJ MIKE ( PUSH ), SATURDAY 22 MARCH 08 @ Centro The club18/03/08, 09:26Quote from: amanda on 17/03/08, 12:33 HUAHUAHUAHUAHUAHUAH PARAH LO RASIALIS bavo tuh orang indonesia, emang potongannya aja begitu. coba deh lo tanya peresiden indonesia dari yang pertama sampe sekarang, pasti dia bisa jawab #2103
Movie / Re: One Stop MOVIE REVIEW !17/03/08, 21:30
film kartun ini kocak sekocak kocaknya, jokesnya fresh, ngak garing, ngak ngebosenin jalan ceritanya sih agak gimana gitu, tentang seekor gajah yang nyelametin debu karena di dalam sebuah debu yang kecil terdapat kehidupan lainnya seperti halnya kehidupan manusia. kocaklah, mayan buat ketawa ketawa #2104
Jakarta Events / Re: TIESTO GOES to X2 !!!17/03/08, 19:31
yeabeeees !
ngantri yuk ngantriiii hahahaha LOL #2105
On the Air & Media / Re: DJ DQ, EQ & Eiger (M1/43 Sound) Live @ Danceteria Indika FM Sat,15 march 0817/03/08, 19:11
denger bentar nih gw jam 10an.
sound of goodbye (nic chagall drumbeat edit) kalopsia. truus lupa deh udah tidur sih gw hauhauhauhua #2106
Videos / Re: C2C ...................pure skills meets art.....16/03/08, 22:48
sadis ni emang.
ngak bisa gw dari dulu scratching, ajarin dong men ! check check cheeck check the mic yoooo ' *pake suara fred durst + dj lethal ! sadis ! #2107
Sport / Re: ONE STOP FOOTBALL16/03/08, 20:43
geblek banget yah,
yang harus diganti dimana ye ? pemain apa pelatih nih ? aaah tau ah udah gw lossin nih milan gw #2108
Audios / Re: 2008 Trance Tunes!!!! (Part 2)15/03/08, 22:39
Marco V - Dudak
not bad overall, but the sound is "very Marco v". original mix & filo and peri remix 1. Marco V - Dudak (Original Mix) (7:13) 2. Marco V - Dudak (Filo & Peri Remix) (6:21) 3. Marco V - Dudak (Brian Cross Remix) (7:07) #2109
Audios / Re: 2008 Trance Tunes!!!! (Part 2)14/03/08, 22:56
@ andika2008 : lo nyari jochen miller kan ?
kebetulan lagi nemu. Artist: Jochen Miller Title: Alive Label: High Contrast Recordings Size: 47,8 MB Genere: Trance Bitrate: 320 Kbps 01. Jochen Miller - Alive (Original Mix) 02. Jochen Miller - Alive (Dub Mix) 03. Jochen Miller - Alive (Lock 'N Load Mix) #2110
lebih nyeselan ngak dateng ronski gw daripada ngak dateng pvd #2111
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: kos-kosan14/03/08, 21:25
@ andie sanchez : tanya DANZADANZI deh, waktu itu dia ada kos kosan di daerah kalibata situ.
Audios / Re: 2008 Trance Tunes!!!! (Part 2)14/03/08, 21:06
by the way, this track is awesome. great vocals. get melodic. awesome synth. PERFECT ! all remixes are great . perfect, just like the title ! " cause youuur perfect.. " Markus Schulz feat. Dauby - Perfect Perfect (Agnelli & Nelson Remix) [08:49] Perfect (Funabashi Remix) [08:35] Perfect (Jerome Isma-Ae Dub Mix) [08:20] Perfect (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) [08:03] #2113
Audios / Re: 2008 Trance Tunes!!!! (Part 2)14/03/08, 15:12
@ andika2008:
Rank 1 Vs Jochen Miller - And Then // Original Mix & Rank 1 Mix this track is wicked sick. guaranteed ! Robert Gitelman And Michael Tsukerman - Memories Of The Future Memories Of The Future (Sied van Riel Remix) Memories Of The Future (Original Mix) Yahel Sherman - Ocean (Michael Tsukerman Remix) 01. Ocean (Michael Tsukerman Remix) 08:10 Eddie Sender - Genesis (Rob Gilterman & Mike Tsukerman Remix) jagoan ASOT nih bos #2114
Videos / Re: Ken Lee....14/03/08, 09:07
ngak punya malu ye, dasar latinos . #2115
Videos / Re: wasted japanese rave girl14/03/08, 09:04
gokil gokil.. dijadiin itung-itungan kaya komentator tinju gitu one, two three four #2117
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: dimana yah jual baju Electric???13/03/08, 22:09
ini sih udah lama bgt.
di singapore sih paling ada, fareast deh kalo gk salah. tapi gk tau deh masih ada apa ngak.. #2119
Audios / Re: 2008 Trance Tunes!!!! (Part 2)13/03/08, 08:39
i allready have it.
i tought there are another single beside : bissen - quicksand (joint operation centre remix), bass thing, and shortwave. do you have, stoneface and terminal - pictures ? this track is awesome, its the record of the week anyway thanks dude #2120
Audios / Re: 2008 Trance Tunes!!!! (Part 2)12/03/08, 20:44
puresoul, do you have Joint Operation Centre ?
joint operation centre is wicked sick #2121
Videos / Re: INNERLIGHT -Conversation With You Video Clip12/03/08, 20:24
mantep om !
btw film anak setan tuh belom release yah ? koq gk pernah ngeliat di bioskop dll. ? #2122
Trance / Re: Lagu trance yang melankolis?12/03/08, 16:32
anhken - taste
kyau and albert - always a fool motorcycle - as the rush comes michael cassete - david The Doppler Effect - Beauty Hides In The Deep (The Blizzard Remix) DJ shah feat adriana thorpe - who will find me Paul oakenfold - SOUTHERN SUN Maor Levi - SHAPES gila kalo diputer back to back pecah bgt asli. gokil. #2123
Audios / Re: 2008 Trance Tunes!!!! (Part 2)12/03/08, 16:13
fallen tides is always rocks !
CHIMAERA ! - > this is the track that ive been looking for ! thanks dude .. #2124
Sport / Re: ONE STOP FOOTBALL12/03/08, 09:03
tores oh tores. kenapa kamu hebat sekali #2125
Trance / Re: Lagu trance yang melankolis?11/03/08, 22:31
yah men susah bener jawabnya..
banyakan yang mellow sih yang pake vocal.. Cressida - 6am (kyau and albert remix) |