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Messages - Chris.M

nabung dari sekarang akh!!!! hehehehehe
Siiiipppppp,,,, akhirnya!!!
RJ = Ramuan Jamu
RJ = Rambut Janda
RJ = Rentetan Jablay (auhauhuahuahuhau)
RJ = Rambutan Jatuh
RJ = Ribet Juooo (aih maksa)

apa lagi yak??? Lanjutin dah

Huss, jgn buka2 kartu akh,,, huehuehue
auhauhauha,,, yep salam kenal juga juoo
Aih aih,,,, gimana bisa yah lihat muka ronjon terus mau pecah?? euheuheuheuheu,,,
Wah wah, yah udah lah, biarkan memreka yg suka hip-hop di dunia mereka, kita gak usah pusing2in mikirin omongan orang yg suka jeles2in gerne lagu satu sama lain lah,

Music is created to be enjoyed, jd buat apa ambil pusing lah

peace :)
Mau nulis apa yak,, bingung gilla gua!!! auhuahuahuahua,,, gak jelas yeeee :P
Chris.M - Minimal Maximal part.1 (Original)

Promosi track bikinan sendiri,, hehe
gw stiker ngambil 3,, hihi
Quote from: jelly on 26/01/07, 17:53
to O'os, Chris M, RIcco : thx for commentnya.
ada lagi ?
btw...... RJ ! kok lo ga comment ?


see u at next MIMI prod event.

siip, sama2 broo,, kapan2 kita mixing barengan lagi yaah
Quote from: LosTSisKa on 21/01/07, 15:10
ada lah ditungguin yeee..

yiuukk mariii,, hehehe
Quote from: LosTSisKa on 04/01/07, 05:04

MAGICAL RHYTHM rave feb 25, 06
[with graham gold, remy irwan, ardi pite, joe van, chris. M.....*maaf rave sendiri paman, hehehehhee  ;D ;D ;D]

Huhu,,, ni acara bikin gw kangen sama solo!!!! hiks hiks

Gw ada campuran jogja sedikit looh,, hehehehe ;D
Quote from: 1945MF on 26/01/07, 05:06
Good work Chris.. ur sound better and better now.. i want to hear the breakdown..send me the final mixes!

yup, siap laksanakan om :)
Quote from: ginalfyl on 25/01/07, 20:50
okeee,... keren chris!!!

iya bass transpose coba -1/-2... diar lebih deepp n gmana gettuuu....

siap broo,, on the process ;)
Quote from: walasok on 26/01/07, 14:45
new breed attack bukannya di jogja sobb?

dj lokal jogja:

joe van blade

:) :D :)

Pilihan yang sama,, mantap!!!
rumah kedua lo khan club ron,, hehehehheehe ;P
Gw perhatiin improvenya jelly banyak bgt,,, makin bagus mixingnya,,, keren keren!!!
wihh,, ronjon beredar bgt deh!!!! Maju terus brooo
halah, gw kirain ini thread mau bahas apa gitu,,,,
@ Walasok
Siap pak,, gw usahakan cepat selesai tracknya, udah ngebet mau mainin juga soalnya, hihihi

@ Esge
Thanx for the input broo, sekarang udah beberapa gw ubah supaya suaranya lebih jernih lagi,

Andy Moor - Year Zero
Probspot - Blueberry
M.I.D.O.R. - Amuse Me
M.I.D.O.R. - Rush Hour
Solid Session - Janeiro (2006 remixes)
Arksun - Arisen
Tillman Uhrmacher - The Pride in Your Eyes
Terry Ferminal - Nymph
Ferry Corsten - I Love you
Lost World - A Life Elsewhere
Hydroid - Atlantis
Kallafut vs. Fygle - Astra
Kuffdam & Plant - The Ones We Loved
Zirens - Edge of Space (Whiteroom mix)

You are techno!

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dua orang paling usil di dunia back to back, tar gw dtg akh,, hehehehe,, minuman buat gw jgn lupa yaah put,, :P