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Messages - RoniJoni

wakakka ngga ikutan ah..!!!!!!!!!!
hehhee gaya lo......!!!!
emang masih ada yang beli tiket ..!!!!!
hehhehee betul pak.....
dikau be2 ribut aja nih......hehehehee
gl nya pake nama ronijoni or ravelex aja sob...
wah ke club pake topeng seru tuh..??????heheeee
wah makin canggih dong....
moga2 daku di undang lagi ...heheheeeee
selamat menempuh hidup baru........!!!!!!!!!!
gw pernah naik ojek motor..coz tahun baru..macet dimana2.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: .: RMVK :. on 11/10/06, 02:33
Quote from: RoniJoni on 11/10/06, 02:21
bener dong masa sih daku boong.....!!!!!
ma siapa aja nanti..!!!!????

banyak banget booosssss ada pasukan trips dua kompi

cuma gw aja yang mangaaap
yang lain biar pada sober aja deh okeh

hehhee siap pak.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: SGStronix on 11/10/06, 02:30
hah??? ngga ngerti gw... kenapa klo buka topeng malah ngga narsis??? sebenernya yg narsis elo apa topeng sih???

hehhee hehehee jangan2  dikau artis nih....hehehee
Disk Jockey / Re: DJ KAMPUS
11/10/06, 02:30
dj gibran....!!!!!!!!!! gokil tuh..!!!!!!!!!
Disk Jockey / Re: MarQuee?
11/10/06, 02:29
Quote from: jazzymike on 26/09/06, 19:02
sini saya gigit.. dijamin nga kurang lho  ::)

ih mike genit neh...heheheeeee
flex.....dj gokil yang kurang beredar aja......
hmm srkrng lagu dikau canggih pak...
bagi2 dong.....daku mau mainin lagu dikau...
plng klo  mobil mogok baru ngngkot...heheheee
bener dong masa sih daku boong.....!!!!!
ma siapa aja nanti..!!!!????
Quote from: NinBo on 11/10/06, 02:10
Quote from: capt. digweed on 11/10/06, 01:55
Quote from: uchabanget on 11/10/06, 01:19
hi, met pagi semua numpang intro dulu nih, saya ucha anak baru disini, 22 m , bintaro. pekerjaan sementara pengajar taekwondo, pengurus salah satu partai politik berlambang burung, dan mengangur krn br lu2s dari salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di daerah kebon sirih.
im just an ordinary guy with an extra ordinary way of life, yg punya penyakit inksomnia

wah... lumayan nih kapan2 buat beckingan...  mao kan sob? hi3 ;D


hehhhe bagus lah buat jaga diri..kan di ibu ibu kota lebih kejam...hehe
apan sih.......!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehehe liat2an dong..
kan sama2 mangap pak......heheheeeee
Quote from: .: RMVK :. on 11/10/06, 02:08
gimana nih boss kalo masa dari bdg datang mau di suguhiin apa ???

hehheee bener mau dtng...???
mangap mau..????
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 11/10/06, 02:06
huhuheuheuhuehue,,, Om Ronjon ngejer postingan yaaa???? hihihihihi...

heheh daku ketauan dh....jd malu...!!!!!!!!!!hehhee
sob sabtu dngn kan..???
kan kt mau mangap bareng...hehhe
Quote from: uchabanget on 11/10/06, 02:00
thanks..., i l be there

hehe tx bro......c u @ dancefloor..!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: sepet on 11/10/06, 01:53
libra rvlx birthday bash+triple sucker...asyikkkkkk!!!

hehhe asik........makin seru nih..!!!!!

Mimi Production present : "Triple Suckerz"

Saturday, October 14th 2006 @ JK-7 Club.
Hotel Grand Flora kemang. 11 p.m Onwards...

The floor frovocateur :

Dj RoniJoni (Mimi production)

       Dj Jelly (Mimi Production)

              Dj Chris.M (Re'Works Production)

Be there!!! Let's provoke the dance floor!!!

This event supported by :
Ravelex (Ravelex.net), Re'Works Production, Mimi
Production, JK-7 Club.

Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 11/10/06, 01:42
Brangkuts Lah,,, secara Mo all Libra's Rvlx Birthday Bash bukan???? sik asik!!!!!!! tinggal mangap doank!!!!!

@ucha: brangkut donk boss!!!!! jgn lupa upeti... *loh,,, heuheuhuehuehuheuee

hahah mangap...ati2 pak ...nanti lalat lg yang masuk...
hehhe becanda.......
daku jg mau mangap aja dh...hehheee ;D ;D ;) ;)
Quote from: uchabanget on 11/10/06, 01:40
sounds great! i would not miss the party, itu juga kalo dibolehin sama senior2 yg diatas, hehehehehe, maklum msh newbie.

hehehe dateng aja pak.....gabung aja ma anak2 ravelex...
asik2 n gokil2....daku aja masih baru...hehheeeee
Quote from: guntUr on 10/10/06, 21:47
Bung RonJon,Chris.m,Mimi Crew & Jelly Maaf gw ga bisa dateng,
gw tgl 11okt mau umroh dulu ya...
sukses ya sob, di tunggu reportnya ok...

hehhe yang bener lo umroh...bagus dh pak...
doain ronjon ya pak biar sukses...hehehee ;) ;) ;)