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Messages - olis

Url yg ada di gambar itu lho..
Yang punya Echa udah punya dari dulu emang bagus.

Sekarang lagi denger punya Yoshi Moshi -  Bali in the Evening *bgs* bagus!!

Lainnya belum sempet disedot ;D *bgs*
Quote from: Jerome on 02/07/08, 15:02
Wah nda pake compressor ya...tapi kenapa mid rangenya merajai di mana2x gt...dan low/ bass range nya tenggelam...all juri say the same thing.......bikin lagu2x teyus deh....siapa tau masuk album yg ke 2...( pertama aja belom keluar hehehe) *piss*......bikin album super mario brosnya aj duls ..hehe

Ditunggu yang ke 2 ;D hehehe

Quote from: LOVEJOY on 02/07/08, 22:10
waaahhh... selamat buat DJ Echa...  *tepuktangan*  sekalian salam kenal ya...  :D ...

owhiya salam kenal juga buat DJ flame... Olisimus... dan tentunya JAVABASS... seneng bgt deh banyak producer2 bagus di indonesia....

terimakasih feedbacknya...  ;) mudah2an dengan ini gw bisa lebih baik lagi...  *piss*

Met kenal juga..
Gw ada nih daftar label trance and house. Ada tips juga bahwa Armada tuh sublabel-nya banyak, kesempatan bisa ya di sini ehehe... coba aja deh...

Record Labels
1.   Anjunabeats, UK
Send only mp3/aac files and text files separately. Do not archived file (do not zip or rar)
2.   Armada Music
P.O. Box 75247
1070AE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31 20 408 0846
F: +31 20 617 2249
General info (send your demo links here too):
For licensing inquires:
Question/problems/suggestions with the Armada MP3 Store:
Website question/suggestions/etc.:

Please be advised that we cannot respond to all demo submissions.

For bookings of the Armada DJ's, please visit www.davidlewisproductions.com or contact David Lewis Productions at:
P.O. Box 75577
1070AE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31 20 408 5238
F: +31 20 617 2249
E: info@davidlewisproductions.com
3.   Bonzai Music, Belgium
Please use our You Send It Dropbox for now with the following instructions:
-   Create a folder on your desktop
-   Create a text file including your real name, working email address and some info about the tracks you are uploading, so we can use it for future reference
-   Drop the text file and your audio files (preferably MP3 only) into the folder you created on your desktop
-   Give the folder on your desktop a proper name, like the name of your project
-   Make a ZIP file from the folder containing the text file and the audio files
-   Upload the ZIP file via the URL from our You Send It below
-   Fill in the same info as the text file as text file into the You Send It Dropbox page, so we can use it for future reference
4.   Summer Rain Recordings
For more info contact us at admin@summerrainrecordings.net
Please send demos to demo@summerrainrecordings.net
5.   Monster Tunes
For general inquiries, please contact info@monster-tunes.com
To send demos to Monster Tunes, please e-mail download links ONLY to demos@monster-tunes.com
Please make sure you include information on what the tracks are as well as your contact information.
6.   DeepSound Music
General Info
Label info
DeepSound Records
Demo submission

Max Julien
President / A&R
Nathalie Hamel
Cel.: 514-942-4851
MSN: hamel_nathalie@videotron.ca

Mantap Chris!! *bgs*
Kemana aja loe? Hehehe.. Kirim aja coba..
Sekali lagi selamat deh buat Echa!..
Selamat buat Echa.. Makasih juga buat masukannya. Emang gue belum puas dengar mix kami.. Ada versi lain dan lagu lain namun belum selesai juga, hehe..
Oke nanti tak add deh. Add myspace ku ya, http://myspace.com/olisimus thanks..
Yo i.. Female vocal trance-nya keren! Os, Just One Night nya baru dapat intro doank, hehehe..
Salah kamar kale... *piss*
ok ok...  kadang ada yang lebih nomor satu sih dari pada music hehe *piss* ditunggu... nanti kalau kondangan soundtracknya Hujan Gerimis ye!!
Keren pak, myspace nya udah aku add.. ;)
Nice remix!! *bgs*
Bro Nofty ada remix terbaru ngga? Ataua malah original mix?
Wah dibikin versi plat juga kah? (?)
Does It Offend You, Yeah? gokil juga tuh.. Kirain judul lagu ma title nya kebalik ;D
Emang ada versi DNB nya yah? boleh denger dimana nih?
Kalau bawa plat berapa peti? huahaha... berat bet bro... satu koper aja cuku pkali, pilih aja yang kira2 baru dan mau diputer aja..
Quote from: Gober on 26/06/08, 08:59
sedikit kritik, kenapa flyernya kayak tiesto ya???

Iya mirip..

anyway tiketnya berapa nih?

udah deadline nih, dan aku ngga bisa selesaiin satu track lagi... :-\  ada kabar baru kah?...