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Messages - dark bark

1. Tiefschwarz - Ghostrack (Shonky Remix)
2. minilogue-seconds_(gabriel_ananda_remix)
3. Camille - ta_douleur_(henrik_schwarz_vocal_remix)
Body_language_vol._4_compiled_and_mixed_by_Dj Dixon
time wrap - mixed by loco dice

biarin tracknya sampe abis, trus sesi tepuk2 tangan... baru ganti deh,,:)
Bandung / Re: Dj tanpa alat
20/03/07, 18:32
beli alat mah no 2,, yg penting beli plat2 nya dulu..
kalo bikin podcast aja gmana? gak ribet dengan copyright2an.. asal ada jatah space.. spertinya jauh lebih mudah drpada online radio.. berhubung internet di jakarta agak lamban,, menurut gw podcast lebih cocok deh,, MAYBE...?? :):)
gw chill nehh..
Quote from: capt. digweed on 17/02/07, 22:42
Quote from: dark bark on 17/02/07, 19:23
nyesel banget gak bisa liat.. huhu.. apa daya...

om dark bark...
situ mestinya dateng he3

kan jago nya minimal ... jadi gue kemaren bisa langsung nanya judul2 lagunya dah...

abisan  kemaren taunya lagu "AME - rej" doang :P
itu juga udah sukur bisa ngasi tau ke yang laen... hihihi
sisanya bingung  ::)
mao nanya ke dj nya tengsin  :-[

nanya ke anak2... bilangnya... " ahk gue taunya cuman YEAR ZERO doang ja! "

wakwkawkakwka  ;D
ahaha, siap, nanti "kalo" ada party2 minimal lagi i'm standing right next to you,, kita tebak2an judul.. hehe
btw, Year Zero apaan ?

nyesel banget gak bisa liat.. huhu.. apa daya...
kalo ada kesempatan liat ewan pearson,, jangan sampe lewat deh..life time oppurtunity...:)
wah bagus banget nih... i had good sleep last light... gw punya masalah imsomnia yg cukup tinggi.. dan semalem gw bisa tidur enak banget... this is great... thanks tante...
19/01/07, 06:38
1. Gustav - little weird grrl
2. the knife - marble house
3. slank - jerry preman urban..,,
1. Gustav - We Shall Overcome
2. Montagskino - Fear And Loathing In Der Kleinraumdisko
3. Alpha Blondy - Papa Bakoye
kalo yg vol 3 modelnya beda sama yg vol 2.. tiap volume beda2 stylenya
vol 3 lebih eclectic, lebih danceble (tapi tetep minimal)
kalo flownya perfect banget,, awal2nya lagunya dub2 gitu, trus building sampe acid minimal gitu2..
moodnya dark & dancey,,, unik...
if u like deep house, u might love it
8/10 (menurut gw)
Sci-Fi Hi-Fi Vol.3: Mixed By Alex Smoke - Soma
setau gw juga electro disco2 gitu..
Kraftwerk = Pioneer.....
Quote from: Ian on 07/12/06, 18:13
imo, the term "Intelligent Dance Music" (IDM) is pretty stupid (no pun intended).
First off, How can music be 'intelligent' ?  Well Ok, I do know that the term may have been partly invented in referenced to Warp Records' Intelligent Series in the 90s. Even Aphex Twin himself refused to call the types of music he made 'intelligent'. I also personally don't like the term as it sounds elitist.
Second, most IDM is hardly danceable if not at all. If my memory still serves me well ( god knows what kind of damage those substances have done to my grey cells :) ), in another thread about lounge music, Gober excluded Buddha Bar music from what count as EDM because you don't really dance to Buddha Bar music, hence by definition Buddha Bar is not EDM. Putting the same logic to use,  the word "dance" for IDM is almost meaningless if not a misnomer.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all IDM indiscriminately ( hate is too strong a word, 'dislike immensely'..maybe :) ), but sometimes a lot of random glitchy, whoopy, noize sound just can be a bit too much.

imho,  minimal/micro house and minimal techno is NOT IDM, as they have 4/4 beats/ kick drum in them.  So please, do NOT lump them together as sub-genre of brain aneurysm-inducing IDM. I personally like many minimal house/techno songs, but my favourite has to be those produced by Richard Villalobos, as they have really booming basslines and some pretty sequence of clicks and pops. Oh, and Villalobos' music are highly danceable compared to other minimal house tracks ( hey, I Love dancing ! ;) )

strong argument man... :) :)
please deh nama acaranya.. hehe
soulseek sih menurut gw udah paling bagus..
wah sayang banget, online shopping sob..!
thx guys,, gw cuma pengen semua orang suka dan dengerin minimal, so we can dance in the same beat..
pokerflat vol 5 udah keluar sob,,, yg cd bonusnya di mix sama martin landsky,,,, must have,,
buat yg tertarik untuk donlot2 mixtapes dari dj2 terkenal, (mostly techno, minimal, electro, house)


moga2 berguna...  :) :)
@danzadanzi... pa kabar lo? udah mulai nih sekarang ngeindomie2 lagi.. hehehe...
genrenya minimal,,
Fabric 31 sees Italian techno legend Marco Carola conjure some deep, luscious grooves from the widest expanses of the minimal techno genre. From the swagger of infectious tech-house to bumping freeform cyber-funk, this slow seduction is a hot late-night soundscape stripped down to the bare essentials. As a techno producer Marco Carola has often been compared to such contemporaries as Jeff Mills and Richie Hawtin. This mix includes new and exclusive tracks from some of the most upfront and celebrated electronic music producers of the moment, including Alex Smoke, Audio Werner, Marc Houle and Paco Osuna. In Marco Carola's career, spanning over a decade, he has never before released a mixed compilation CD - this is his first!
Fabric 31. mixed by Marco Carola..
Gabriel Ananda - Java Medan