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Messages - Bagong Digital

About Oliver Huntemann:

DJ Oliver Huntemann has been there since the beginning. Brought up in the North German countryside, Oliver was once in the German navy for six years, where he learned how to be an electrician. But the military drills and discipline couldn't keep him from spending all of his money for records and going to parties.

Huntemann started organizing his first techno parties in the late eighties. His first project Humate released their first record in 1992 on the cult label MFS, the first of many records and projects. He's released on Confused, Spezial Music, Toscana, Alphabet City, Gigolo and Giant Wheel not to mention his own labels.

Recently Huntemann has built the Super 8 Studio together with Stephan Bodzin, with whom he releases under the "anonymous" banner of Rekorder. He also releases on Dance Electric under his own name. For the first release he teamed up with Get Physical's Chelonis R. Jones. Slightly dark and 80ies influenced Electro tracks are what it's all about.

For more info about Oliver Huntemann, please visit:

here we go again...,

DJ Dimitri & Bagong Digital Presents

Bagong Odyssey With DJ Dimitri Podcast Episode 017

Guest Mix: Oliver Huntemann

H-3 Recordings / Germany


"Oliver Huntemann aka H-Man from Germany strikes down his killer techno live sets on this episode,be sure to not miss this one out!!!"

Click this link below to subscribe & download on your music player:


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As usual...feel free to add comments & feedback of this podcast show!!!

Keep It Loud & Underground,

DJ Dimitri

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
mari....mari....kita ramaikan!!!be there guys!!! *tepuktangan*

@chokdee:met kenal ya bro... ;)
siappp pak & bung mar...tengkyuuu for listening!!!  ;)
yang paling atas emang paling wahid studionya n gak lupa dinginnya kayak didalem kulkas hihihi.... ;D  *piss*
yoi bro mari kita bertembang kenangan wakakakkakka...."choices of classics" emang ada tiap tahun bro n emang bagian dari program acara bagong odyssey..

tracklist menyusul ya hehhehe  ;)
DJ Dimitri & Bagong Digital Presents

Bagong Odyssey With DJ Dimitri Podcast Episode 016

Choices Of Classics


"Choices Of Classics is back again this year on Bagong Odyssey, featuring the finest selections of the past stark raving underground tunes, Exclusively mixed and compiled by DJ Dimitri!!!"

Click this link below to subscribe & download on your music player:


Or for the direct download, just paste this link below to your browser:


As usual...feel free to add comments & feedback of this podcast show!!!

Keep It Loud & Underground,

DJ Dimitri

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
waduhh sendspacenya ga bisa terus nih brro....meski cuma denger imeemnya aja tapi ini bakal bombastis sepertinya.

the pad,melodies & synth reminds me of the space manouver's classic track!!

cristo & teeyo, i've gotta give it to you guys....this track is a wicked one!!!!!!  *bgs* *bgs*

big support from me  ;)
wahhh ini niy....its getting better n better all the time bro...this chapter is a great one!!!  *bgs*

track nomer 1......aduhhhaii sepoi2 vocalnya marie brenhan... ;D
ini baru namanya bener2 master nih....jelas gak boleh dilewatkan yang satu ini.....one of the renaissance legendary artist!!!!!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

fantastic sets from myra!!!!!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
guys...big thanks for joining us last night....what a night   :)

ps: my ear still buzzing... ;D
cant hardly wait til next week! be there...be square guys!!!!! see u on the dance floor  ;)
@nick n fiona: dateng ya kawans....nanti kita seru2an deh hahahaha  ;D
woowww sundaze goes to jogja nih...mantabbsss!!!!  *tepuktangan*
wowwww congratulations my bro fanggy!!!!!!!!!!!sukses terus bro... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
@R.Angel: Yo tengkyuuu broo supportnya...sukses juga buat productionnya  *bgs*
@mario: hahahhaha my buddy bung mario....mohon kritiknya nih sebagai pengamat underground EDM senior  ;D ;D THANKSSSS
yooo guys tengkyuuu ya semua supportnya....hopefully you all enjoyed this releases!!!

@ardigo: big thanks for the amazing remixes bro...i knew u can do it!!  *bgs*
@acid: yooo pak....thats right ardigo is the man for the right job indeed!!!  ;)
@teeyo: tengkyu bro...anda jg makin canggih bro   :)
@nick: wuiittss blm diumpan silang..dah disundul dulu nih  ;D & thanks bgt ya bro
@foo: tengkyu bro supportnya, oya lagu dah diterima...i'll get back to u soon and i will let u know what i think...ok

Out Now!!!! DJ Dimitri - Starry Skies EP (Inc. Ardigo Yada Remix)

"Melancholic melodic key changing groove that builds into a thunderous dark bass driven. While on the other side, Ardigo Yada turns this progster track into an euphoric Trance anthem winner!!!!"

Keep It Loud & Underground,

DJ Dimitri

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
I gotta say "A Night In" is a very nice compositions track,darker strings, warm pads, also its a bit more deeper and melancholic tracks that i always interested into.

anyway, real good job bro..you gotta keep it up!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
owww pantesan kemarin gak balik2 lagi keatas hahahahhaha  ;D ;D
@nick: makin berkibar aja bro...besok dengerin ahhh..maen yg bagus ya den bagus!!!  ;D

@oos: keren os acaranya...keep it up bro!! *tepuktangan*
Quote from: Mario 78 on 18/06/09, 15:23
OK BGT #15-nya... *bgs* 8)
siappp pak mario...btw kemarin kok ngilang kmana mas???  ;D ;D
wowwww nick merapat ke timur nih.....sukses ya bro...salam buat arek2 surabaya  *tepuktangan*

ada joey juga nih...bakal seru pastinya!!! fully support guys   ;)
wah ini nih....future sound of quality trance or as i say "magic sounds"!!!!!  *bgs*
track no. 2 bahaya tuhh hehehhhe...keep it up the good work bro  ;)

wakakkakkakka ok pak...diisi dulu ipodnya mumpung masih baru  ;D sama dengerin podcast sambil menikmati album kenangan wakakkakakakakkakkaa  ;D ;D
Quote from: nickvan on 14/06/09, 04:06
another massive episode  *bgs* *bgs*

sesuai slogan nya : YANG PENTING RASA NYA BRUR  :P
siapppp hahahhahha....itu slogannya penuh arti brur  ;D ;D