Hi Guys ,
For sale 2 (pcs) of Allen & Heath Xone 92 Dj Mixer.... Brand New / In Box
Price : Rp 10 Juta..Nett / pcs
For sale 2 (pcs) of Allen & Heath Xone 92 Dj Mixer.... Brand New / In Box
Price : Rp 10 Juta..Nett / pcs
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - Dj Naro #226
Gears and Technology / For SALE DJ Mixer ALLEN & HEATH XONE 9230/06/06, 00:24
Hi Guys ,
For sale 2 (pcs) of Allen & Heath Xone 92 Dj Mixer.... Brand New / In Box Price : Rp 10 Juta..Nett / pcs Cheers Naro #227
Trance / Re: Menurut Lo..Kasih Masukan Ya..15/06/06, 20:08
Hey Guys ,
Jam & Spoon (All time fav.) , Paul Van Dyk , Speedy J , Cygnus X and Blue Amazon to name afew..... These are Trance Hero 12 years ago and after i heard many Trance Dj playing this days,,,menurut gue yg Tetep Pure Trance PVD , Solar Stone @Kaliurang , Agnelli&Nelson Two tribes Bali....Pastinya banyak bgt tapi menurut gue yg Rootsnya solid mereka2 diatas ini...Journeynya Canggih! Not Uplifting , Euro Trance , Prog Trance dll.... But once again my oppinion base on what i c and heard....Dan kalo soal sub Genre dari Trance itu sendiri kan tergantung kalian masing2.... Cheers N #228
Trance / Re: Prospek Trance ke depan di Indonesia ?15/06/06, 19:56
Hi Guys ,
____ Music speak in thousand language____ (Dr Motte) The Creater of Love Parade!!! So my oppinion Whatever the genre is , Music will never die... Love & Respect N #229
Main Talk / Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!12/06/06, 12:14
Hi Guys ,
Thanks dah pada doa'in......well gw jg pastinya berharap ada Sponsors yg tertarik karena menurut gue Sangat menarik kok kalo dgn line up seperti ini dan ada Brand luarnya jd bisa Festival yg kita mulai dari siang.... But once again finger cross....I dont want to promise things first until everything is settled... Cheers N #230
Main Talk / Re: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KE 10 Untuk ORIGINAL NARO...!!!!06/06/06, 20:31
Hi Guys ,
Thanx a lot for the greetings =) Once again We never be where we are today without you guys...Your support , critics , Advise..........Always accepted by us to Improve ourself to be one of the best among others... Well We c u @ ON D'Decade at MBC this Friday!!! It's been Ten wonderful years and Now its the Time for my Lovely Member Joyo , Dimdok , Arthur & Hendrew to Rise and Shine like all the other Good Dj's in our Country>>>> Love & Respect N #231
Main Talk / Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!02/06/06, 09:56
Hi Sticky fingers....
Boleh juga infonya..hehe...Well kalo ga pake lisensi dan bokknya satu2 mungkin sulit ditanggal dan Dj's fee yg akan sangat mahal , Tapi kalo package dgn harga yg reasonable kan lebih ok gt..... Thanks for the input and btw masih ada 8 mpe 10 nama lg kok , itu kan nama2 yg sudah confirmed...but once again finger cross!!!And Hope the Sponsors will be see this project in Great way as its one time opportunity.... Cheers N #232
Main Talk / Re: What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!31/05/06, 19:14
Hi Guys ,
Great response... =) Finger Cross aja...!!! No further comment rite now , just wondering if its happen in Jakarta! Thanks for the reply.... Cheers Naro #233
Main Talk / What do u think if there's a festivel like:::::::::::THISSSS!!!30/05/06, 22:42
Festival with line up like THIS >>>>>>>
- Basement jaxx (Live) - Pete tong - Bob Sinclair - Marco V - Jacques Lu Cont ( Thin White Duke) - Ferry corsten - Gabriel & Dresden - Nick Warren - Seb Fountain - 2 Many Dj's - King Roc - Adam Freeland - Evil 9 They united at One festival down here....What do you guys think???Share your oppinion...Thanks #234
Disk Jockey / Re: Naro di Kompas...25/05/06, 22:22
Hi Guys ,
Thanks atas inputannya....Pastinya masing2 punya kesimpulan sendiri kok atas apa yg gue sampein dikompas karena apa yg gue sampein adalah in global way...! Well mungkin aja disini gue bisa jabarin point gue lebih jelas >>>>> Drugs , Prostitution and gambling ga akan pernah bisa hilang kok didunia ini , tapi ga ada salahnya kan kalo bisa direduce , Kan Cape juga kan kalo dunia entertainment ( Clubs) selalu dibilang sarang peredaran narkoba dan selalu menjadi target...(Kita kan mesti mikirin juga orang yg cuma mau enjoy and not using anything tapi kena pemeriksaan dll , acara dihentikan sejenak dan Akhirnya impact ke Dunia Pariwisata Indonesia secara umum) Gue ga pernah larang orang yg using drugs karena itu adalah hak mereka yg mau mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya (Mereka yg cukup umur) , Tapi gue sangat prihatin karena banyak user yg dibawah umur,,,If you have kids , you'll agree with what i said at Kompas.... Rave diluar negeri juga pasti ada user tapi kalo gue perhatiin sudah ga seluas dulu kok , maybe just around 20%- 30% dari sekala party yg dateng mpe 100rb org...(Im pretty sure they came for the dj and the music) Sekarang juga sebagian rave party diluar negeri sudah mulai ga boleh rokok dll.... Mudah2an apa yg gue sampein bisa diterima dengan besar hati dan diambil Hikmahnya..Thats all , nothing else.... I've been there and im not denied it , But now even we stop but still most of the people accused the Dj and the music that responsible for the growth of drugs..I just share my oppinion to d public and hope they can see us in possitive way !!! Cheers N I did appreciate the critics and advise from my friend in this forum and once again thanks for the support!!! #235
Main Talk / Dj Naro Six Hours set @ Embassy Coming Soon!!!22/05/06, 17:16
Hi Guys ,
I'm gonna be spinning for my annual 6hrs set @ Embassy on June 9th 2006! Conjunction with Original Naro 10th Anniversary => DETAILS COMING SOON>> Cheers Naro #236
Clubs / Venues / Re: Elements of good club17/05/06, 01:07
Semua yg temen2 diatas sebut tapi yg lebih penting lagi Exhaust........
Jakarta / Re: www.akhda.com [news] Sasha & Digweed DVD08/05/06, 12:05
Great DVD.......
DiJuno ada kok.......well its great performance by both of them....Strictly about the music of the both Great Dj's that responsible of the growth of House around the world back in 93.. Boat partynya awesome bgt dan yg pasti mostly dari semua party2 mereka Crowdnya SOBER! Hands in the air and dancing the whole time as long as their are music , not just when u get a break.... Cheers N #238
Disk Jockey / Re: >>>>> back to soul of naro <<<<<<07/05/06, 22:50
Hi Towards Omega & All the guys that replies this copic...
Many thanx for the support all this time!I wouldn't be where I am today without you guys!!Thats the fact! Well For Towards berarti ngikutin gw dari gue Main House yaa back in 93 to 95,Then Deep Trance and Progressive around 95 to 97,then 99 to 01 Filter Disco,Classic House & Tech House , 01 to 05 Prog Trance and techno , 05 to 06 back to House.. Basicly kalo loe dah ngikutin sekian lama pasti loe tau kok kalo Musicality gue ga pernah berubah walau Sub genrenya berubah..Gw tetep konsisten dengan element keyboards , Groovy bassline and sum vocals... Kalo bicara electro sebenarnya kan hanya sebuah element music yg sebenarnya sekarang hampir ada disemua sub genre ( Sub genre - karena Induknya tetep house) . Dan gue memang maen electro hanya around 6 months buat transisi dari prog ke house lg karena memang gw mau konsentrasi kesitu.. So if you listen my music lately sudah jauh lebih keHouse & Tribal,Gue dah hampir ga mainin electro lg kok... n my mind dah kepikir kok untu bikin satu brand party yg mungkin hanya 1bulan sekali dimana gue maen Prog Trance ,,Jd special nite gt hanya belum ketemu tempat yg pas aja. Well sekali lg thanx inputannya dan wish it will happen soon...K Guys.. Cheers Naro #239
Jakarta Events / Marlboro & Original Naro Presents......05/05/06, 01:06
MARK JAMES JAKARTA TOUR! Saturday Mat 20th 2006 @ New Embassy & Wonderbar starts 10 PM Onwards @ New MBC with the line up Joyo (ON) Dade (1945 MF) Mark James (Two Tribes - Australia) Naro (ON) 1man & Irwan (Resident) @ Wonderbar Double Dee (Advark - Bandung) Dimdok (ON) Arthur (ON) Hendrew (ON) Miko (Resident) Promoted by ORIGINAL NARO Fully Supported By MBC * WB * CLUBHOPPERS INDIKA 9160 * FREEMAG C U Guys........... #240
Jakarta Events / Re: ELECTROSOUL 3RD ANNIV. - TRINITY - DAY ONE05/05/06, 00:47
Yo Guys...............
Happy 3rd Anniversary yaa.... Semoga tambah maju dan Sukses untuk kalian semua!Salam buat Blanco juga.... Sorry kalo absen yaa , Gw diBali Juoo....... Cheers N #241
EMBASSY PLAYGROUND / Re: EMBASSY PLAYGROUND 2006 annual music festival27/04/06, 02:06
Donald Glaude niy......Always hot spotted every year at WMC.... Rabbit in the moon...Greatest performer!Legend... Lots of quality Artists..... Good luck MBC..... Cheers N #242
Jakarta Party Report / Re: STACEY was NUTSS!!!!22/04/06, 14:42
Could't agree more.....The most impresive skillfull Dj with his Detroit sounds! I never seen Dj as good as him!!! The best nite so far on 2006! Cheers N #243
Disk Jockey / Re: NARO TURU WAE NANG OMAH18/04/06, 22:18
Hi Guys ,
Thanx for all the comments , Critics and counter....Gue selalu appreciate input kok..Well gw rasa semua Dj jg pasti ada formnya dan kalo ada yg ga suka sets gue diGWK pasti ada jg yg suka begitu jg sebaliknya.. Kalo soal track Nirvana buat gw adalah salah satu remixan rock track terbaik yg pernah gw denger karena unsur originalnya dan Nick K yg remix lg tersebut jg remixer House yg canggih , Partnernya Sharam jey... EDM adalah hal yg Universal jd kalo mau komentar mungkin pakai bahasa yg Universal jg dan berhubungan dgn EDM . Thanx for the Support...Love u guys Cheers N #244
EMBASSY PLAYGROUND / Re: EMBASSY PLAYGROUND 2006 annual music festival12/04/06, 17:14
Congratulations to MBC playground ,
Hope and wish this party will gonna be the comeback of the Underground House scene again... Fresh Music , Fresh vibe ! Hope u guys will stick with your concept just like FABRIC that focus and consistent with their policy of Music! It's all about the music!And share to the people that understand and appreciate the music as we appreciate the Crowd all this time! Cheers N #245
Jakarta Events / DJ NARO @ WONDERBAR TONITE!!07/04/06, 13:29
Wonderbar & Freemag presents
Countdown to Re Opening Embassy 2 in Conjunction with PURE and Tokyo Disco Pre Party TONITE!!! @ Wonderbar : Dj Naro Exclussive 3 Hours sets Irwan 1man Miko @ TERRACE Windo (SOZ) Shary (SOZ) Cello (M1/43) Electroboy (M1/43) And MC by Lex d ' mc (M1/43&Clubhoppers) Visual by M1/43 Digitalized Supported by LG Mobile M 6100 , MBC , WB , Freemag , Jak TV , Indika Clubhoppers , Original Naro & Sound of Zeus #246
Main Talk / Re: CONGRATULATIONS NARO!!30/03/06, 21:41
Thanx guys ,
Well the awards are for all the people that support me all these years includes My managament,Crowd,Clubs,Sponsors,Media partner and all the Dj's that share the decks with me.. I would like to congrates to my fellows that received an awards too....This is not a competition but it is a great appreciation by the people that care for us and the scenes and its fun to c almost all the dj's came last nite.... A bit rainy but the party still going well......Success for Ravelex!And for the crowd..Keep on rockin!!! Love and Respect N #247
Main Talk / Re: Fenomena "menjamurnya DJ di Jakarta n Kota-Kota Besar"26/03/06, 23:33
Hi ,
Great topics!!!Gw rasa Nubreed2 yg sekarang bermunculan merupakan bagian dari evolusi itu sendiri , soal yg ikut2an ato yg serius itu hak mereka masing2 but the basic of this profession kan is How big your passion , love and respect to the music itself dan gw rasa kalo konsep mereka diluar konteks ini ya mereka bisa tenggelam tp jg bs aja tetep besar ato terkenal tapi belum tentu satisfaction utk dirinya bisa sama seperti org yg emang respect , love and have a big passsion for the music.. Kalo soal nubreed2 yg sekarang bermunculan , gw rasa itu merupakan hal yg sangat positif buat scenes kita yg berarti begitu bnyk yg interest dgn Dj profesion and dance scenes tapi jgn lupa kalo yg menentukan who or how you gonna be in the future is The Crowd , the venue , The music and urself for sure! Well support all the Nubreed dj's that seriously doin their job and working hard for themself! Love & Respect N #248
Jakarta Events / Re: Harga Tiket nya Tiesto10/03/06, 23:56
Hey guys ,
Buat perbandingan aja...DiKL next week Tiesto at F1 sirkuit sepang ticket 80 ringgit ( around 180.000 rupiah) plus first drink! Cheers Naro #249
Main Talk / CHRIS LAKE08/03/06, 00:21
HI guys ,
Would like your oppinion for Chris lake who just did a massive hits " Changes" that had been played around the world by big name Dj's... Cheers #250
Main Talk / Re: TurnTable ato CDJ... mana yg terbaik..?01/03/06, 23:33
Great topics...
Hi Guys........... Dah lama juga ga share oppinion nich.. Gue setuj sama temen2 semua diatas.....ada positif dan negatif , ada efisien tapi juga kurang kualitas dan gue sendiri adalah org yg sangat anti dgn cdj sampe pada 2004 akhirnya gue setuju menggunakannya sampe sekarang. Yg pasti untuk gue kelebihan cdj adalah kita bisa go forward lebih dulu dan bisa lebih update track2nya sebab yg pasti sekarang semua producer sudah tidak perlu kestudio untuk matering dan dipress kevinyl spt dulu...Sekarang semua dibuat dicomputer dirumah dan dimastering dirumah dibounce keMp3 audio dan dibagi2 CDR untuk disosialisasikan dulu lagu2nya sebelum dicetak kevinyl. Yg pasti kadang baru setahun kemudian dicetak tapi bisa juga sebulan kemdian but mereka sudah lebih dulu muter lagu2nya dgn CD. Jadi kalo mau go forward ya mungkin use cd but tetep belanja vinyl kali....kalo lagunya emang pantes untuk dikoleksi. Cheers Naro |