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Messages - Dree_

dateng ahhhhh,,,,house rules 2007
hihhihihi,,,kita telanjang malah mbo,,,,,walaupun badan tidak sekekar rambo
everything started from Dreams,and Dreams will be happen when u start to trying hard....

This is our Dream

This ia DreamHouse Dreams

pakabar host kondang?

kok ga pernah posting lagi ya?

pa da ga kondang lagi?
support selalu buat clubhoppers
seru nih?
hayo semua yg mau liat crowd berbikini ria dateng ke bros ntar sore
Quote from: s0nty on 30/05/07, 21:59
I think FC is a nice place for such an event... ;)
And I think they are now became an alternative place to hang out after Parc gone  :-\
And the deal is ok, dlm arti mrk terbuka dalam menerima semua jenis music yg ada...gak selalu main stream AND harga minuman & racikannya juga lumayan...
thats why its a very cozy place to hang out... ;)
and bisa jadi semacam pre-club...
well...thats my opinion... ;)

everything started from Dreams,and Dreams will be happen when u start to trying hard....

This is our Dream

This ia DreamHouse Dreams

Quote from: Robin- on 29/05/07, 11:58
asik.... kita seru-seruan nih di malam jumat........

dress codenya apa yah ? boleh pake celana pendek gak ? ;D ;D

@MC Flash

Boleh lah,,,kan themenya escape to bros island,,,feel like on the beach aja kali ya


Pake bikini apa?
9 days to go,,,,,,,Get ready guys
9 days to go,,,,,,get ready for Massive party
Banner Update....

Guys...doakan event ini berjalan dengan baik dan sukses ya  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

tanpa kalian smua DreamHouse bukan siapa - siapa

GOD Please Bless Us !!!!!

Pray for us Guys....

We need your support .....


Saya pasti datengggg,,,,,hihihihihihi
Ber House ria nih,sambil berjemur(halah)
Quote from: si mbo on 29/05/07, 15:51
Support lah...

Btw, itu final Flyernya ya dree?


Blm mbo,ntar kalo sponsor dah masuk ya tinggal masuk lagi sponsornya
DreamHouse @Double six on august

date will be confirm
Quote from: ~ Vu* ~ on 29/05/07, 11:59
@ Dree

Secara Dj Didi gitu loch..., sampe balik gak ngajak2.... :D :D :D

@Vu :
Hihihihhii,,,iya yah,,,Didi gitu loh]

@Didi :
ihhh,,,,makin sayang deh sama kamu
Quote from: Ade Ferdian K on 29/05/07, 12:46

Adroitz Music definitely supports "Happy House"

Wicked House cuts makes people Happy.......... make sure you don't miss out!

-Ade Ferdian-

Pastinya happy sepanjang malem jo
Quote from: DjFadi on 29/05/07, 13:13
Thank you all for yours support, hope to see you in X2 on friday, and i hope you guys come for the main event in 66 the 9 of june.


Welcome to the jungle bro,,,,,keep up a good work together