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Messages - Nuezzz

Congratzzzzzz guyzzzzzz....Auuuuuuuwwwwww...
Be a prof as u can in ur job desk,and profession...ga ush dengerin apa kata org yg suka jelek2in lo...and to be came a good resident dj, makes crowd n friends happy n comfort at your damn nice house club...entertains them n serve them... Always keep in smile, down to earth...flexible n jgn kaku2 bgt...about the songs tracks that u give to crowd? give them a good music,commercial music but educated the crowds about quality music,n play the tracks don't to dark if the moment not right...                                                                                                                                          Like I said " entertains them,serve them...coz they hangout in ur house bro..." and don't stop the glass of drinks or beers gave to ur guest...and chear up the night....
Firdinadus tekhen...boleh juga tuh...
@ Ebump : rangkaio jarang puasa nehhh..hehehhe...
wedehhh tar ngacir pake pertamax plus....dompet juga ngacir cinggg...bahhahaaa...
hehe...masuppp yakk? salam kenal juga  ;)
bintaro termasuk ga?hueheheee... ;D
Auuuwww...mas dim..dim..duehhh..hehe...mantabbb...shell super deh gannn...
 @ phuture89 :

Ur Welcome bro...yang pastinya kita ga putus harapan utk nge bangun EDM indonesia walaupun byk cobaanya...

KEEP THE FAITH Guyzzz...  ;)

hehe...hbs kata gw klo komenin about FDJ dan istilah2 planet nya cuma bsa geleng n senyum aja gw liat hal hal itu (ga hbs pikir jekkk..),tar lgi jgn2 muncul SDJ (shemale dj) haha...yg iya knp sih indonesia terlalu byk istilah yg ngakibatin org jd ngaco pengertianya,kasihan kan yg baru mau bljr...
yg gw cuma mau sampein  :
where is our old rave party like before pass time
where is the good quality dj,club,organizer event
where is the nice quality event
and where is the good n quality crowds RIGHT NOW !!!???

aslinya gw start dri trance,but still trance in my blood...hehe...walau gw skrg mainya around house....Trance = kalo gw dgr lagu ini,gw berasa ga di tempat gw berdiri,berasa in another world n feel flying free like a bird...lepas semua beban pikiran... another world?hehe...masih di dunia lain dong  ;D
congratz to all nominee...keep rockin' !!! ;)
@ Chris M : aminn broo...sehat juga,hehe...pantes agak ngilang neh lo bro,sama neh kta build new future with my lovely wife,hihiii...but tetep lah still in dance music...hihiii...bro message pin bb lo lah ke gw,jgn pin atm yak,nti gw sedot lgi isinya,hahahaaa...slm buat klrga bro...
Let's Make New Friends
Thursday,feb  9th 2012
10 pm Onwards

Proudly Present :

  * FRIENDS *     

Feat DJ's :

Nuez (Spinach)
Ari (Spinach)
Radja (Donutz Production)
Gladiator (SAC)

Luv's Finest DJ's :

☎ 02125558882 /  269253C2
081807465777 (Tito Pablito)

THE LUV's Bar & Dine
Citywalk Sudirman 1st Fl.
Jkt Pusat - www.theluvs.com
Follow @TheLuvsBar @IQBL
@Chris M : oeeeeiiiii om mas brooo...gileee somse kaleeee?kmne aja juoooo...? sehat ya Chris..


dont drive while drunk... ;)[/b]

powerd by, Technics SL-1210 M5G DJM 800

Enjoy if ur on tripp...but dont tripp n drunk while drive a car !!!...


Progresive House
Salute to bought of u guyz...we all family...
Big support for bought of u guyzzz...success...keep on the beat loud...
yap...good idea...jadi talent di daerah juga bisa di libatkan dan sangat di partisipasikan...jadi lebih seru dan rame...
wah opening gw lucu kali tuh,hehehee...secara sepupuan ma dia,wakakkakakk
setuju gak?