Boleh Banget cuy bikin bareng. heuheuheuhuehe
btw, no telp lo ilang nyet. smsin ke gw bisa? hahahahahaha
btw, no telp lo ilang nyet. smsin ke gw bisa? hahahahahaha
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - Gerry Blaze #26
Label / Event Organizing / Re: klo dmakaveli kayaknya boleh di komentarin deh!!!!! please biar hiphop maju!!!30/05/07, 11:09
Boleh Banget cuy bikin bareng. heuheuheuhuehe
btw, no telp lo ilang nyet. smsin ke gw bisa? hahahahahaha #27
Jakarta Events / Re: RAVELATION, REDMA 2007 WRAP UP PARTY, 2 JUNE @ EMBASSY30/05/07, 10:59
Hadir boss
Clubs / Venues / Re: Genre Apa ?22/05/07, 09:00
Dimarahin lo dree!!! hahahahahahahaha Piss man huhuuh #29
Jakarta Events / Re: "BEAT CAMP" Searching For A Path Without A Paddle, Saturday,26 May 200722/05/07, 08:54
HauhaUhauHuhauhA Mukee lo gak banget Reg... hahahahaha.
gw dateng aaaahhhh #30
Disk Jockey / Re: buat para dj.. next project apa yang pgn/lagi lo lakuin22/05/07, 08:40
6 hr Live Set. huhuhuhuhu
Disk Jockey / Re: Niki Belucci The Topless DJ !! (WARNING !.. Nudity Inside)22/05/07, 08:38Quote from: dedoSixteen on 20/05/07, 13:35 HAuhUHauhuHuahuAHuahuahuah tae ah lo do! hahahahah #32
Disk Jockey / Re: Pilih Mana: Ian Carey, Hoxton Whores, D.Ramirez, Trophy Twins, Junior Jack??22/05/07, 08:22
hyauhauhauhauhauha SAPI BUNTING lo!!!!
gw udah kurus sekarang, and udah gak mabok2an lagi nyet!! hahahahahahahahaha*Tae ah #33
Disk Jockey / Re: DJ, Musician / entertainer???22/05/07, 08:18Quote from: dedoSixteen on 17/05/07, 17:27Quote from: Debon on 17/05/07, 17:16 Tau Nichs Do, Gimana yah caranya unt ngatasin? huhuhuhuh, dikasih lagu baru dikit, malah mati crowdnya.... #34
Disk Jockey / Re: bagaimana dengan DJ yang memainkan 2 genre yg berbeda?22/05/07, 08:12Quote from: Dree_DreamHouse on 19/05/07, 15:38 Setuju sama mas Dree huhuhuhuh thx to DJ Cream with his Mashed Potatoes #35
Clubs / Venues / Re: ad yg pernah ke MIDNIGHT CLUB???16/05/07, 00:10
GEeeelllaaaaapppp aaajjjjeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monitor di dj booth juga bermasalah tuh. #36
Clubs / Venues / Re: HOWS " PUBLIC" ? (bekasnya manna house)16/05/07, 00:07
Gw pikir kartu kunci kamar hotel menteng nyet! hahahahahahahahaha
public... great interior, great crowd, great concept, resident djnya juga cang cing heheheheheh #37
Clubs / Venues / Re: Menurut kalian.... Best Club in Jakarta...?16/05/07, 00:05
@Jimmy jimprut
wah, sekarang lo demen es batu sama aqua nich jim kalo ke club? hahahahahahahaha berubah lo nyet!!! hauahuahauhuahauh'kiddin cuy Embassy, soundnya masih tetep oke dari sebelum kebakaran sampe udah buka baru lagi. #38
Clubs / Venues / Re: kata kamu sTuDio EasT tuch gmana seeh ??? jujur ya (comment, saran, kritik)-nya16/05/07, 00:02
Dark, lampu warna warni di dindingnya keren hehehehehe. dj boothnya juga pewe
Clubs / Venues / Re: DIZZY KEMANG16/05/07, 00:01
hmm kenapa jarang rame yah? aku bingung... uhuhuhhuh Soundnya rada2 kurang kalo menurut gw, alat2 djnya lumayan bagus, kalo untuk private party sih enak2 aja boz huhuhuhuhuhu #40
Disk Jockey / Re: Pilih Mana: Ian Carey, Hoxton Whores, D.Ramirez, Trophy Twins, Junior Jack??15/05/07, 23:44
Saya Supporrttt!!!!! huhuhuhuhuhh
semoga jadi yah boz #41
Disk Jockey / Re: NEw duo female Dj will HIT the dancefloor..15/05/07, 12:30
Kapan bisa liat mereka main boz?
Disk Jockey / Re: YOUR RITUAL...15/05/07, 12:19
2 shots of jose cuervo, 2 shots of D*****T
hgahauhauhauhauhauhauhuahuahuah dijamin main sambil senyum2 hahahahaha tae ah #43
Disk Jockey / Re: ada yang tau dj dikaa (7/24)??what do you thing about him???15/05/07, 11:47
Orangnya kalem, track listnya keren bgt nyet huhuhuh, and down to earth bgt,
and jualan tas juga. hehehehehehehehehehe #44
Disk Jockey / Re: About Altuna?15/05/07, 11:43
satu lagi, skillznya keren banget and orangnya Down to earth banget.
and yang penting, pengetahuan ttg trancenya luas juga huhuhuhuh big respect for you mannnn hehehehe #45
Disk Jockey / Re: About Altuna?15/05/07, 11:42
ALTUNA... Makin cang cing aja lo sekarang din. huhuhuhuhuhu
pertama kenal, dikenalin glend. sempet bareng substance unt beberapa waktu, abis itu makin keren aja lo nyet!! huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh lo gak jadi ke tokyo din? #46
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: RENTAL STUDIO IN KEBAYORAN15/05/07, 10:49
Great place, cozy, vinylnya keren2 jo. banyakin vinyl hiphop donk bud. hehuehuehuehe.
sukses yah mas budi 'taeah huhuhuh #47
Disk Jockey / Re: Female DJ Indonesia???15/05/07, 10:44
tambahan, DJ Syeni (SoZ)
nice person, great skillz #48
Disk Jockey / Re: mau dong playlist nya DJ Bhokero....15/05/07, 10:07
DJ BHOKERO emang paling top dahhh hauhauhauhauhuha.
track listnya pumpin2 banget. down to earth banget and gw tau lo kangen sama gw mas hauhauhauhauhuahuaha*tae ah #49
Disk Jockey / Re: ADA YG TAU DJ ROME GA?????15/05/07, 09:49
Rome 7/24 bareng mas dika.
btw,dika masih jualan tas gak yah? huheuheuhuehuehuhe rome bekas OeL dulu khan yah? #50
Disk Jockey / Re: Pilih Mana: Ian Carey, Hoxton Whores, D.Ramirez, Trophy Twins, Junior Jack??15/05/07, 09:47
Ian carey. track2nya keren2 such as
Rise. I Don't Know "Got To Release" The Powerboth "Say What You Want" Try My Love I Don't Know "Let The Sunshine In |