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Messages - cosmiek

Flyers coming again mates!! (hmm do we really need flyers actually for underground stuff? hehe)

Friday, 4 April 2008
at Oishisha Lounge - Jakarta

It's a free massive party. DrumNBass & Dubstep.

- BIMA G (Crime Scene)
- LGB (Crime Scene)
- XONAD (Barbar)
- RANDOM (Javabass)
- ASUNG (Ruang Rupa)

- RAITEKI (Junglizta)
- ARBWOK (Crime Scene)

Open mic.

Crime Scene, Blackout, Junglizta, Barbar & Javabass

Once more the dark grimey time is coming again!!
@ all

siap! tergantung ama para crew yang kesana tapi ya, kalo mereka ngga kelupaan bawa handycam hehehe... ;D ;D

RE:SPECTRUM feat. My Dymas (a.k.a. MC DMZ), Dubwise & Vortex - "Peace, Love, Unity & Bass"
Saturday, 29 March 2008
at Blu Jazz Cafe - Singapore
Bali Lane no.11 (Entrance Via Ophir Road, Next to the Bus Stop after Gold)

RE:SPECTRUM is a tribute to the DJs who have built up our local scene. This night, is our Respect to them and a showcase of the wide Spectrum of sounds our local heroes have been pushing.
This will be a party, education of sounds and a testimonial of our local talents: all rolled into one massive night out.


Mini Street Fashion Showcase by...


Formed in Bandung City when monetary crisis has lurking on every corner of life, among the anxiety of young folks for their own lifestyle fulfillment, NLS – No Label Stuff – has been and will always fulfill the local needs of fashion. In its decade of presence, NLS still oriented towards the main elements of youth culture in general, such as hardcore music, extreme sports, street art and technological advancements. By doing so, NLS will always be able to stay up to date and adapt through its product and graphic designs to cope with young people's ever changing taste of fashion. Starting their work from mid 2005, the NLS Company assembles a special design unit in their workgroup, AERWORX (Anti Estetika Worx). The purpose is to update any current information and issues in the world's design graphic trend. The goal is to keep NLS as the leading company in Indonesia, specifically in the graphical design trend. Aided by AEWORX, the existence of NLS in local fashion industries' competition becoming more and more from. AEWORX indirectly acts as a filter to synchronize the idealism of its designers with the dynamic needs of the market.

Contact: nolabelstuff@yahoo.com


Airplane Systm is a clothing company based in Bandung, West Java – Indonesia. Created in 1998 on the basis of originality and creativity, Airplane Systm is begin from group of young people who want to make something creative in fashion industry inspired by music, skateboards, and pop art. We have become determined to introduce the best and most unique products to the youth culture through our products. Airplane Systm create products, which offer personal and unique insight within this complex society. As a growing clothing company we developed a strong following due to mixture design themes and our attention to creating quality products. Airplane Systm produced t-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, jacket, underwear, denim, and most notably is Manchester shoes. More information about Airplane Systm can be found at


Contact: contact@airplanesystm.com and more!!!

Be sure to come down early..!



Exitmusik.com & Junglizta
Flyer image coming soon guys!! by the way here it comes again....

CRIME SCENE #3 - "Here Cums Danger!!"
Friday, 7 March 2008
at Oishisha Lounge - Jakarta

It's a free massive DrumNBass party.

- BIMA G (Crime Scene)
- BEATZ (Junglizta)
- SKETCH (Javabass)
- LGB (Crime Scene)

- ARBWOK (Crime Scene)

Open mic.

Junglizta, Barbar, Javabass & Crime Scene

get ready to rumble again!!...
wah gue suka flyer nya yang ini hehehe.... ;)

hmm mulai2 yang tiap minggu ada acara dnb deh nih hehehe...senangnya  :D
Flyer image coming soon guys!! by the way here it comes again....

CRIME SCENE #3 - "Here Cums Danger!!"
Friday, 7 March 2008
at Oishisha Lounge - Jakarta

It's a free massive DrumNBass party.

- BIMA G (Crime Scene)
- BEATZ (Junglizta)
- SKETCH (Javabass)
- LGB (Crime Scene)

- ARBWOK (Crime Scene)

Open mic.

Junglizta, Barbar, Javabass & Crime Scene

Quote from: olis on 29/01/08, 20:08
Hm, apacah dnb itu mewah? adang memang iya. sperti yg terlihat di flm Devil Wears prada, ada soundtrac dnb nya, dan esan mewah sangat jelas terpampang... calau terdengar mewah sih ngga papa. tapi menghadiri acara yg mewah kayaknya bakal memberatan . Jadi ngga usah pakai dress code/kostum yang aneh2 lah... pengunjung yang datang juga harus tetap disukuri, minimal merea tau gimana berpaakain yang bener kok... ;)

packaging adalah segala2nya man di negara ini sepertinya ;)...plus marketing gimmicks yang kadang2 kalau didengerin/dilihat sebenernya cheesy and ngga berbobot...hahaha...

ngga kebayang sih gue juga kalo junglist party musti pake kemeja berkerah misalnya (kaya banyak yang diterapin di klub2 jkt   :P)....hmm boleh aja sih gitu, asal bawahnya bisa pake celana pendek ama spatu kets hehehe  ;D
Quote from: vinodii on 29/01/08, 16:26
yaaa... orang2 indonesia kan mayoritas penggemar melankolis pak..

o iyaa...lupa gue kalau kebanyakan emang pada sukanya dimanja di sini ya...ngga mau susah2 apapun itu...ampe joget ke musik aja kalo bisa dikasi manual handbooknya yah...ntar kalo ngga dikasih, pada protes ngga tahu gimana jogetnya, malah pada pulang, trus ngambek ngga mau dateng2 lagi... ;)

ngerti gue sekarang darimana mentalitas "cengeng" itu asalnya....
Quote from: luthfi on 28/01/08, 19:53
baru liat nih gw..

kenapa susah berkembang, ya udah diwakilkan sih semua ama bapur,jerome,random.

intinya ya : crowd belom bisa nerima, belom open minded untuk dengerin musik baru, bpm terlalu tinggi dll.

solusinya : sering2 adain acara ( acara di club ), dnb go national ( adain rave, buat radioshow dnb, lebih ngenalin dnb dengan cara on air di paranoia dll. )

om jerome datengin pendulum dong :P

A little thoughts from me...

hmm pendulum maenin set yang namanya A...trus salah satu DJ DnB lokal juga maenin set yang namanya A juga, which is set yang bener2 100% sama dari semua aspeknya (teknik dll.)....

pas pendulum maen, crowd lokal langsung nyerbu venue ampe penuh sesak dan ngga bisa gerak lagi di dalemnya...padahal kebanyakan juga didnt even know who in god's name is pendulum??...instantly, semua orang akan ngerasa orang yang paling tahu mengenai track2nya dia, karena radio show selalu muterin track2nya dia sebelum dia maen....

trus situasi satu lagi....sama persis keadaannya seperti diatas, tapi kali ini yang maen DJ lokal...venue setengah kosong, yang keliatan cuman orang2 itu lagi yang tiap si DJ lokal maen selalu ada...lucunya ngga ada satupun radio komersil yang tertarik memperdengarkan track2 si DJ lokal yang (misalnya) sebenernya sama persis dengan si mr. pendulum....

hmm jangan liat masalah DnB nya atau apa lah kalo menurut gue...gue sering liat itu terjadi di scene lain kok (lokal)...pertanyaannya adalah emang segitu butuhnya ya DJ2 international dateng cuman buat ngangkat suatu genre?? kalo yang lokal aja belom bisa di apresiasi, arogan banget kalo menurut gue musti datengin orang yang non-lokal...

btw ini cuman sekedar pemikiran dari gue, dari apa yang gue liat selama ini di "tanah air" tercinta ini dan scene-nya...

BTW. acara DnB itu ada tiap bulan, tiap minggu malahan kayanya pas tahun lalu, dan akan berlanjut juga tahun ini...cuman mungkin yah sponsornya bukan perusahaan rokok sih ya, jadi ngga bisa pasang banner gede2 di pinggir jalan atau masukin ke radio or Lifestyle TV channel gitu...so sometimes if u really want to know more about any kind of music, do some efforts too, karena ngga semua di dunia ini udah ada di depan mata tinggal baca atau di nikmatin...thats the beauty of life juga kan lagian?   ;) ;)

Quote from: club2club on 21/01/08, 14:15
Menurut gw sih DJ2 n EO DnB di Indonesia masih sedikit (sorry kalo sotoy  :P)...Event2 DnB juga jarang terdengar...Paling gw taunya di forbidden city doang...Tapi gw salute ama crowdnya DnB di Jakarta(gw ga tau di daerah laen), mereka selalu setia ga terpengaruh dengan EDM yang lagi ngetrend...

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

hmm setahu gue dimana2 crowd DnB sama kok man... karena biasanya once u fall for this music, u'll be loving it or stuck with it for the rest of your life...the only problem is how you make people hear the music without its genre's packaging (kaya house, trance dan genre lainnya...)...menurut gue masalah paling utama di scene electronic local cuman itu kok, orang terlanjur selalu silau ngeliat bungkusan2 mewah genre2 tertentu, jadinya seperti berpendapat kalo mau dibilang "in" ya harus dengerin yang mewah2 itu...while true music listener, ngga akan liat bungkusan2 itu, they didnt even want to know siapa yang bikin or siapa yang maenin, mau dj lokal kek mau dj nomer satu di galaksi raya kek, buat mereka music is music...hmm i wonder when our (local) attitude is shifting towards that direction?...until that times comes, i say no matters how many colossal rave parties or how many international djs that is coming, or how many our local djs can play abroad, our local EDM scene will always be on that infancy stage...sad but i think that is the reality.... ;) ;)

P.S. what is name anyways if u talk about something that only your soul can understand if its good for you or not?  :)
hmmm sepertinya yang satu ini bakalan menggila....

udah kaya acara reuni semua label dnb lokal gini haha....
This one will explode like hell mate!!!..... ;D ;D

brought to you by all local crews out there (Javabass, Junglizta, Barbar & Crime Scene)!!!..... *tepuktangan*

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
This one will explode like hell mate!!!..... ;D ;D

brought to you by all local crews out there (Javabass, Junglizta, Barbar & Crime Scene)!!!..... *tepuktangan*

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

@ all

have patience mates...we're working on it  ;)

just wait and see in 2008  :D
@ olis

yoi man...lagi liburan dia....next edition kayanya baru dia maen....sekalian mungkin loe mo berkunjung ke jakarta mungkin? hehehe...
mantap!!!!......next month gue tunggu lagi ya.....big up for crime scene crews....
hahaha...gimana cara?..gue visual juga tuh ternyata, setelah di confirm ma arab hahaha....
yeah yeah...its time to get grimey again!!

btw...some updates for this gig...DMZ will not be spinning, due to his trip abroad...so i guess you guys have to be patience for his Dub Step Session  ;)

oii jer...sorry man gue ngga bisa drop track-nya tranquility waktu itu...i'm out of town....btw gue dengerin tapi pas kalian maen.....job well done mates!!!  *bgs*

P.S. next time gue drop track-nya tranquility...gue ambilin dulu ntar ye....cheers...
one of the most wicked dnb party of the year!!! for sure!!!

thanks also for Javabass crew for giving a slot to our Tranquility Live P.A.  :)

success always man!! and thanks also for being our partner in crime all the time  ;D

- Junglizta Crew -