yoih betul2...maklum darah mixed jadinya high quality hahaha
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - F E R R E #26
Main Talk / Re: Kids Love Disco, Party Buat Anak25/01/11, 00:16
yoih betul2...maklum darah mixed jadinya high quality hahaha
Main Talk / Re: Kids Love Disco, Party Buat Anak25/01/11, 00:08Quote from: erwiengroovy on 24/01/11, 21:26 itu anaknya haseena mukhi win,..hehehe #28
Main Talk / Re: Kids Love Disco, Party Buat Anak24/01/11, 04:18
seru lhoo..itu yang topi merah jago banget lagi dancenya...michael jackson campur shuffle
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Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: [FREE] Alsolendski Welcome 2011 Progressive House Mixtape24/01/11, 04:00
numpang sedott ahh
Disk Jockey / Re: tentang masa depan dj pemula24/01/11, 03:48
masa depan cerah kok bro...senasib laah kita manusia2 otodidak belajar nya nggak pake sekolahan...hahahaha
tapi bener kata om adagio, mau cepet, operasi ganti kelaminlah, trus jangan lupa jadi model dulu atau sekalian yaa *kiddin* ![]() #31
Trance / Re: Trance full set ?24/01/11, 03:41
Nasib selalu ditaro jam 2 dari tahun ke tahun...bahkan jaman dulu langganan jam 3 mulu....*curcol
hahahaha..dan sifat crowd yang selalu mengira kalo lagunya udah banyak "melody" ( sometimes mereka bahkan nggak tahu ini tuh trance/ prog ) berarti club/ venue nya mau tutup..ehh pada angkut tas, balik dehh atau lanjut ke tempat tertentu... tapi kalo untuk rave ya beda, jawabannya : sangat bisa <---- untuk rave #32
Main Talk / Re: Rave Party Dilarang Di California13/01/11, 12:58
solusinya gampaaangg..buat aja rave yang kira2 profitnya mencapai 50rb- 100.000 dollar, 10rb nya buat bayar denda, gampang kan? hehehehehhehee
RAVELEX CAMPUS / Re: Moose Believer - Ravelex Campus Trisakti Night10/01/11, 23:37
fotonya kurang nihhh hehehe
Local Remixes / FERRERISKY - I Feel You All Around ( Boys Like Girls' The 1st One Bootleg )29/10/10, 01:16
santai sore dulu sambil dengerin ini...
![]() ![]() ![]() http://soundcloud.com/ferrerisky/ferrerisky-i-feel-you-all-around-1st-mix-boys-like-girls-the-first-one-bootleg tuntutlah ilmu walau sampai ke liang lahat .. ![]() #35
RAVELEX CAMPUS / Re: Absensi Ravelex Campus19/10/10, 00:51
ngikut mejeng dikit dong..hehehe
Nama : Ferry Riskyandhie Nick Name : Ferrerisky / Ferre Umur : 24 Kampus : Trisakti karna angkatan tua udah nggak ikut ukm apa2, cuma jadi hantu penunggu Trisakti Gym aja..hehehe 0818 13 76 22 http://www.facebook.com/ferrerisky http://www.myspace.com/hearferre http://www.ferrerisky.blogspot.com #37
![]() ![]() The search is still on for the mythical dance-artist album that's "not just for clubs". A bit of mystery, a bit live, not just house - and more ambition than just cranking out the perfect dancefloor number... King Roc's new label the Mutual Society is the rehearsal for his debut album Chapters, due mid-2008. It's part visual-art project - unlocking layers and layers of meaning through the Web and collaborations with Australian artist Sebastian Godfrey of Drunkpark. It's part "a bit of a hippy thing", as King Roc puts it - creating, across four EPs and an album, a new type of old-school concept album, taking in birth, death, and what drives people in the time between ... But mainly the label will be an ambitious musical reworking of the four EPs to create a new, final album - turning ambient tracks to dance, complex electronics to rough live performance, crossing downtempo to techno, EPs to albums. Nothing will sound like it did to begin. The first chapter EP? It runs from its ambient opening to house to techno to electronica, from birth to the random chances that change your life... "The album as a whole is about curiosities and questions," says King Roc. "But chapter one – Lunaris – is focused on the world of patterns and cycles - from the rotation of our planet around our sun and the moon around us, to the routines of when we eat, sleep, work and play. "Day-by-day, we live in patterns, structured and repetitive. But it is often the random event within a cycle that has the greatest affect on our lives. This can come from meeting a person who ends up having a big influence on your life, to the personal experiences we have that inspire us and which drive us to create. "Does everything that has happened to get us to this point depend purely on the fluke and coincidence? From the monumental creation of the universe and our planet, to a smaller but equally important event - how our parents met. Or is there some sort of pattern for it all? Do we believe in fate and destiny? Or is it really just because of chance events that anything is here at all? So we wonder... "But asking the question," he says, is what makes us who we are and because we ask the questions, we reason. Perhaps then; reason is the definition of who we are? But this still leaves the question why? In Chapters, you you won't find any answers. But there is a mutual desire to look at the questions to show we know they are there..." For King Roc, that's the future. And the past? He's released records on labels from BuggedOut! to Simple to Love Minus Zero to Azuli to Beautycase to Playtime. He's remixed New Order, Future Sound of London, S'Xpress and Stakker. His dancefloor sound is deep, lush melodic techno to house, with gigs from Berlin to Sydney, Siberia to San Paolo. But his roots are in live music, and his first forays into music were a live band that has since split to become three successful UK DJs – the others were Tom Neville and Nick Fryer (Sentience). Chapters, he says, is in some ways a return - from live to electronic and back to live again, from groups to solo to new collaborations. Start, change, return, change ... the journey, always, as important as the destination... Selected discography of King Roc Feed On Me - Back Yard Recordings 2004 Pressure / How Big Is It - Kingsize 2005 Prime Evil - 1 Trax Recordings 2005 Prime Evil - Cassagrande 2005 Better Ways - iO Music 2005 Take Me Away / Mirror To Infinity - Bugged Out 2006 The Tip - Love Minus Zero 2006 Tirades Of ENV - KRPD 2006 Welcome To Zion - Simple Records 2006 Chapter I: Lunaris - Mutual Society 2007 Flicker EP - Love Minus Zero 2007 Remixes: Chicken Lips 'Do It Proper' - Azuli Black 2004 Plastique EP 'Metro Sexuality' - Beautycase-Records 2004 Dylan Rhymes 'Salty' - Kingsize 2004 Atlantis 'Atlantis' - Skyline Records 2005 Andy Bell 'Crazy' - Sanctuary Records 2005 Holderman 'Left / Right Switch' - Involved Productions 2005 Peas (12") Peas - Most Records 2005 Mark Moore 'Trash The Can' - Umami 2005 New Order 'True Faith' - New State Recordings 2006 Cass & Mangan 'Caper' - Playtime 2006 'She's Hardcore' - Toolroom Trax 2006 Breakfasterz 'The Pressure' - Passenger 2006 Junkie XL 'Today' - Skyline Records 2006 Pablo Bolivar 'Vertigo EP' - Bay Street Recordings 2006 FSOL 'We Have Explosive' - Virgin Records 2006 Above & Beyond 'Good For Me' - Ultra 2007 Gastek 'White' (King Roc Remix) DJ Magazine 2007 Stakker Humanoid 'Stakker Humanoid' - Jumpin' & Pumpin' 2007 #38
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: DJ JHONE MIXTAPE - FEB 1004/02/10, 03:56
emang ulang taun ya bro?hahaha maaff..happy bday ya skalian...
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: DJ JHONE MIXTAPE - FEB 1004/02/10, 03:49
lagi gw dengerin nih jhon sambil gw mau ke bandara..ajjibbb...!
keep up bro! kentel banget nih mixtape lo jadi joget2 kecil deh gw subuh2 hehehe #40
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: DJ JHONE MIXTAPE - FEB 1004/02/10, 01:21
menyedot ke tkp dulu ya mister jon..hehehe
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Jakarta Events / Re: Jakarta Trance & Progressive DJ Gathering15/01/10, 07:23
wajibun hadirun!!
Local Remixes / Re: DJ OneGlove - Bla Bla Bla (Latenight Ramadance)13/10/09, 23:57
aiiiiiiihhhh.....MANG SETAP!! bikin nggelinyet...hehehehe
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: LATENIGHT RAMADANCE (community of fresh and brite Local producer)12/10/09, 08:34Quote from: Dj R'AngeL on 11/10/09, 06:33 kayaknya gw kena tuh...hahahahahahahaha #45
Design and Promotions / Re: Logo Latenight Ramadance29/09/09, 23:11
huahaha, gw belom ngelarin lagu lagi nii..baru yg buat ikutan djarum ma la itu aja hehehe,on progress...
kayaknya yang gw tangkep L/R ini mau bikin kompilasi ya? confrerence2 dunks.. #46
Design and Promotions / Re: Logo Latenight Ramadance29/09/09, 05:46Quote from: Dj R'AngeL on 29/09/09, 00:26 att artinya attention rik hehehe @erwien siap! ditunggu PM nya ya ![]() #47
LA Lights Indie Remix 2010 Competition / Re: LA Menthol Lights Indie Remix 200928/09/09, 22:05
selamet ya guys buat rangga, angger , sama ijash...kalo menang jangan lupa traktir ya! hahaha...
bagi2 dong ilmunya :p #48
LA Lights Indie Remix 2010 Competition / Re: LA Menthol Lights Indie Remix 200928/09/09, 15:28Quote from: dj ungu on 28/09/09, 08:59 hehehe makasih banget ya bang ungu..doain ya doain ...siapa tau bisa ketularan dapet finalis kayak creamy sugar grooves ![]() #49
Design and Promotions / Re: Logo Latenight Ramadance28/09/09, 01:38
wah,kaya'e seru.....coba 2 saya dijelaskan sedikit...hehehe, ato kalo emang udah ada thread nya, bagi linknya dong...biar ga cape2 jelasin
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LA Lights Indie Remix 2010 Competition / Re: LA Menthol Lights Indie Remix 200927/09/09, 22:33
besok sore nih pengumumannya, ada bocoran ga nih? guys saling doain ye!
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