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Messages - fajriryan

nice touch!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan*

Quote from: nikofendi on 25/01/13, 13:38
[ Invalid Attachment ]

silahkan liat gambar  dan baca keterangannya di bawah ini, sorry belum saya translate

Many professional DJs move around the Camelot wheel with every mix.

To select a compatible song, choose a keycode within one "hour" of your current keycode.  If you are in 8A, you can play 7A, 8A or 9A next.  If you are in 12A, you can play 11A, 12A or 1A.  This mix will be smooth every time.

You can also mix between inner and outer wheels if you stay in the same "hour."  For example, try mixing from 8A to 8B, and notice the change in melody as you go from Minor to Major.

Harmonic mixing is a simple technique, but it opens up a world of creativity.  You will play creative DJ sets and discover interesting song combinations.  It's easy to get started with any music genre.

Energy Boost Mixing
Detect the key of your current song, and pick the next song to be 1 or 2 semitones above it.
C, D, E, F, G, A, B

If you're in C Minor, your next key should be D-flat Minor (+1 semitone) or D Minor (+2 semitones). Take a look at the image above. The rule is always the same, just go "right" on the piano from your original key.

The effect is really interesting: Energy on the dance floor will rise. It doesn't work with every song, but most of the time it can create a pleasant effect.

Does this translate to Camelot numbers?
Yes. To go up one semitone, add 7 to your current Camelot number. If you're in E-flat Minor (2A), add 7 and you'll be in E Minor (9A).

To go up two semitones, just add 2 to your current Camelot number. If you're in C Minor (5A), add 2 and you'll get D Minor (7A). Play your next tune in 7A, and you'll experience an energy boost mix.

How fast should the mix be?
It's better to mix quickly, because the melodies will clash.  You're going for a specific effect, and not a long blend.

Who uses it?
I've heard DJ Sasha and Armin Van Buuren use this technique.  Whether it was intentional or not, it sounded great.

Building A CD Mix?
Try this!

First track should be an instrumental (no vocals) and the duration shorter than 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Second track should have vocals and should not be longer than 4 minutes.

All  the rest of the tracks should be less than 5 minutes each.

Take in Requests?
As a commercial DJ, you are EXPECTED to know just about everything and HAVE just about everything they will ask for.

Take your DJ career serious? Then GET serious!


DJ White Hawk
ciyusly? oh noooooo!!!!! :'(

Quote from: danzig on 08/03/13, 08:20
barusan baca tweet si skream katanya mulai skrg bakal mainin house/techno/disco di setnya. ga tau becanda apa serius nih tp mudah2an serius ;D

Quote from: Mardial on 19/02/13, 03:39
nambahin ya om...

buat yang mau menghadiri Launching Resminya dari AbletonIndo yg sudah masuk di schedule Ableton Pusat German bisa hadir tgl 30 Maret Nanti

akan ada workshop mengenai Ableton Live9 + Push. jadi kita bisa cobain langsung ini alat :D seger kaaan  *tepuktangan*

nah ini bocoran dari tampilan Ableton Live9 yg baru aja dicoba sama temen gw Gizky (versi beta)

legit kan bro?

info lebih lanjut: https://www.ableton.com/en/blog/ableton-live-9-and-push-premiere-events/
salam dari AbletonIndo
kalo gak salah dulu didaerah kemang, jakarta ada club yang sering ngadain dubstep ya? isnt it? *still wondering*  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


Quote from: merdietio on 06/03/13, 22:13
wah iya kayaknya kok ga tau ya ada club yang main DnB atau dubstep, apalagi di surabaya  :-X apa saya yang ga tau ya  :(
Quote from: phuture89 on 07/03/13, 08:04
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 05/03/13, 19:41
Quote from: nuppflampung on 05/03/13, 19:23
Quote from: Gober on 28/01/13, 23:18
Mei bro... mark ur calendar!

oh ya dia bedua benga...

boleh info tepatnya dimana yon ? jkt pastinya ya...indoor atau outdoor. info plisss. thx admin

belum di announce sm yang punya cara dimananya..Kayaknya sih outdoor..Dateng yah dari lampung.

Dtg insyallah do sama pasukan. Jarang jarang skream + benga ksini.....mayan....
ini kocak sih  ;D
kenapa gak sekalian dapat dibeli di circle k atau indomaret bahkan alfamart ya?  :P

Quote from: nandi on 05/03/13, 19:00
yg dateng sih superstar DJ..tapi masa tiketnya bisa dibeli di Sevel terdekat. Ketauan target pasar utamanya..pfffttttt...

anyway this is house music at it's best..Let's Jack your body :P
haceeeepppppp laaayyyyyyyyy  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* ;D ;D ;D

Quote from: Rienov on 03/03/13, 03:13
[soundcloud]http://soundcloud.com/dj_rienov/dark-side-vol-1-rienov[/soundcloud] [ Invalid Attachment ]
emangnya club yang menyediakan khusus Dubstep genre dan sejenisnya dimana aja?  (?)  :'( masih awam soal dubstep, DnB, dan sejenisnyaaaa!!!! :'( :'( 


\m/8)\m/ keep rockin for techhouse and breakbeat ever!!!  :P

Quote from: Jerome on 03/08/09, 22:23
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 02/08/09, 07:19
everythings matey, i read on wiki they says it was just started early 2000s in London, and who else the other producers? is it different DUBSTEP and GRIME?

pencerahan musik baru lagi  buat gw soalnya, kira2 di Indonesia cocoknya di mainin dimana?  acaranya DnB or punya acara sendiri? gw pengen banget bawa rusko or skream ke indo klo ada rezeki.hihihi amien

wah bawa donk rusko ke sini hehehe
well my opinion is dubstep is the next evolution from underground breaks and heavy bass music ( Breakbeat, DnB, Ragga, Hiphop even 2 step). Beberapa tahun lalu muncul sempalan gerne DnB  with house & RnB influece as 2 step & speed garage, but is now desepearing scene krna mungkin kurang diterima dan tdk seunderground jungle . Sekarang dg munculnya dubstep, kelihatan scene ini sangat amat diterima baik di induk gernenya , maupun scene lain like house / or Nu rave sekarang. Dubstep is here for stay. Ass for DnB addict...a good wobling nasty subbassline with half beat is still feels good.

Kalo di indo sekarang dubstep sering di puter di party2 dnb, karena banyak juga DJ dan crowd dnb yg suka dg dubstep, tidak ada salahya kalo ada Dubstep night khusus, akan semakin mewarnai scene underground di sini.....
rock that day \m/8)\m/