mauuuu masi kuliah,,hihi,,,ngurusin tika aja d boleh ngak?hehehehehe
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Job / Re: Public Relation for X204/04/07, 17:51
mauuuu masi kuliah,,hihi,,,ngurusin tika aja d boleh ngak?hehehehehe
Clubs / Venues / Re: Pengalaman buruk after party04/04/07, 17:41
bangun ngak tau ada di kamar sapa, ternyata gw udah di kamar bokap,,,wakakakak,,,ampun pap...ehhehehe...skip gila...terus di interogasi, gw bales,,hoho,,jgn ini ari dech pap ngebahas nya,,tunggu inget yah, pasti aku ceritain,,hehehe,,ampe sekarang blom di bahas sich ama bokap,,hoho
Jakarta Events / Re: BITD - A Massive Nostalgic Multi Room Experience04/04/07, 15:54Quote from: ~ Vu* ~ on 03/04/07, 13:50 yuk yak yuk,,,wb nya atutttttttttttt...melintir joooo #29
Party Request / Re: COXY STILL WANT 2 PLAY IN INDONESIA04/04/07, 15:23
duh duh,,abstein dechh,,ngak ikutann,,,,huhuhu,,tapi kalo coxy dateng tetep cabs jg sich gw..hoho,,iya ngak?
Jakarta Party Report / Re: M.A.R.C V.A.N L.I.E.N.D.E.N [PARTY REPORT]03/04/07, 11:54
yuppie yuppie,,that's what friends are for,,huhu,,di tunggu2 dech free hug and foto berikut nya,,hehehe,saya akan siap berposeee..hohoho..
Jakarta Party Report / Re: DJ PARTIA SURREAL @ Blowfish 9th MArch GOKIL!03/04/07, 11:53
altuna, knp ngak di inform kalo bakal ada dj kayak gini,,yah ampunnnn,,,kudu berangkat donk kalo ada dj bugil gini..hehehe...
Jakarta Party Report / Re: Innerlight 4 hours party Report (gmn???)03/04/07, 11:51
wah,,ronjon keren lho fotonya,,ehhehe,,,mas edi ngak bikin gitu2,,biar kayak ronjon?
hehehe,,topi pet nya lucu.. #33
Jakarta Events / Re: This is the RETRO Club LAST FRIDAY n SATURDAY party.. We are MOVING !!!03/04/07, 11:42
wah pindah ke kuningan nya kapan?? wah wah sukses dech buat retro..
Jakarta Events / Re: BEAT CAMP, WB 31 MARCH 200730/03/07, 12:36
lucu flyer nya,,,support 2 be there on sat
peace..hehehe #35
Jakarta Events / Re: CARL COX - NEW DATES CONFIRMED28/03/07, 12:33
@mbak uchi: kemaren ini dngrin mbak uchi siaran di indika,,,hmm,,masalah kaos,,kan buat yang beli 100 pertama dapet kaos,,,nah,,kalo aku beli nya lewat PR dalem,jadi udah transfer dulu duit tiket nya,,termasuk pembeli pertama ngak?dan bisa dapetin kaos nya ngak? mohon di balas yah,,maaciiiii
Jakarta Events / Re: Back2Back session.Ronijoni VS Dikaa @ jk7.Wed.21.marc.200728/03/07, 12:26Quote from: secret admirer on 22/03/07, 05:40 emang secara tempat nya emang udah sepi,,n udah mau tutup lah yah,,jadinya altuna disuruh udahan,,,hoho,,,,tetep,,,hidup altunaaaa..hehehhee..apa sich gw??...jgn stress2 yah altuna,,bukan lo maennya ngacok ato apa kok,,tetep gokil lah yauwwwww... #37
Jakarta Party Report / Re: M.A.R.C V.A.N L.I.E.N.D.E.N [PARTY REPORT]28/03/07, 12:12
@dweetha: thank u yah,,foto nya di post..heheheheh,,,,di pelok pula,,,thanks for the free hug,,hehehe,,lupa yak? c ya at carl cox yah,,pegi ngak?
@kc: huhu,,,enak ngak? hohoho @capt. digweed: duh duh,,,sorry yah jaaaa,,,maap bngttttt #38
Jakarta Events / Re: Back2Back session.Ronijoni VS Dikaa @ jk7.Wed.21.marc.200721/03/07, 13:48
semustinya ada yah pake gl ronjon,,,bener ngak ronjon?hihiih
Jakarta Events / Re: Back2Back session.Ronijoni VS Dikaa @ jk7.Wed.21.marc.200721/03/07, 13:29Quote from: X i e t a on 21/03/07, 13:21 maksud lo gelappp???? kurang ajarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..dasarrr,,chubbyyyyyyy #40
yup,,,dateng bareng altuna,,kemaren sich ada ngomongin,,,tapi bentrok ama coxy yah?huhu??
Clubs / Venues / Re: CLUB ada DI MALL ?21/03/07, 13:22
yup,,,x2 jg bisa lngsg kok,,hoho,,,enak2 aja,,,tapi ribet jg sich yah kalo musti lewatin toko2 gitu,,tapi lucu jg sich,,jadi bisa window shopping pas lagi tipsy2 gitu,hehehe
Jakarta Events / Re: Back2Back session.Ronijoni VS Dikaa @ jk7.Wed.21.marc.200721/03/07, 13:19Quote from: X i e t a on 21/03/07, 13:02 lo ambil dari kantong ajaib lo aja sob,,,hehehe,,,tinggal keluarin pintu kemana aja,,nyampe dech bareng kita2 disini,,ronjon,kuman, dkk,,,ehhehe #43
Jakarta Events / Re: Back2Back session.Ronijoni VS Dikaa @ jk7.Wed.21.marc.200721/03/07, 13:16
ronjon vs dika, di tambah desert penutup nya altuna,,,huhuhuuu,,,azikkkk,,,,,,,hadir ahhh,,
@kc: dateng ngak??? @altuna: berangkat bareng yah dinnnn.... #44
REDMA II - 2007 / Re: FINAL NOMINEE LIST21/03/07, 12:55
fully supportttttt....redma 07 gokil,,,meramaikan persaingan dj2 handal di indo...buat yang udah masuk nominee,,,congratssssss...buat yang akan menang,,,kudu ngadain set performance yang gokil yahhhh,,,,ayo ayooo,,vote2......
Jakarta Events / Re: CARL COX - NEW DATES CONFIRMED21/03/07, 12:44
mau jg donk kaos nya,,,gimana caranya? hehehe,,,bareng2 yah ja ngantri dari jam 8...btw ada pesyaratan nya yah kalo mau dapetin kaos nya?
@dimas: tapi kan lo udah kurusan mas sekarang..:Pjadi pasti muat dech..heheh @ouch: salam kenal yakkkkk.... #46
@deny: maap,,ngak bisa dateng,,,pengen bener dateng bung deny,,hixhix,,,ntar yang tanggal 30 dech pasti dateng di x2 bareng altuna dkk..k k??
Party Request / Re: PAUL VAN DYK ,jakarta gigs dreams or not?14/03/07, 14:50
PVD bisa dateng kok,,tadi baru aja sms gw,,wakakakak,,jayuss,,maap2...mari bersama2 berdoa biar bung PVD pengen jalan2 ke bali,,,ech terus bosen di bali, lalu di tawarin over maen di jakarta,,,jadinya dateng dech diee...ehhehe
Design and Promotions / Re: Cool Design...14/03/07, 14:45Quote from: ican*agoesdjam on 15/06/06, 13:21 serius cewe? gokil sob..saluteeee...hehehe..emang ce bisa di bilang lebih kreatif buat hal2 yang kayak gitu jg sich yah,,tapi co jgn mau kalah jg donk,,hehehe,,hidup cowo..yay #50
Disk Jockey / Re: Apa pendapat u ttg Live DJ Ronijoni14/03/07, 14:33
huhu,,mau liat ronjon maen di jk7..tapi ngak bisa..btw gw jadi host di dragonfly ronjon,,kalo bisa dateng yak, selesai dari jk7..
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