Its all about house music..
Come and dance with ur soul..
Come and dance with ur soul..
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Jakarta Events / Re: " RHYTHMIZE " Thursday Feb 26 2009 @ Public26/02/09, 04:22
Its all about house music..
Come and dance with ur soul.. #27
MC / Re: SHARE YOUR BEST LINE!!!!26/02/09, 04:09
Gokil...I just read all ur posts thoroughly..great lines guys..makin handal nih MC-MC..mantaffh..
@ cherryl: when u watch mc ucha dance, subconciously ur body dances to his beat...hehehe..(Peace bner..) One of my oldest lines: 'Bring out ur good vibrations to the dance floor..and dance to the tunes of DJ___ and the voice of MC____" Sharing ilmu ya,guys...MCs gotta stick together..yiukk mareeeee.. #28
@ ditter: wah..maantaff nih ditter dah punya murid..uhuy..I think I've seen MC cheryl, annivnya filterfunk kan??..good job!!
goodluck ya sob, sabtu ini brg fred baker ya? selalu for synan recordings... @ all MCs : salam kenal ya..keep up the good work and keep on rockin the mic...haiyaaaaaaa.... -with MIC we rock- #29
MC / Re: (nanya) BUAT PARA MC06/02/09, 14:57
@rezq: heiy man, my mic is an oldskool mic which I bought in germany...if u want to get a mic, buy Shure's beta 58..handal abis juooo..di glodok ada..yg kw2 nya juga ada sih, but I aint tellin u to buy that one..hehehe..happy hunting bro!!
MC / Re: gimana hayaaauuuooowww06/02/09, 14:49
@stereodub: iya adinda..hehehe..bcanda, udah kayak fil silat gitu sob..hehee..kt smua disini masih blajar kok, jd bagi yang punya ilmu lebih, boleh di share..hehe
@ucha: handal ngikut lo aja deh..hihi..big ups!! #31
MC / Re: gimana hayaaauuuooowww29/01/09, 22:46
@stereodub: undang2 dong mau banget maen di medan..heheheheee..waktu itu gw pernah maen di medan, retrospectif (klo ga salah..hehe)..seru banget..pas tour bareng romy, the crowd was great!! big ups..!! lo ngemc juga sob?
MC / Re: gimana hayaaauuuooowww28/01/09, 23:32
hmmmm...based on my exeprience ya..(tanpa maksut sotoy..hehehe..peace)...there are some clubs
that provides a proper mic...but they tend to emphasize on the quality of the dj-ing equipments..especially in jakarta...tapi ada juga kok yang nyedian mic yang kualitas nya oke..klo menurut gw sih, paling penting cek sound..bawa mic atau enggak..klo pake mic standar clubnya pas cek sound, pastiin level suara mic sama sound sesuai sama yang lo pengen... maaf ya kalo sotoy or whatever, cuma sharing pengalaman aja..hehehe...tapi kalo ada niat untuk bli mic sendiri,you should, it will boost up ur confidence, because you know the capability of ur mic... ![]() keep up the good work ya, guys...FULL SUPPORT ALWAYS!!! -we came, we saw, we conquer...thats how real MCs burns down a club- #33
MC / Re: Share Pengalaman NgeMc lo yang paling gokil disisni..28/01/09, 23:19
wah...selamat yaaa buat smua yang udah ngerasain serunya ngemc....
![]() hehehe..emang paling seru kalo ngemc 'dapet' smuanya...mulai dr vibe, music, crowd, and energy.. one of my best experiences ngemc di DJs cafe/club bali....New years Eve was a 24 hour party... and gw ngemc 18 jam....hehehehe....capek...parahh...suara abisss..hehehe...but it was fun... FULL SUPPORT buat smua yang sudah atau akan menjadi MC...bareng2 ya kita kembangin dunia MC di DANCE MUSIC INDUSTRY.... kita saling support ya love and unity for mic rockers... #34
MC / Re: (nanya) BUAT PARA MC28/01/09, 23:12
maaf yaaa...numpang njawab...kali aja bener jawaban gw...hehehehe...
stau gw, colokan itu jack standar...cari aja di toko elektronik terdekat anda..hehehehe.. colokan dalem nya 3 gitu>>yang satu ke mixer, yang satu ke mic....standar bwt mic kok..kebetulan mic yang gw pake, pake kabel itu juga... selamat hunting yaa... klo salah, maaf yaa.. big love and respect #35
REDMA 2009 / Re: gmn mau voting?liat nominasi aja gak bisa28/01/09, 23:09
hiks...belom ada biuntangnya nih gw
Jakarta Events / Re: .:THE LAST DANCE:. at EMBASSY CLUB JAKARTA FRI, 16 JAN 0908/01/09, 20:55
siap!!!!!!.....seru2an bareng yuk...
lets save the last dance in our memory.... -big love #37
pray and hope the crowd goes home with a smile on their face........
boleh kasih saran dikit yah, maaf maaf klo gw sotoy,,,,hehehehe... ada kayak jamu gitu, namanya Lo Han Kuo, coba minum tiap pagi and stelah ngemc.... tenggorokan langsung enakan bgt...ada di century... hehehee..klo bwt gw sih manjur banget...hehehehe... big love and respect to all MCs... #38
hehehehe...drwe hadirrrrr..... -big love- #39
Jakarta Events / Re: 1945MF Proudly Present "Rendevouz", Friday October 24th 2008 @Embassy,Jakarta.24/10/08, 01:46
yippie....nanti malm nih....
dateng ya smua yaaaaa... saling mensupport yaaa... mainkan..... #40
Jakarta Events / Re: REPUBLIC of TRANCE24/10/08, 01:37
yippiiiieee....gokil nih.........
trancing up the whole nite.... pastinyaaaa........ rock on!!! #41
Main Talk / Re: Berita Duka - Adinda dari DJ Echa (1945 MF)24/10/08, 01:31
telat baca bro.....
turut berduka cita yah...yang tabah.... #42
Jakarta Events / Re: “ANSTECKEND #9” – Chain of Faith – FRI, OCT 17TH ’0801/10/08, 00:50
yippie!!!!! we go again!!! ansteckend.... ach sooooo....alles klar,wunderbar!!!
Jakarta Events / Re: SOUND OF EMBASSY29/07/08, 18:27
LETS GO GREEN!!!!! #44
Jakarta Events / Re: EMBASSY 6TH ANNIVERSARY16/07/08, 16:46
thank you for such an amazing 6 years...
happy bday....makin sukses ya...this is my second home... lets rock your bday bash!!!!!!! #45
Bandung Events / Re: 1945 MF G L O B A L D A N C E16/07/08, 16:32Quote from: 1945MF on 15/07/08, 17:23Quote from: drwe on 15/07/08, 15:19 punya pejabat sih kayaknya........ peace..... @ dj redy: sayang kita gak sempat share one deck malm itu....hehehe.... @ alvin: sok2 gak seneng lu, photo yang sendiri dimasukin...bukannya emang dah diniatin taro di sini ya...ekekekekke.... @ pschotheraphy: thanks for the support ya bro.... #46
Bandung Events / Re: 1945 MF G L O B A L D A N C E15/07/08, 15:39
tadinya pengen ngikut ngumpul tuh pas cabs jam 3...eeehhh, bini harus balik, senin pagi gw ngumpulin skripsi, takut macet kalo kemaleman...... mangkanya, kang deden, bikin di JKT dah ga ada urusan kuliah, jadi pasti ngikut..hehehe #47
Bandung Events / Re: 1945 MF G L O B A L D A N C E15/07/08, 15:19
SERU BANGET!!!! Reunion in one dance scene as a family....... @ romy: bikin di jkt, harus!!!!!!! @ deny: cranberry banyak tuh kmaren...tau punya siapa.....Xp #48
Label / Event Organizing / Re: WELCOME DJ ECHA to 1945MF , GET READY FOR ROCK'S THE HOUSE DUDE..09/07/08, 14:21
welcome to dj echa....
may the spirit of our kingdom always be with you... kibarkan selalu bendera kebanggan kita.... nambahin kata2 imor, -ROCK ON!!!!!- #49
Jakarta Events / Re: 1945MF PRSNT "INSTIGATE #4" - NIGHTIME SUPERHEROES, WED 16 JULY '08 @EMBASSY09/07/08, 13:46 empat nih cing.......lets go, instigate!!!!
support ya guyz... #50
Jakarta Events / Re: JUNKO Presents : EPIC (JUNKO's 2nd Anniversary tour)23/06/08, 21:20
congrats ya guys buat tournya...makasih ya dah di ajak main di jkt...WE HAD FUN!!!! i know you guys did too on the tour... keep on rockin our dance scene, JUNKO!!!!!! peace out |