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Messages - Nine Eleven Voix

CDJ 400,gokiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil,hiehihihihih

Bagash here
Support Buat One Glove,moga2 jadi DJ yg baik hati tidak seperti saudara kembarnya *R**E,ckckckckckckckckckckck
In Trance We Dance...

Bagash Here
CDJ 400?????Hmmm pengen coba siiiy,kira2 enakan mana yaaa sama 800mk2?????
Jessy gw tlv ga bangun2,payaaaaaah niiiiy!!!

support teruuuuuus deeeh
Weeeeitz ati2 ada dj kondang tuuuuw,ckckckckckckck
VU's sumpaaaaaaaah enak bgt tempatnya,cuma kadang sound nya suka bermasalah tuuuw,maaap niiiy cuma sekedar masukan aja kooow,hehehehee...
VINLADY?????????weeeeeeeeeeeeeeew,dateeeeeeeeng aaaaah....

MC nya LOST TOOOOOOOT yaaa??hahahahahahaaa..... (Pisss sssooob)
Gw dah ga jln barengsama anak2 lg sooob,,,
Weeew gokil..gokil..gokil.....

support teruuus laaah pokoknya
Mau duuuunk maen di caesar cafe......
Kapan yaaaaah bisa maen bareng lagi sama dewa breakbeatnya bogor???terakhir wkt itu qta maen di dizzy yaaaaaa bro????sukses teruuuus bro...

Mau dunk bikin event di X-One,Contact personnya kmn yaaaaaa?????

AREA 51 is the best!!!!!heheheheheee...

Alumni juga niiiiiiy saiiia,heheheheheheee....
Bereeeeees brooooooooooo....
hold it yaaaaaaaaa,heuheuheuheuheuheueee....
Hujan Gerimis pokoknya bener2 hujan deeeeh tuw lagu,sampe banjiiiir kalii yaaaaaa???huehueheuheueee....

Oooooooooo paman santa clause????beres2,nanti tgl 31 anak2 pada maen di nite flight tuuuw,boleh laaaah merapat sedikit,heheheheheeee.........
Oooooow jadi gitu niiiiy,,,MV melupakan kita?????????cukup tau laaaaah klo gitu,,,,
Zelotic,,tgl 2 bzok bikin event bareng authies di 9cloud yaaaaa?????

weeeeeeeeew pengen dateng deeeeeh,support terus buat zelotic...

_Bagash/MydeCode Family_
Rasa2nya gw tau deeeeh,niii EOnya si kinny anak LS bukan????

Support sooooob................



Weleeeeh weleeeeeeh ga sopan niiiiy atas gw,siapa yaaaaaa?????hihihihihihiiiiii
Support buat snips prod...

jangan lupa ajak2 qta maen yaaaa??heheheheee...

_MydeCode Family_
@DJ Marshall

efan baik2 saja...

thx ya soooob...

jangan lupa hadir klo mydecode bikin event,heheheheheheee.....
Full Support soooob

_MydeCode Family_
ya gpp juga laaaah maen RnB,ya jelas gw ga bakalan mau klo harus ngikutin loe maen di lt.4,hahahahahaaaa.....