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Messages - andika2008

Doxx jangan pelit ilmu gitu dong..
Ayo ajarin gw juga dong joooo
Haha, your the best Doxx

I, ur no.1 fan!!!!
Wah, bermunculan terus Party Oraganizer di Ibukota ya??

Keep up the hard work and quality ya guys..

Event2 lo si udah lumayan gokil2 kok..

Pertahanin terus exsistensi dan kelas 25 Hour..
@puresoul ..

ok, bro..

just checking with you..

wouldn't want anyone reposting, right?

hehehehe....   ;D  ;D

share some more tracks bro, your colections wicked...   *bgs* *bgs*
just a question for :


are you active in www.kaskus.us too??

if you're not then,

try opening  MUSIC FORUM> SHARING MUSIC> [Sharing MP3] Dance Music (Happy Hardcore,Electronics,House,Progressive,Trance Dst)

Your tracklist links of 2008 Trance Tunes are reposted exactly the same by raverence on page 12

just FYI bro..  ;)

terima kasih untuk bimbingannya sob..   ;)

newbie jadi ngerepotin senior nih..   *piss*

thx bro..  *bgs* *bgs*
I'm a big fan puresoul..  *tepuktangan*

Do you have any new Jochen Miller, Scott Mac or Michael Tsukerman tracks??

if you do , please share.. thx..  ;)
Thumbs up for pure soul...
*bgs* *bgs*
Sick songs....

a new breath of fresh air for the trance scene in indonesia..