Original atau versi petani ?
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Vjs Softwares / Re: butuh license IR mapio yg uda support dgn resolume 4 arena18/07/12, 13:54
Original atau versi petani ?
Jakarta Events / Re: FULL ON FERRY @ X2 Club in Jakarta03/07/12, 11:58
Dj Booth nya X2 dibalik aja kali ya?
Menghadap ke parkiran, kacanya di buka.. DJ indoor yang nonton outdoor... hehehe. Kayaknya Full on Ferry visual nya bakalan Full juga #28
Surabaya Party Reports / Re: Sound Of Surabaya (SOS) Party Report21/06/12, 12:41
Keren banget,
Bagian visualnya di bahas dong oom Jhone Proses nya mulai dari konsep sampai eksekusi, mungkin para visual jockey dan visual content developer nya bisa posting di thread "Visual Jockey" Personil yang terlibat sampai equioment dan vendornya kalo bisa.., hehehe.. Seru banget pastinya. salut untuk D Concept #29
Label / Event Organizing / Re: CARA MEMBUAT EVENT SUKSES, BERMUTU & BERMANFAAT21/06/12, 12:31
Baru baca sampai akhir.
Iya ya, siapa ya yang pertama kali dan menyebarkan istilah FDJ ? Dan kok banyak yang ikutan memakai istilah FDJ sampai akhirnya ada yang kritis mengguggat hal istilah FDJ tersebut. Nah,, sebelum menular lebih luas ke elemen EDM lain seperti MC dan VJ, gue harap yang buat poster atau yang memutuskan memakai istilah Female Visual Jockey, untuk acara Motion Graphic Sharing Session Sabtu tanggal 16 Juni 2012 di Kemang 89 baca Thread ini, atau kalo pun ngga baca, ada yang kenal tolong dikasi link nya supaya baca. Memang Visual Jockey yang berkelamin perempuan di Indonesia tidak sebanyak yang berkelamin pria. Tapi apakah perlu banget ya pake nambahin kata FEMALE di depan nya? Yang DJ jadi FDJ sedang diperdebatkan, eh sekarang malah muncul istilah Female Visual Jockey. ![]() ![]() ![]() #30
Main Talk / Leap : Kontrol Komputer Tanpa Sentuhan30/05/12, 14:28
kayaknya bisa untuk visual jockey software juga nih.
penontonnya aja dibuat booth untuk jadi visual jockey nya. :) #31
Main Talk / Nightlife Past Present Future21/05/12, 14:08
wah menarik nih. sayangnya sudah lewat ya ? :(
Visual Jockey / Re: DATABASE VJs....(ABSEN VJs!!!!....ABSEN!!!)27/04/12, 23:41Quote from: Gober on 18/04/12, 10:41 Wahahah... maap baru baca. Sudah terima.... Thank you banget.... #33
Visual Jockey / Re: best vj software23/04/12, 18:23Quote from: mocko on 23/01/11, 00:32Quote from: stormtroopers on 21/01/11, 02:11Quote from: svck on 09/01/11, 16:19 Kalo menurut mas Raphael kudu Legal dan Original #34
Visual Jockey / Re: 3D Mapping23/04/12, 17:55
Sudah terang benderang kok. masih butuh pencerahan.
Mantap.. ceritain dong proses nya #35
Visual Jockey / Re: DATABASE VJs....(ABSEN VJs!!!!....ABSEN!!!)18/04/12, 09:58Quote from: adhieVS on 14/03/12, 11:23thank you, tapi belum terima awardnya. hehehe yuk mari makan..pesen sama Joni aja. hahahaha #37
Main Talk / Re: Magical Future - Free! Magazine 10th Anniversary11/04/12, 20:28
Visual Jockey nya buanyakkkkkkk
Vjs Softwares / NuVJ controller support in GrandVJ29/03/12, 20:08
HAYO yang masih nyimpen NuVJ... good news nih.
We've recently released GrandVJ 1.6.5 which brings support for DJ-Style MIDI controllers with a jog wheel for scratching. That was all we were missing to bring support for the NuVJ controller in GrandVJ. And we know that this compatibility was a much requested feature, as the NuVJ Video Mixer is being progressively phased out by Numark, the software part is no more updated and users are left with a controller sitting on a shelf. Instead of continuing to put resources in bringing into the NuVJ software some features that are already implemented in GrandVJ we have decided to focus all our efforts in improving GrandVJ more and more so that each new version gets better and the future version 2 can be as amazing as we are planning it. Therefore, we are inviting all NuVJ users to join the GrandVJ community and we are offering them a GrandVJ license for a bargain price (approximatively -50%, depending on your currency) so they can take advantage of GrandVJ's eight video layers, numerous effects, visual generators, advanced compatibility with mostly any other MIDI controller and all of the other advanced features from ArKaos' professional VJing software. (This offer is valid until July 31, 2012 from the upgrade page on the ArKaos web site, all you need is your NuVJ software serial number) And now, for those who already have the NuVJ controller and a GrandVJ software installed, read on for the explanation on how to make them work together (by the way, if you just want to try it out, it will also work fine with the GrandVJ demo..) How does it works? GrandVJ now features a dedicated template for the Numark NuVJ controller. As for other controllers capable of bidirectional communication with the software, the NuVJ template takes advantage of the feedback possibilities offered by the device. Let's get started: Plug your NuVJ controller in the computer with the USB cable Launch GrandVJ and start a new project Select "Numark NuVJ" in the template list Before you do anything else, don't forget to activate the feedback to enjoy lights and infos on the controller's LCD screen. Go to the menu Preferences, MIDI, and select "Numark NuVJ" as Feedback type and "MIDI controller" as MIDI output. ![]() And here is a quick overview of the mapping on the controller. ![]() Keys from the left pad are assigned to the 9 left cells of the bank in GrandVJ, keys from the right pad are assigned to the 9 right cells of the bank. The jog wheels control the scratching for the first and the second layer. To use GrandVJ in a NuVJ style, the clips should be assigned to the first or second layer, corresponding to the Deck A or B on the controller. This way the keys from the left pad will automatically send the clips to Deck A, and the keys from the right pad will send the clips to Deck B. Here is how you should configure GrandVJ to get that result: Select each cell in the bank (right click on the cell) and change its layer assignment from the Parameters pannel. Assign the 9 cells on the to layer 1 and the 9 cells on the right to layer 2, as shown in the figure below. ![]() Send layer 1 to deck A and layer 2 to Deck B as shown in the figure below ![]() And if you want to enjoy the 8 layers of GrandVJ, you can use the "Pmtr1″ button on the left of the controller to select the destination layer before triggering a clip. That's all! Link source: arkaos.net #39
REDMA 2011 / Re: REDMA 2011 FINAL RESULTS12/03/12, 18:04
Track Of The Year : Osvaldo Nughroho - Erase Una Vez UNA VEZ
Remix Of The Year : Osvaldo Nugroho - Erase Una Vez (DTX Remix) Album Of The Year : The One - Romy Podcast Of The Year : Soundscape Session - Innerlight Music Course Of The Year: Spinach Academy Club of the year : Stadium Special Dedications : VJ Bowo --------------------------> Ini gue ya ? heheh thank you guys :0 Lifetime Achievement : Remy Irwan (DAFKAF) #40
Visual Jockey / Re: DATABASE VJs....(ABSEN VJs!!!!....ABSEN!!!)12/03/12, 01:48Quote from: adhieVS on 10/03/12, 18:39 oh itu elu toh. heheh. ok langsung di proses #41
Visual Jockey / Re: [TUTORIAL] VJ HARDWARE SETUP28/12/11, 19:02Quote from: Hurricane on 23/12/11, 10:49 Gue bantuin jawab ya. ----Nggak semua tempat / club disediakan Edirol Video Mixer bahasan lebih lanjut : Ngga semua tempat / club siap dengan Visual Output, kadang harus kita yang setting sendiri, bawa projector/plasma sendiri untuk jadi output visualnya. Ngga semua tempat / club menyediakan space untuk Visual Jockey, jadi kadang harus setting tempat untuk menampung peralatan Visual Jockey, sukur sukur ngga di usir atau di gusur hahahah Bila tempat / club sudah ada setup visual output maupun tempat untuk peralatan visual jockey, jarang ada yang sama settingnya, jadi sebaiknya konsultasi dulu dengan yang punya tempat atau person in charge di bidang visual (biasanya merangkap dengan lighting atau sound) ---Video Converter sebaiknya standby dengan alat yang satu ini, kalo ngga salah udah ada yang pernah bahas sampe beli nya dimana, tipe dan merek nya apa, di baca baca aja thread yang lalu lalu. ----bikin material atau Footage2 sndiri mau bikin sndiri atau berdua atau rame rame, yang penting bikin hehehe singkatnya itu sih. mungkin yang lain ada yang mau tam tam ? #42
REDMA 2011 NOMINASI / Re: REKOMENDASI - VJ OF THE YEAR REDMA 201128/12/11, 18:48Quote from: dedoSixteen on 16/12/11, 08:15 wahaha.. thanks oom Dedo, tapi gue udah ngga pantes lagi nih, regenerasi ![]() ALTER EGO VJ YAMA ULE 60HZ HIP TRAFFIC KILLED BY KENNEDY GROOVYLAND ISHAHENING THE GLOBALPORT VJ D'CIEL CHIEFY FLICKER SCREEN VJ ANUG NINJASKOOL SPASTIC LUNATIC VJ BOY BTR PUBLIC SPACE VJ BAYBAY DANARTRI HELLOWEFFECT dan masih banyak lagi Visual Jockey di Seluruh Indonesia, hayo bermunculan lah kalian ![]() #43
Visual Jockey / Re: Build In Visual Mapping Installation28/12/11, 18:46Quote from: HellowEffect on 18/12/11, 01:07 Mantap, Yang build siapa ? bisa dibikin thread baru aja supaya bisa lebih banyak yang lihat. ditunggu foto foto nya. #44
Main Talk / Re: The Fun Is Back Into Trance12/12/11, 18:08
yah kan dibilang nya buat fun, jadi ya bebas bebas aja sih.
mau dibilang maksa ya terserah bang Armin aja lah. Kalo emang mau open minded banget coba juga remix sama dangdut koplo cirebonan aja mas Armin. ![]() #45
Visual Jockey / Re: Versi Baru Resolume 412/12/11, 17:36Quote from: humzie on 11/12/11, 10:07 GrandVJ pake Auto VJ aja. cari temen yang bisa gantiin hehehe #47
Vjs Softwares / COLORCODE VJ for iPad01/11/11, 20:18
COLORCODE VJ ![]() What you can do with COLORCODE VJ Load, mix, and output movie files. (You can display up to 2 movies simultaneously) Overlay PNG image files. You can move the images by touching on the screen, or preset the movement in advance. PNG transparency is supported. Display texts. Like images, texts can also be moved. Play tracks in your iPad's library as BGM (*2). Output to external displays such as your TV, PC monitor, and projector. (*1) Works with most recent LCD TVs! (*1) The following adapters are supported: Apple Digital AV Adapter, Apple VGA Adapter. Select the cable to match your display. (*2) DRM protected tracks purchased on the iTunes Music Store cannot be played. iTunes Plus tracks are DRM-free and can be played. (*) We stongly recommend to use with iPad2, because of the hardware limitations (lack of CPU power and available memory) of iPad1 ___________________________________________________________________ Mulai bermunculan nih apps untuk Visual Jockey, jadi pengen iPad 2 nih ![]() #48
Visual Jockey / Re: mapping 28m x15m tanpa datatone01/11/11, 20:00
lebih detail dong ceritain proses nya. #49
Visual Jockey / Re: Plastikman 1.5 Live01/11/11, 19:57
sayang sekali ya pas Ritchie Hawtin main di Jakarta, belum selesai project Plastik Man nya.
mudah mudahan ada yang mau bawa lagi kesini. sesuatu banget nih #50
Vjs Softwares / Re: [UPDATE] Arkaos Grand VJ 1.6 now with Syphon Support28/10/11, 21:02
tapi hanya di Mac OS aja ![]() |