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Messages - putrazz

wetsss... wettss....nice flyer..
full support..n happy b`day to all..
happy b`day ya dull.. support..
wettt sadisssss... ada 2 devil ni yang maen.. hehehehe.. full support to dreamhouse.. *tepuktangan*
gw usahain dateng ya.. ;) ;)
* itu apa ya dimas pengkor jadi hosst.. hahahahahha.. hostes doi... ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: ICAL BH on 07/04/08, 13:55
dateng ahhh...
put jemput yah ;)

masa yang mau ulang taun minta jemput.. hihihihihi...* jgn kabur lu*
wahh lo ulang taun ya call hahahaa.. siapin botolll buat sodara..kayz2...
datang ya kwan2 hehehe... ;) ;) ;)
support yaa sodara acaranya. mudah2 an saya bisa dateng..
Quote from: starguitar7 on 03/04/08, 09:14

I, as the manager of Basement House would like to congratz DAFKAF with the new line up
semoga DAFKAF semakin berjaya..** *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*


thx messa  .. semoga basement house semakin berjaya n maju jg.. dan mau berkerja sama bikin acara bareng...

cheer`s... ;)
Quote from: dj roellie on 03/04/08, 01:05
Bikin pecah bogor yah sob ama line up Dafkaf................kapan nich maen bareng lagi.......

pastinya sobii...hehhe.. thx atas supportnya.. kapan donk kita berjumpa2 lagi..keep contact bro..
danish w aka carl cox  kw 4 huahuahuah  *piss* *piss*
Welcome aboard to DAFKAF   ;)

DJ Danish W  *bgs*

MC LIL Dan  *bgs*

and Nuril aka MOTIONINJA/DAFKAF  *bgs*

pls support guys..... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

for info call

021 938-754-65 (ichi)
dj si pantat gatellll  hahahahahahaha...... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
iya ni .. abiss ujan mulu..takut sakit kena ujan hihihihihihi ;D ;D
Quote from: Embassy on 17/03/08, 22:33
sukses ya guys,

have a great weekend outhere...

@ putrazz jgn stay d kamar trus tuh,



sial lo bangzzz.. stay di kamar gimana?hahahahaha... btw thx bangzz.
kalo uda pindah jogya jgn lupa2  ma gw..
pastiinya rameee ...yuk yakk yukk
wetss... rikarut.. mulai mengudara.... sukses yaa... buuu.... ;)
support..... banget nih. ;)..tapi insya allah ni bisa dateng.soalnya besoknya harus berangkat.. :)
wihh.... embi.. designnya ga perlu di ragukan lagi.. hehehe... dateng ah introducing dj embi ... cadasssssssss *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs*.....keep up the good work my broo.. ;)
wetttss... SIAPPP NI DJ EMBII... MANTAPPPPPPPPP........ !!!!!!!!!!
iyo...berangkatttzzz donk sob....hehehe..
wettsss si tompelll makin canggih aja.. support buat dreamhouse family..
big support... *bgs* *tepuktangan*
wahh temanku bapak satu anak ini ... makin canggih aja..hehehe..  ;Dsukses yaa romee ;) ;)

full support abiss.. *bgs*
gw usahain dateng yawww...... ;)
wahh acaranya mantabbbb nih.....hehehe..maju terus pantang mundur denzdenz..n pastinya advarklab.. horayyyyyyyyyyy *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* ;) ;)