Little Party Report : Dtg ke Rdbx disambut DJ Cello, nice & warm Progressive untuk menghantarkan Ferry Corsten maen, diiringi MC Q, crowd masih pada malu2... (biasalah Sby...hehehe ) and then He goes to the stage & wow setelah menikmati maennya dia hampir selama 3 jam kesimpulannya :Setnya bener2 canggih n mewah ... Stage Actnya atraktif n he's always smiling... , entrance, setting stage n decorationnya (by :Publicspace) ciamik banget ... VJnya (The GlobalPort) juga Top... .. sempet dapet tanda tangannya juga di CD Right of Way gw..... (thx to : Darshan (Front Media)) sayangnya ga sempet foto ama dia, udah keburu dibawa ke atas sie... hehehe..btw dpt juga CD Dance Rep. Chapter 1nya... Gokil Trance Local Series mixed by Innerlight.. ... & then terakhir naek DJ Hendra (10 Eleven) : nice closing set..
Overall it's One Of My Memorable Nite... Salut To FrontMedia yg udah bawa, Istara Ent., & redboXX...
Overall it's One Of My Memorable Nite... Salut To FrontMedia yg udah bawa, Istara Ent., & redboXX...