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Messages - priast

apa katanya??
there's always Conflick between us !?

Quote from: dyah.ayu on 16/12/08, 18:33
go go 20D gooooooooooooooo.....
ayooooooooooooooo...kemana yaaaaa kitah tauh baruuuu....?????
maen dimana yaaaa....

susah nih kl PR...huhuehuehuehuehue
Quote from: Bagash_777 on 16/12/08, 17:19
Weeeeeew full support buat kalian semuanya di 20D Soundstream

thx omm.... :'( :'( :'( :'(

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@boele 25hours
thx bro...

weks.... tidak trima pengembalian hewan!
wew...kucingnya rese bgt! suka ganggu tdr, pup sembarangan, gigitin kabel, brantem ma kucing laen,,, preman bgt deh!!! hiks...anyway,,, thx ya.. and we'll be waiting for u...

klinik apaan si ??? mo bikin kerja sampingan ya !?! wkkwkwkwkw
Quote from: dickharper on 16/12/08, 13:54
wah wa wa..... om priast... support deh buat managementnya... moga2 sukses yah om...

tenkyu boss...
support for Spinach,,
alo egi !! :Peace:
thx guys...   :'( :'(

emangnya gw maen bulu tangkis...  *piss*

gratz buat Conflicknya y....beneran tuh DJ feat. VJ ?? hheuhuehue,,,aciq"
salam buat ajenk,,blg kucing laknatnya kapan diambil..  ;D ;D
20D Soundstream management is a management for music lovers, especially for DJs. We will be focusing and supporting Hard Disk Jockeys (HDJs), but CDJs are also open for us.

Established in 2007, by small group who always gathered, gave their ideas that "nothing is impossible".
This group is youngsters that tries to reach their dreams to give other people something.

20D Soundtream is new and still have small members, but we believe we'll heading to the higher lever
by working together with all management in Jakarta, Indonesia. We believe that we will be accepted by
public and music listeners. We need your support on this one.

We realize that music is other form of human communication, where it will create a peaceful atmosphere phenomenon.
We realize "if music be the food of love, play on!"

Then, 20D Soundstream was born, where these particular youngster realize their capabilities to please the audience.
Giving them peace and enjoyable environment.

20D Soundstream:

Alam (House)
DiscoDiva (Electro House/House)
Ryant (House)
Teddy (Progressive/Trance)
Priast (Progressive/Trance)

Please support us!
thx, and see you on the scene!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
thx om bobby !!! hihihihi
hai guys!!

there's a new management in town,,  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

20D Soundstream

Kita akan mensupport HDJ, tp jg CDJ
please support kita y!!  *piss*

more info @


yg Ti Black Gold ada g ??
mnurut gw keren bgt,,,sori kl dah ada yg ntn  *piss*

Steve Angello & Sebastian Ingrosso Live @ Musika

bos,,,ada yg ini ga ??

kl ada gw mo order dong,,
support,,, om epie, om arie, om innu, DiscoDiva, dan segenap tim sukses DreamHouse...

gw masi ngambek ma om arie !! huh !!
Quote from: ican*agoesdjam on 19/05/08, 02:58
ada liputan video nya gak?mo liat donksss....:) penasaran liat screen nya...apalagi yg kontroversial2 :D

owwww....ternyata zephir tuh dreamotion?yayayyayaya.....gokilll....bikin penasaran ajah :P

SALUT!!....semoga next gig bisa liat tontonan menarik ini....

go go FlickerScreen ,Zephir, dreamhouse!

gokil, keren, rame bgt!!! ampe susah mo maju...huhuhuh...

ada yg tewas juga kayanya di kubu sini...hihihihihih..
ada yg udah ga kuat minum....
ada yg bingung nyariin HP yg nyelip disofa...
ada yg kejatoan aer minum...ampe baru sadar paginya kalo kakinya uga ikud ke gores...

pokoknya LEBIH PUNYA TASTE !!!!

kapan" bikin acara lagi yak, om epie !! hihihihi
gw keabisan kacamatanyaaa....ihiks...
Quote from: riz88 on 12/05/08, 12:58

Lu beLi dMn soB...???

HrGanya brP..??

;D R!Z88

lupa beli dmana...hauhauhua...skitar 2jutaan....
Quote from: piwPIWpiw on 11/05/08, 18:36

brati jadi dateng dong....kalo dateng jangan di borong ya kacamatanya
entar eike ngga kebagian  8) 8)

jadi dong,,, ga kok,,, pokoknya yg 'lebih punya taste' gw pake  8) pasti masi ada dong bwat lo...hihihi :P

...rombongan gw yg laen mah kasi yg kertas ajahhh... ;D ;D  :-\
Quote from: piwPIWpiw on 11/05/08, 18:36
takut di pecat apa di takut di semprot  ;D

di semprot dulu baru dipecat,,,,tp udah kmaren semprotannya,,,,hehehe,,,untung rencana brubah,,,senangnya...  *piss*
ehhh...ternyata jadi deng....hehehehehehe
dipaksa euy...kalo gw bisa dpecat..ihiks"
dohh...mendadak ga bisa ikutan..huhu..maap yak..
tp ntr temen" gw masi pada ksana, kok...
tetep full support!!