happy birthday bro,
all the best..
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - dafkaf #251
Yogyakarta / Re: .: HEPPI BETDE DJ BILLY (EMBASSY JOGJA's RESIDENT)01/06/06, 11:01happy birthday bro, all the best.. #252
Yogyakarta Earthquake / Re: EMBASSY PEDULI GEMPA JOGJA & SEKITARNYA01/06/06, 02:31lil echy, apa kabarnya temen2 kita? pd sehat semua kan.. ngga ada yg kenapa2 kan? dr embassy jakarta bakalan bantuin menggalang dana utk temen2 d jogja.. mdh2an semua terealisir dlm minggu2 ini, doain aja spy hasilnya maksimal ya.. salam buat semua, #253
EMBASSY PLAYGROUND / Re: PRE PARTY PLAYGROUND @ EMBASSY JOGJA31/05/06, 10:38Quote from: xesid on 22/05/06, 05:12 waduh, masa pre-sale ngga ada d smrg? ??? pre-partynya jg ada kok d embassy semarang kmrn tgl 19 Mei '06 ; yg maen Billy (Jogja) & Simon (Bandung) utk programnya ; mulai juni ini gw & miko bakalan maen d semarang secara regular ; kita bakalan punya brand event sendiri awas pada ngga dateng ya? heuheeuhe... #254
EMBASSY PLAYGROUND / Re: EMBASSY PLAYGROUND 2006 annual music festival31/05/06, 10:31Quote from: Sticky Fingers on 31/05/06, 00:10 Peace yo' #255
Jakarta Events / HELP! A Charity Event for Jogjakarta31/05/06, 00:00HELP! We're inviting you to gather up at Embassy Jakarta to raise the mush needed fund and supplies for the Jogjakarta earthquake victims. EMBASSY JAKARTA Friday, June 2nd 2006 Donate as much as you wish at the door, all proceed from it will donated through DANA KEMANUSIAAN KOMPAS under the name of "Embassy Charity Event June 2nd, 2006" Embassy Jogjakarta will also act as POSKO (Comando Post) for any these supplies. You can donate at the door on the event date : - Blankets - Medical Supplies - Ready to eat food (No Instant Noodles) - Used/ New Clothing - Baby Clothing - Baby Food Supported by INDIKA FM, CLUBHOPPERS, HARDROCK FM, PARANOIA #257
Main Talk / Re: Dj Luar yg elo pengen tonton tahun ini.....30/05/06, 12:34Quote from: acid_drops on 30/05/06, 12:28 gw setujuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..... #258
Label / Event Organizing / Re: whats up DAFKAF29/05/06, 17:13Quote from: Chris.M on 29/05/06, 11:14 thx Chris... sukses juga buat lo ya, #260
Jakarta Events / Re: Tonite!!! EMBASSY PLAYGROUND Pre-party27/05/06, 13:39Quote from: prama on 27/05/06, 13:16 groupies??? kumpulin meidje2 yg banyak yaa.. #261
Yogyakarta Earthquake / Re: SoB, Gimana Keadaan Kalian stelah GEMPA?????27/05/06, 13:33Quote from: SisKa on 27/05/06, 11:48 asli, drtd jaya ga bisa d hubungin gt trus naro td pagi dia naek mobil dr jogja k solo, flight dia k jkt d alihkan kesana tuh.. ktnya heboh bgt jalan k solo #262
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: tweekd records27/05/06, 11:49Quote from: sumantri on 26/05/06, 17:38 joooo... mau ikutan dong, #263
Clubs / Venues / Re: Menurut Kalian..Bisa ngga ya..making Bali like IBIZA??27/05/06, 11:47Quote from: titosimon on 26/05/06, 20:37 haaayyoooooooo... kita summer rame2 yeeuuukk asal brg tito gw brangkat nih, huhuuhuuuu, maaauuuuu... inget ga sih? #264
Main Talk / Re: Dj Luar yg elo pengen tonton tahun ini.....27/05/06, 11:44Quote from: secret admirer on 27/05/06, 11:06 kalo gw nungguin Dave Clarke trus Kevin Saunderson, Francois K sama Ian Pooley tuh... penting!!! #265
Jakarta Events / Re: CLUBHOPPERS - TRIPLE DECKER IV27/05/06, 11:40Quote from: prama on 26/05/06, 18:05Quote from: dafkaf on 26/05/06, 01:35Quote from: prama on 23/05/06, 21:14 asli bgt... 3 track semuannya kepake gitu, gokil!!! #266
Jakarta Events / Re: Tonite!!! EMBASSY PLAYGROUND Pre-party27/05/06, 11:38Quote from: prama on 26/05/06, 18:08 mulai juni ini, MIKO bakalan regular d WB sementara 1MAN d Embassy dulu... tp, ntar ada 1 hr (program) yang kita b3 bklan sharing booth rame2 dex 'n efx critanya gitu pram.. #267
Jakarta Events / Re: CLUBHOPPERS - TRIPLE DECKER IV27/05/06, 11:34Quote from: Chris.M on 26/05/06, 13:26 wassup chris? ikutan journey'nya dong nanti mlm... #268
Main Talk / Re: happy birthday to dj redy 1945mf surabaya27/05/06, 11:32wish you all the best bro.. cheers.. #269
Yogyakarta Earthquake / Re: SoB, Gimana Keadaan Kalian stelah GEMPA?????27/05/06, 11:29iya nih, drtd nyoba tlp acid - kimi rei & embassy crew blm bs nyambung guys, kalian baik2 aja kan? semoga tdk ada gempa susulan & tsunami gt yaa.. turut berduka cita utk para korban, semoga jogja cepat normal lagi... PS. siska, gmana solo? #270
Disk Jockey / Re: do know dj chris m???26/05/06, 17:38Quote from: SisKa on 10/05/06, 20:35 goodluck bro.. #271
Jakarta Events / Tonite!!! EMBASSY PLAYGROUND Pre-party26/05/06, 17:29TONITE!! Get free EMBASSY PLAYGROUND tickets... at EMBASSY PLAYGROUND Pre-party Friday, May 26th 2006 9PM onwards feat. DJ's NUMAN (embassy jogja) SIMON (embassy bandung) resident DJ's 1MAN & REMY IRWAN see u there guys.. #272
Jakarta Events / Re: CLUBHOPPERS - TRIPLE DECKER IV26/05/06, 01:35Quote from: prama on 23/05/06, 21:14 boleh aja pram, my hause - jeff baunce kan? siap.. #273
Disk Jockey / Re: Aldrin pindah dari Zouk SG ke Embassy JKT ?26/05/06, 01:32Quote from: prama on 24/05/06, 00:03 tak lain dan tak bukan... emang bener si MIKO yg lo maksud pram, hehehehehehe.. #274
Main Talk / Re: CLUB HOPPERS#04 DJ ROMY track listing.. also promo at TWISTED LOGIC Retro.26/05/06, 01:07Quote from: 1945MF on 25/05/06, 16:38Quote from: dafkaf on 25/05/06, 14:46Quote from: 1945MF on 23/05/06, 22:53 huehehehe, inget joo sama "felix" jg into your heart? msh ada piano 2 gitu dong... give me love apa give me luv? kalo give me luv - alcatraz artisnya... #275
Main Talk / Re: CLUB HOPPERS#04 DJ ROMY track listing.. also promo at TWISTED LOGIC Retro.25/05/06, 14:46Quote from: 1945MF on 23/05/06, 22:53 djuoooo... track lo bbrp udah gw maenin loh, reaksinya rockin' bgt hehehhehe, gokil ah!!! sukses yah djuo |