gw didepok, berarti luar jkt dong? hehehehe
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - F E R R E #251
Gears and Technology / Re: HDJ kumpul disini15/04/08, 11:15
gw didepok, berarti luar jkt dong? hehehehe
Jakarta Events / Re: TRANCE 4 LIFE present "TRANCE GENETICS #3" @CLEO'S15/04/08, 10:56
rundown nya gimana bie? #253
Label / Event Organizing / Re: ***TRANCE 4 LIFE*** (T4L)13/04/08, 02:07
pastilah...masa pastidong? dateng lah bro....kami menunggumu... #254
Jakarta Events / Re: TRANCE 4 LIFE present "TRANCE GENETICS #3" @CLEO'S13/04/08, 02:03
jangan hajar gw dong..hahaha @nick thanx for the thumbs 4 designnya nick! #255
Visual Jockey / Re: HaPpy b'Day VJ HENDRO (Flicker Screen)...!!!08/04/08, 23:24
ternyata...yang sekampus pun nggak tau kalo die ultah..ahahaha..
maap yak ndro.. happy birthday! mau kado ape? V4? hahahaha.... #256
Jakarta Events / Re: DJ ROME 7/24 @ Double 6 bali 22 march 200822/03/08, 02:53
goodluck buat rome yang sekarang pasti lagi berasoy2 disana sebelum main...hehehe
Disk Jockey / Re: Mohon Dukungannya guys.....New DreamHouse Female DJ,Coming soon 2 Clubs Near You22/03/08, 02:32
support terus buat om epie...ditunggu undangan kerjasamanya he3...
Design and Promotions / Re: [Promosi]HIGH QUALITY Flyers at Affordable price and Hassle-free22/03/08, 02:09![]() #259
Design and Promotions / Re: [Promosi]HIGH QUALITY Flyers at Affordable price and Hassle-free22/03/08, 02:05
some recent works....
![]() #260
Gears and Technology / Re: HDJ kumpul disini22/03/08, 02:03hello.. pokoknya kalo emang beneran pada mau sure to let me know ya.. pgn ketemu2.. karena gw rarely online, boleh contact gw di 0859 212 94 891 ( sms diutamakan ) hehe..thx! #261
Design and Promotions / Re: [Promosi]kalo bosen sama flyers yang kurang catchy....guaranteed!19/03/08, 19:50
boleh banget lah sob...kalo masalah harga gampanglah itu..yang penting puas dulu..hehehe..contact2 aja ya...
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: kos-kosan17/03/08, 13:58
kober bawah ya...hmm..dket kuburan? angker jaya nggak tuh? secara gw pasti balik pagi2 buta biel aka subuh..kalo angker jaya kan males thx for the info ya biel, kabar2in!
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: kos-kosan17/03/08, 12:31
ada nggak ya yang rate nya dibawah 500? gw butuh buat stay ga tiap hari nih, paling seminggu 2x-3x, mungkin ada yang tau?
@beel bil, ngekos bareng aja yuk, mau ga? cari yang daerah selatan gitu.. #264
Disk Jockey / Re: Apa pendapat u tentang DVJ FERRE ????17/03/08, 12:26
thanx brother...lo juga gokil ah, seamless mixing..hehehe let's collabo again sometimes ya bro.. #265
Jakarta Events / Re: "TRANCESESSION" 19 march 2008 at Cleo's11/03/08, 00:34
lo main trance juga bro? ayolah kita jebe2an kapan2...diatur diatur bro...hehehe... #266
Disk Jockey / Re: Apa pendapat u tentang DVJ FERRE ????28/02/08, 10:14
iya ferry corsten lewat, dia nggak peduli makanya dia lewat terus aja...hehehe #267
Gears and Technology / Re: Hard Disck Jockey...27/02/08, 10:28
ajak saya main ya brO? asiikk..hehehehe #268
Gears and Technology / Re: Hard Disck Jockey...27/02/08, 10:26
wah M-audio trigger finger itu enak tuh buat mapping ke resolume...hmm
@fatboy bener banget kata babeel, cuman ya untuk supaya kita bisa make fungsi sync dengan bener bukannya malah ngancurin mixing, kita mesti nyiapin beatgridnya, kalo cara gue : -bikin 1 beatgrid diawal cue point yang kita mau -bikin 1 lagi di outro lagu -terus kalo mau di samain waktu lagi nyusun set dirumah sih boleh,tapi kurang seru -seninya adalah beatgridnya baru kita belok2in diatas panggung, jadi mirip ableton set tapi ber pitch bend ria diatas panggung...gitu... #269
Disk Jockey / Re: Apa pendapat u tentang DVJ FERRE ????27/02/08, 10:08
oh noo...hahaha
baru liat ada thread ini...pak robbie bisa aje nih bikinnya.. thanx banget yah guys...really hoping for your everlasting supports... @ndira hihihi @507 kan udah 2 kali? hehehe @vinodii rocking? nggak ah keep trancing aja hehehe @punct i love cables and led cha! hehehe @dq maju maju bro! @ronjon thanx brother! @rangel thenkyuu...selabel ini kita hehehe @jessy tarik? emangnya teh bro? haha makasih banget yaa.. @dj deny siapa dulu panutannya...bang deny...ehehehe... @chiefy mantepan elo ah... #270
endjoy sodaraan ya sama ajoy? hahahaha
aduh siapa yang ngedisain tuh...tob! #271
Jakarta Events / Re: SUBSPINA PRESENT : NEIGHBORHOOD #Trance edition21/02/08, 11:22
support for nuez...salam buat fabio..gue suka banget ableton setnya...
n daffy juga ya... #272
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: Baru dateng nih,,, UDG Bag,, Special price.. (Pic Inside)21/02/08, 11:14
headphone bag nya yang silver mau dong...diskonn laahhh...ato + gretong latian sejam ya..hehehe
Disk Jockey / Re: Welcome to 1945MF "Alvi , Diva , Devina" also "Osvaldo" give them big shout guys21/02/08, 11:02
oos engkau memang idolaku....hehehhe
Gears and Technology / Re: CDJ 40021/02/08, 10:35
itu dua lobang kecil buat ganti "slipmats" nya ya?
wow! orangenya itu lho...dapet banget... #275
Gears and Technology / Re: Hard Disck Jockey...21/02/08, 10:12
mas bobby nggak kurang banyak gadget nya mas? hahahaha
@punct iya traktor 3.3. asik tuh lebih presisi, nggak lari2 mulu lagi.. @mahar sama dong brother... eh maaf lho wkt sabtu gw gajadi dateng, pokoknya kita harus ngumpul ya.. digital freak ada markasnya ga? ayo kembali ke laptop... hahaha |