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Messages - Bhokero

@tisno: emang bukan jadwalnya sob, lagian gue pengen liat 3 dj yg gokil2 ini maen. nonton yah... c u on the dancefloor.
@DJ Deny, gue pengen-nya loe maen sm achdiyat lagu baru yg keren tapi diselipin anthem2 lama yang bikin orang put their hands up in the air. Lagu dari tahun 95-2000 jo!!! pasti keren deh. gue plg depan deh loncat2nya....
wah gue dong dengerin jam & spoon di maenin achdiyat kemaren sabtu pas sama2 maen di V6 surabaya.... hehehehe, I miss the old times.... groovy B1 dulu namanya masih BLISS. hehehehe
I still got the member card... Abang, achdiyat, etc. masih inget gue jaman itu pindah ke B1 dari Cilandak sport centre. B1 masih kantin siangnya dibikin club kalo malem, GOKIL!!!!!
so sexy feat kim cooper (sensitive mix) sob. Thank u last night ya...
Vertical Six Presents

Feat Resident Djs: REDY(1945MF) & DAVID(V6)

Saturday, June 23rd 2007
JW Marriot hotel, SURABAYA
come and have a party with us with house, progessive and trancy vibe
*piss* *piss*

@all, thank you for everything. Last night was great.
honestly, gue masih hang over berat nih. I'm totally waisted last night, jadi sorry ya kalo rada2 td malem.... hehehe.
To all DJ's that played last night, bimo, shary, and dikkaa thank you so much. u guys really rocks!!
last but not least thank you for everybody that came last night, thank you juga buat anak2 ravelex yg udah support kita semua selama ini. without u all we are nothing.

c u tonite guys....
he's here now, just going out with him, what a crazy guy.....
Thanks Dj bone and reggy to accompany me tonite with him. otherwize gue bakalan kaya org bego.... hehehehehe
couple more days to rock Bandung and Jakarta. :)
c u on the dance floor guys!! don't forget to write us to get ure invitation.
U are so talented... tthat's why u deserve this. Keep rockin' bang!!!
hehehhe... mixed in key emang enak, cuman mungkin ga bisa 100% loe pratekin pas live kan bro. unless udah ngeset dirumah sebelom maen.
watch the sunrise - Axwell sama Born slippy (Joe K 2007 remix) enak banget. apalagi kalo ada Sorry - kaskade. bakalan dahsyat nih jadi summer track!!
@ dree : kirim email aja ke info@soundsyndicated.com nanti kita kasih invitationnya bos. pasti ada dong invitation buat kalian. peace!!!
another chart for this month:
1. I feel for you (Axwell remix) - bob sinclar
2. Rise Up ( grant nelson big room mix) - sunkidz
3. The Game (Kids piano mix) - Kid crame
4. So in love with u (DBN remix) - Soul budha
5. Transition - Denis Ferrer
6. Rej (Pastaboys mix) - Ame
7. Perfect bitch (dub mix) - whoxton whores
8. In the sunshine - Dan rubell
9. That high (syke n sugar dub mix) - SE'SA
10. won't do it again (sunrise) - dave spoon
11. That acid track - lexicon avenue
12. Lone cat - dennis ferrer
13. say what u want - mochico, ian carey
14. promises (starkillers late night empire mix) - Dan saenz, ron reeser
15. put you hands up (supereyes mix) - Andrea T Mendoza

Ga semua lagu bener baru release sih, kenapa gue lg suka yg byk vocal yah..... hehehe
Peace all....
@eternalflame: masih mimpi kali yah sampe sekarang ini untuk bikin festival, cita2 sih ada. tapi butuh dana dan waktu yg luar biasa buat bikin itu. doain aja ya kita makin solid dan bisa bikin festival kaya itu someday.
Kalo semua EO gabung dan bisa fair investment dan profit sharingnya mungkin bisa kejadian kali yah. tapi pasti susah tuh ngejalaninnya buat bs fair gitu....  :p hehhehehe
@dree, tgl 8 kita bawa dia ke bandung utk maen disana, baru tgl 9 di jakarta. gue pengen banget dateng tgl 8, tapi kita musti maen di mbc bandung sama dia. si jerry sampe tgl brp disini. suruh dateng aja nanti pas tgl 9. btw, keep it bring all house producers. u guys rock!!!

The crowd seems nice, the atmosphere is fun, still don't believe why the crowd won't move unless u play house anthems.Thank god I wasn't play minimal that night.....(although I intend too...) :)
but anyhow, I'm so waisted when I'm home....... that's enough to make my night happening

@debon, kerja bakti udah jadi bagian dari kerjaan kitalah... hehehe. maybe next time better. so how was centro???
don't forget to send your email to info@soundsyndicated.com toget your free invitation guys!!!
a very wise words Mr. Debon.... c u tonite. hehehe...
@mocco: CONGRATZZZ BRO!!!!! :)
diusahain gung..... peace!
gue lg minta excuse supaya latihan jadi siang nih. Soalnya trainer loe aja dateng nih Lasoya. lucu2 nih kayaknya yg dateng. gue udah guest list a/n hadi buat 10 org.
hmmmphh.. tgl 9 ya??
Happy birthday to all my Electrosoul friends, keep the scene alive!!