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Messages - mocko

thx ya om bwt smuanya..maap maap kl ada yg mrepotkan...hehhehhe ;) *piss* *piss*
kapan2 boleh maen2 disana lg yah ;D

thx bgt om udh nyempetin dateng, next time kita bersua kembali yahhh *bgs*

@ alll
thx for the support *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: LosTSisKa on 18/03/08, 23:02
@mas mocco

hmmm,,,klo cuman jd groupiesnya mas mocco aja boleh??.....heuhehehee  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *piss* *piss*

wadohh jgn dong,,wong sini yg fans berat sama mbak yuu *piss* *piss*....yo wess yg pnting dateng aja dulu dehhhh 8) 8) ;D
Visual Jockey / Re: edirol V8
18/03/08, 20:52
Quote from: maxxxmotion on 18/03/08, 14:10
Quote from: mocko on 18/03/08, 12:55
Quote from: raphael on 18/03/08, 10:55
ngimpi diendorse sm roland edirol n pieneer aja ah ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
hehhehe..kl gue lg mimpi di dikasih laptop  :-\ :-\
yaaaa... yang sabar ya maaass.. namanya cobaan itu pasti ada.. si jepir juga pernah kehilangan hard disk..
si sunshine jg pernah jual leptop buat makan.. gw juga bolak balik kehilangan gebetan2 gw.. ;D ;D ;D

yg penting itu semua gak boleh menghilangkan semangat kita..
gw aja masih semangat cari gebetan baru...
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

*piss* *piss* *piss*

iyakk mas betulll...trimakasih sudah membangunkan smangatku....  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
ayo semangat cari yang baru,,istri baru...om max ikutan cari istri baru kan... ;D ;D
salam kenal semuanya...hehhehhe..
mohon izin yahhhh maen di semarang.... *piss* *piss*

tertusuk di hati yg paling dalam...nacep cep cep.... :'( :'(
WIIHIIII...mantab,,congratzz bwt ule & mike *tepuktangan*
@ raph
hahhaha.....yg ilang laptop doang...kl moment jangan ampe deh. ;D ;D

@mbak sis
mbak sis..mau colabo dmn nih?? jogja atw smarang?? ;D ;D *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@ mbak sis & masdon
notebook dan hpku ada yg nyolong di rumah mbake, bangun tidur smuanya raib..huhuhu :'( :'(

iya thx omcan hhehehe....laptop PC itu loh omcan, lagian mana punya gue yg apel apelan...
Visual Jockey / Re: edirol V8
18/03/08, 12:55
Quote from: raphael on 18/03/08, 10:55
ngimpi diendorse sm roland edirol n pieneer aja ah ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
hehhehe..kl gue lg mimpi di dikasih laptop  :-\ :-\
huhuhu..maafkan..tadinya gue mo kasih videonya...tapi ternyata hp nya hilang  :-\ :'( :'(
sampai bertemu di surabaya yah....c ya! ;) ;)
Quote from: Inrhie on 14/03/08, 15:36

@ mocco

Gpp kok klo mo k sebelah, tp harus selesaikan dl mainnya  ;D :) :) ;D
hehhe iya pastinya....kl udah beres langsung pindahan  ;D ;D

@blank footage
iya ditunggu yah..moga2 bisa maen bareng hihihihi

salam kenal smuanya *piss*
wah cangcing nih...mantabbsss,,,,nyobain dong bangbow ;D ;D...
Visual Jockey / Re: edirol V8
14/03/08, 01:54
Quote from: Gober on 14/03/08, 01:44
mantap. akhirnya V4 ada penerusnya. udah ada harganya blom?
Pricing: not sure; trying to find out. Word from the show is GBP1099, though those of you here in the crippled-dollar US, I expect we'll get different pricing. ;D :P :-\
Visual Jockey / Re: edirol V8
14/03/08, 01:49

The Edirol V-4 has been the standard mixer for years, leaving people desperately wanting a sequel. Korg tried with the KrossFour, but what they came up with was mainly a V-4 wannabe — a welcome DJ-style crossfader couldn't make up for the lack of differentiating features, and the V-4's elegant layout. And Edirol's own HD-resolution V-440HD wasn't priced for mortals.

The Edirol V-8 promises to change all of that.

First, Edirol has wisely copied the satisfying control layout of the V-4. Hate on the V-4 if you like, but I think we take for granted how cleanly-designed and intuitive that layout is. The V-4 isn't a perfect mixer by any means, but by encouraging mixing flow, and creating an affordable mixer that worked well for a broad audience, they did create a major hit.

What's great is that the V-8 adds what the V-4 lacked:

* Computer inputs: two "RGB" inputs with standard D-Sub 15-pin inputs (what most people call VGA jacks, even if that's not strictly correct); a switcher for selection
* More inputs all around: 7 composite ins, 4 S-Video jacks, for a total of 8 simultaneous input channels (i.e., you can use up to 4x composite and 4x S-Video simultaneously)  ... oh, yeah, and BNC jacks
* More outputs: 3 output channels, and monitors for inputs 1-7, channel B (monitoring either S-Video or RGB computer in), and the main preview output jack
* Independent, DJ-style vertical faders instead of those inconvenient V-4 knobs, plus better preset buttons — and an output fader, not a knob (finally!)
* Internal scan converter and time base correction

And this all comes with "DV-quality" video processing, 4:2:2 full-frame digital with 500 lines of resolution for processing, mixing, and output. That's perhaps not all that much in the computer age, but it'll do — especially if Edirol has kept the price down to Earth. Some of the new effects and transitions are fluffy, but there is a new feedback effect and, more importantly, horizontal flip. There's also improved support for V-LINK audio sync, but until there's wider implementation on the software side, I think the hardware features will be more significant.

The only really bad news: you can't mix two computer inputs, you can only switch between them. Still, this is a huge leap into the computer age for Edirol, and long overdue. Addendum: I figured this went without saying, but since CDM contributor vade points it out, the tradeoff — as with the V4 — is resolution for convenience and economy. So you get reliable, easy mixing, but you have to be willing to settle a bit in an age when computers are pumping out HD (and better) resolutions — we still haven't seen anything economical that can mix that in hardware, though there's always the option of adding a switcher so you can use more than one input, sans mixing.

PS: Edirol, thanks for making it black.

Availability: this month. That is, assuming it doesn't immediately sell out — which it probably will. Expect backlogs even worse than the V-4.

@mbak siska
mari mbak barebaskeunnn,,,hajarrrr..hhahahha ;D ;D

ayo mas don,,ntar kl cape tukeran tempat yah.. ;D ;D

@ wd j

gw gimana mas 666_666 aja dech  ;D, bukan begitu mas ;).. pada dateng ya teman2...
@six six six_six six six
salam kenal juga om..sampai jumpa disana yah..kita gila gilaan ;D ;D
mas dewa..maen bareng lagi kita.....hehhehe bakalan seru nih *tepuktangan*...
happy birthday buniiii.....btw mo gw bikini video lg ga???  ;D ;D
 Congratulation to all nominees *bgs*..!!!!

Thx to all RVLX members and all the people in EDM Indonesia, to put me in Visual Jockey of the year nominee

...sukses bwt REDMA 2008  *tepuktangan*
lostsiska n donknee gokil.. *bgs*...otak dan stamina terkuras...maaf kalo saya tak bisa bantu bnyk yahh ;) hehhehe.....
settingan LED nya jg gokil. kurang lebih ada 3 panel LED yg rusak gr2 hujan, jd harus diganti.  overall...pertunjukan visualnya top markotop daahh.. *bgs*
asikkkk...dj @khd@ merit...akhirnya...trs posisi DJ di grupisl@nd yg gantiin sapa??  RENDY  yah?? ;D 8)
Quote from: blank footage on 04/02/08, 23:06
playground??taman bermain?? (?) (?) :P :P
lampu kuda mang sebelah mananya perosotan ma ayunan?? ;D ;D ;D :P :P

lah yud...moso ga tau sih. makanya baca  thread vj riders...kita kan penunggang vj,,ngumpulnya hrs deket lampu kuda...maen kuda kudaan deh ;D ;D :-\