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Messages - echaaaa

udah sempet gw bahas di thread musik paman ....... liriknya hadooh #epictacticaldoublefacepalm
kok denger kata brazil otak gw lsg nyambung ke waxing yah ? damn i need to cutdown on my porn  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: anggabc on 29/02/12, 14:51
sekali2 di rvlx ada yang begini....  ;D

toss ngga , populitas kaum hawa di forum menurun drastis kayaknya nih ... dah kayak penyamun kabeh gini T_T
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 13/02/12, 12:53
Selamat yah lex..u deserved it..


taun depan yang masuk majalah hai yang dapet do,tenang bsok lo gw kasi granny ...... yu laik grannysex?
mas ini bukan kaskus,kalo ga ada yang reply brarti were not interested,stop upping it,annoying gila tau
gw suka tuh lagu banging on the wall ,high energy banget .... not so much on this one.. tapi itu pendapat pribadi aja sih, soalnya gw prefer dubstep yang deep dubby stuff,nevertheless great job dude... keep it up
eh lu formatted yang ada lagu "banging on the wall" di youtube bukan ? kalo iya gw suka banget tuh lagu ...asli keren deh
Quote from: nando aja on 28/02/12, 17:14
Hey, takut blom pernah masuk sini. Langsung introduce ya..

Si Nando ini lahir sekitar thn 80-an.
Dari highly musical background family. Bokap guru musik, kk gw 2-2nya dj, akhirnya tertarik mainin turn table sekitar 1996. Karena nganggur gitu aja dirumah. Akhirnya mulai serius main dari situ.

Bogor kota gw hidup. Mulai "bandel" dibandung, balik kebogor, jadi resident di beberapa club dibogor. Sampe sekarang nyasar jadi Resident di Skygarden Bali bareng sama Kang Echa 1945MF.

Segitu aja kayanya..
Terima kasih waktu dan tempatnya...


ini siapa ya ngaku2 (?)

;D ;D ;D ;D just kidding ndooooo

brostep seeh T_T she loves them skrillex stuff ...... yah mang yang dia dengerin di us yang gitu doang,at least as cewek dia brani nyelip2in gw dah seneng
too skrillex for my ears , and i hate skrillex ....

btw salah tempat mas,post di producing thread - original tracks

Jakarta,nitip2 yee
sarang penyamun gilaaaa neeh  ;D

gw stuju nih ma david , REAL GOOD DJ'S DONT BUY BEATPORT 100 , cuma dj males digging yang beli gituan , salah satu seni DJ-ing adalah digging ,jaman dulu berjam2 di toko vinyl cari rare gem,skrg berjam2 dengerin online store looking for that one magic tune

jangan beli beatport 100 ! apalagi yang dvd bajakan dari orang

seriously smua udah di gampangin tinggal denger lagu satu2 dan beli,masi jadi DJ cuma beli dvd bajakan beatport 100 atau gratisan zippy ???? ga usah jadi dj aja kalo gitu mah daripada nyampah2 di club doang  ;D
mending invest ke hardcase sob buat gituan,ga ngeri apa lo bawa2 make tas kepentok2

ya kali jangan di apa2in juga kali yoon hahahahah dah kayak adek gw ndiri neeeh hahahahahahaha
Quote from: Gober on 28/02/12, 00:21
mau doong dikenaliiin abang echaaa...

awarding nite gw suruh dateng yeeee, titip yeeee :p

@pamangober tersayang

daku kurang setuju dengan jalan belajar start from cdj , daku masi berpegang teguh (teguh sori di gelendotin) dengan belajar itu seharusnya start dari turntable , bukan ngejer di sebut expert sih , cuma belajar dari turntable itu paling pure

1.ga bakal nyontek bpm,atau mixing ngandelin bpm

2.belajar memperhalus tangan dan mixing (kalo kasar mah loncat2 gw jamin hahaha)

3.dengan start dari turntable,dj lebih siap hadapin kondisi alat apapun,mo di tiba2 di sodorin alat yang ga biasanya atau lain merek ga bakal panik,banyak dj2 baru gw liat kebiasaan blajar make pioneer (terutama seri 1000 ke atas) begitu ketemu seri di bawahnya atau lain merek,brantakan karena kebiasaan dan cuma tau 1000 series

so newbies? saran gw sih sebisa mungkin start from turntable ..... cdj ...... baru midi stuff , tapi yah semua balik lagi terserah masing2
Quote from: David Tjin on 26/02/12, 21:51
Quote from: echaaaa on 26/02/12, 04:19
TURNTABLE'S nuff said ..........
do you play vinyl?

nope never touch a turntable ever in my life

dont let the looks fooled you,musiknya jauh dari lembek  ;D

hello guys,di kesempatan kali ini gw pengen ngenalin satu DJ newbreed,dia mulai belajar ma gw di 1945MF Dj School 4 tahun lalu,setelah proses training keras dari gw pribadi,dan sedikit pengalaman maen sana sini,gw rasa saatnya gw memperkenalkan dia ke kalian :)

meet Karen Garrett,dia setengah USA setengah Indonesia,punya basic music di classic,dan jago main biola dalam ngeDJ dia milih untuk mainkan genre Electro,Dirty Electro,mash-up,breaks and dubstep

beberapa tempat yang udah dia datengin untuk gig adalah : Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta,Vertigo Jakarta,Secondfloor,Venue,Nu-china,Hugos Malang,Hollywood Pekanbaru,Hermes Aceh,Barcelona Medan,E-Plaza Semarang,Vino Palangkaraya,Center Stage Palembang,Sky Dome Bali,Muse Samarinda dan masih banyak lagi

dia blom ada akun ravelex tapi secepatnya gw suruh join di sini :),mudah2an dia bisa jadi penerus genre electro yang makin kesini makin jarang DJ-nya  :-\

Mixtape terbaru dia bisa di download :


yang punya twitter bisa follow dia di : @SoviaKaren

atau facebooknya di : http://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-Karen-Garrett-45G/149462025097861

Karen Short Bio :

A musical genius protégé of DJ Echa 1945MF, Karen musical skills exceed her age and good looks, not only her extensive training with Dj Echa has gave her exceptional DJ-ing skills she's also a talented classical violinist.

She's mix Texas - Indonesia and she has develop her style of DJ-ing combining funky groovy house with thumping electro sounds , and as natural born performer her love of the stage has makes this is one DJ you cannot afford to miss.

She's succesfully graced the decks of many clubs around Jakarta like Hard Rock, Vertigo, Secondfloor, Venue, The Green, Nu-china, Crown Plaza and many more, and also clubs around Indonesia like Hugos Malang, Hollywood Pool & Café Pekanbaru, Hermes Aceh, Barcelona Medan, E-Plaza Semarang, Vino Club Palangkaraya, Private Party at Cibubur, Center Stage Palembang, Sky Dome SuperClub Bali, Seleb Ent. Lubuk Linggau, Muse Samarinda, etc.

She's under 45G a sub-label of Indonesia biggest electronic dance music and nightlife mover 1945MF.

untuk info dan booking bisa hubungi :

Tya Durland +6285782054555 / tya_saxile@yahoo.com

ps :

this is an amateur video of her performance :

ps : she's 18  ;D

TURNTABLE'S nuff said ..........

ok maybe cdj a bit cool too
What do you get when you combine a bored celebutaunt with a cheesy perfume ad, cellular indiscretions and sub-par gym techno? That question will be answered within seconds of clicking on Paris Hilton's video for "Drunk Text," her cringe-worthy attempt at Shatner-esque spoken word. The track, a collaboration between Hilton and the Colorado-based production duo Manufactured Superstars, takes a poetic journey through her flirtatious exploits with a guy during a night at a club.

As the video graces us with shots of her ruby red lips and cracker-dry monotone, Hilton waxes poetic on the finer points of naughty cellphone communication. It goes something like this:

"You take the word 'xes' and mix it with 'texting,' it's called 'sexting'/When you add drunk sexting, the words just don't make sense/It's just a hot mess of misspelled obscenities, body parts and run-on questions I'm not sure what it means to ask."

Speaking to E! Online about the video, Manufactured Superstars (a.k.a. Brad Roulier and Shawn Sabo) said Thursday that the video had been leaked, that it was not ready to be released and that they were trying to remove illegal copies from the Web. We have an embedded version of the video below as well as a link to it here, but you might want to check it out soon, since we don't know how long either will last.

While we try to clear the acute stench of publicity stunt from the room, here's some other classy lines from the song, er, whatever this is:

"I went out to the club the other night to, ya know, dance with my bitches."

"My mouth kept pouring desperate clauses of random intent."

"He asks if he can text me after the club. He hands me another shot of vodka and I say, 'Sure.' "

"No one is safe in the Twittersphere anymore."

"I'm too lazy to type so I send a photo I took up a dancer's skirt."

"He wants me to bring more girls up like some kind of pimp."

Riveting stuff.

seriously ??? damn this is byfar the worst lyric ever after nicki minaj "stupid hoe"

more on this + video at : http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/music_blog/2012/02/paris-hilton-commits-audio-treason-with-drunk-text.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PopHiss+(Pop+%26+Hiss+Music+Blog
gw yang hubungin koh frank,gw temen baik dengan dia,dan gw ga mau bendera yang dia bangun susah payah di rusak oleh statement sok tau lo sob

ada bedanya pendapat sama melecehkan,kapasitas lo masi jauh dari bisa memberikan penilaian ke sebuah industry yang di mana banyak orang2 berdedikasi tinggi di dalamnya ,dari segi producing lo masi standar dan lo sendiri bilang lo ngeDJ baru setahun,you have no right to diss other people di dunia yang baru lo cemplungin setengah kaki

skali lagi