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Messages - echaaaa

yup once again gw mantan laptop dj but gw support abis kalian smua keep up the movement guys....... respect - DJ Echa/Gotham 8
om naro n pak romy
boleh nimbrung ga?menurut gw masalah crowd yg abg smuanya,sound yg ga maksimal n smua kekurangan bliss n loft adalah sisi negatif yng tentu juga mreka punya sisi positif.... for example lumayan luar biasa jg mreka bisa eksis dengan idealisme hiphop mreka yah mungkin orang bliss kalo baca forum ini bisa ngambil sisi positif dari smua comment di atas karena mreka is a nice guy juga,
gw pernah waktu mhbs main di bandung gw d ajakin main k bliss n d sana gw kenalan ma pak andi ownernya n he's a nice guy sumpah.....(pakabar pak andi......saya echa dari lombok masi inget ga yang kita gila2an di ruang sound hehehehehehe)anyway smua punya kekurangan n klebihan n gw pribadi will never judge a book by its cover (Mesti gw minggu kmaren kesana kayaknya emang banyak bgt kekurangan especially loft),hopefully after seein this forum they will become better who knows??? peace n respect - DJ Echa /Gotham 8
House / Re: HOUSE KOTA...
11/06/07, 01:42
yup bener banget ndra!!!yang kovernya tengkorak kambing!!!anjrit gokil tuh dvd keren abis sayang gw lupa naro di mana keren banget kalo kita tonton lagi bareng di studio ya!!
maybe ampe tahun 3000 bakal lebih banyak lagi kayak tech,elctro,pumpin ato what everlah namanya ntar...but the basic elemnts ga bakal brubah and its house...its prooven dari jaman frankie knuckles ampe skrg house still eksis and trus berkembang mknya lahir berbagai macam tech,elec n lain2 but the four to the floor will stay n smua up to us mw bawanya kemana as long as the groove is good and the bassline thick...and crowd is jumpin on the floor...house lives......Peace and respect - DJ Echa /Gotham 8
yup... all the above is right,to be release nationally is hard..palagi internationally,at least we dont go down without a fight!!!we should do our best and keep pushin the limits that we have and create the best that we can make out off despite off the opsticles facing along the way itu kata seorang bijak yang nasehatin gw waktu gw hampir mw jual motor buat beli soundcard heheheheh...tul ga mas R.....hopefully someday the world will know indonesia not just a land of bootleggers,riots and politic in balance but also the land of great dance music producer coz i believe that we can do it,we have a lot of great producers...we all just needed the one big break heheheheh...hidup EDM!!!! merdeka!!! yuu......
sukses mas hehehehehe...gmn cd yg lagu muse dariku dah di denger??? - Echa (Gotham 8)
yup bang chris M that is right,besides its a lot cheaper also hehehehehe...and also kepuasan yang kita dapet beda banget bener2 puas kita denger hasil kita sendiri meski mungkin awal2 hasilnya ga perfect but just keep tryin and experimenting and always push yourself to the limit hehehehe
@Chris M salam kenal bro Gw Echa
heheheheh...boleh boleh...tapi herculesnya dah gw jokul pake beli soundcard n bayar kos kikikikiki
wahwahwah........Seru juga forumnya.....gw mantan laptop DJ heheheheh gw pake Thinkpad r51e,VDJ and hercules DJ console mk2 but semua gw pensiunin karena gw prefer Using CDJ and sometimes vinyl tapi gw salut n support abis ma kalian..Maju Terus!!!!!! - DJ Echa peace....
heheheheheh........maksud gw jangan lupa kalo human touch jg is the most important essence technology....for example coba perhatiin rata2 software DJ untuk live mix kan auto beatmatching gitu bayangin suatu saat software itu bisa self mixing yang halus banget????? apa ga mungkin suatu saat kita semua bakal di gantiin mesin???(heheheheheh otak gw lagi mampet kali yaaaa...makanya Sok matrik gini gw heheheheh) - DJ Echa peace....... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
stuju sama mas R L2(Thx ya mas...) keren banget hehehehehehe.......i wish  had a G5 heheheheheheh........
wawawawawawaw....gw lagi mampet.......hehehehehe......
sip...sip...intresting kayaknya support dehhhh...House Never dies!!!!!
Mastering mah ndiri aja gitu aja koq repot..........pk SSL aja manteb ato lebih gampang kursus sound engineering aja ke berklee kekekekekekekek......
house never dies!!!!! Stuju!!!! Whatever it is  its  still house.....

@7 Ndra gw echa hehehehehehehehe...... Cuma di rvlx gw pake nick ini hehehehehehe
salam ma anak2 Dig6 Yahhhhh
House / Re: HOUSE KOTA...
01/06/07, 18:05
gmn kalo kita sebut tungtungcore hehehehehehe....
dia mau selingkuh ma deniez katanya mw coba pengalaman baru wakakakakakakakakakaka
besok gw spin pake tape deck hehehehehehehehehehe
intresting....gw ga begitu tau soal dnb but gw tertarik bgt pas denger lagunya Marky & XRS - LK and Voodoo Peoplenya prodigy yg di remix pendulum...anybody yang bs bantu gw knal lebih deket dengan DNB?? Gw main house sih n kalo di suruh main dnb jg kayaknya ga deh ga kena tapi gw intrested bgt ma dnb yang bs bantu gw kontak gw di 081932569542 THX BEFORE YAH!!!!!
House / Re: HOUSE KOTA...
30/05/07, 16:07
dont forget jungle n drum n bass,and hardcore n techno hardcore jg nembus 180an gw pernah dpt dvd dr blanda judulnya Hradcore reuinion (bajakan sih hehehehe...)Gw kira gw bkl nonton band2 kayak sick of it all,ato band2 hardcore lah,taunya yg gw liat rave party gitu tapi dj2nya mainin lagu2 kuencng edun!!! beat 4/4 carzy ass bass and distorted sound!!!!! intresting sih tapi gw cukup jadi referensi aja kalo di suruh mainin ampun deh....ga kuat jantung gw heheheheheheh
mungkin ni..... ini si interprtesi gw ndiri...kalo tech house tu kentel unsur techno yg kbtulan techno jg jadi slh satu elemen n techno....but mnurut gw tech house is much more groovy than electro....
im still dirtiest house to the core...........but sometimes put something a bit electroish here and there but not pure electro...
House / Re: HOUSE KOTA...
30/05/07, 15:14
truthfully gw ga suka house kota......
musiknya sableng n ga jelas tapi gw tetep hargain producer2 lagu gituan (tapi dikiiiiiiiiitttttt banget....)
karena at least butuh a little cretivity (And a sick f**%^n mind!!!)buat bikin lagu gituan tul ga???
anyway the best way gw pikir adalah biar mreka berjalan n n kta berlari...semua punya dunia masing2 just keep respectin each other.....(asal jangan pernah lagunya telepop musik di jadiin gituan GW GA TERIMA!!!!!!)hehehhehehe much Love - DJ Echa
Marky And XRS - LK (LOVE THIS TRACK!!!!!!!)
Telepopmusik - Breathe (Speechless gw ni lagu g ad matinya.....)