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Messages - LosTSisKa

Music / Re: BUDDHA BAR. EDM kah?
02/08/06, 19:58
AAALLLLLLLAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH,,,,,bener jg tuh silent...semakin ngawang2....hehheee
Music / Re: Interesting lyrics
02/08/06, 19:56

klo galau..sih gua sekarang lagi galau berat 'pi....aiihh mateee....;)

bener!!..dan dijamin yg disini tdk akan menyesatkan [genrenya maksudnya] .....huuhhuuuuhuu..
Music / Re: BUDDHA BAR. EDM kah?
02/08/06, 19:47
untuk chill out aja,....gw suka dengerin buat soundtrack early mornin' sambil minum hot chocolate, leyeh2 istirahatin telinga yg semaleman dihajar musik jedar2....aihhhhhhhhhhh damai gilaaa.......heuheehhehehheee ;D ;D
Music / Re: mo tanya nih...
02/08/06, 19:41
alamakkkkkkkk bibir maen request 'peterpan' ajaaaaaaaa,.....gw juga mau tuh remixannya 'radja'...heuhehehe
adduhhh gw pantengin jg kok ada yg tauuu...;)
tapi baguslah walopun krg mewakilkan...seharusnya,,,,,,


gila-gilan yg gimane??.....gua kaga segila elo kaleeee....huahahhaahaaaa......

*tetap aja....'catch me if u can @vacation' kali 'bang....aihh...aihh

Music / Re: Interesting lyrics
02/08/06, 06:39

I'll pretend that I am safe and sound
As if you wrapped me in a lullaby
I'll leave my tears behind
And seize your distant light

I can wait until the day arrive
Where you've found what you've been searching for
And you return to me
Until then I feel so lost,,,,,, :'(

Falkon & Nebula Feat. Sasja - So Lost

*sedih djuoo..aihhh :P

Music / Re: mo tanya nih...
02/08/06, 06:31

*deehhh sampai 2 thread!!...huhehehehhehe , akuhh ulang lagiii...yee....

Yeukkkkkkkk....'Raden mas Tomo.....
Lama banget nih menantikan dirimuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, penguasa padugeman jogja!!!!....yg akhirnya kluar dari penjara.....wakwakwkakwkkwwkwaaakkkk....
[inget ya, kata2ku .....klo aku mo ke kerajaanmu utk melakukan"'Perampokan digital"...whuahhahaaahh]
Yeukkkkkkkk....'Raden mas Tomo.....
Lama banget nih menantikan dirimuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, penguasa padugeman jogja!!!!....yg akhirnya kluar dari penjara.....wakwakwkakwkkwwkwaaakkkk....
[inget ya, kata2ku .....klo aku mo ke kerajaanmu utk melakukan"'Perampokan digital"...whuahhahaaahh]
Music / Re: mo tanya nih...
01/08/06, 19:10

ALAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH NAYYYYYYYY!!....bisa lo yeeeeeeeeee!!.....*parah..parahhhh!!!

'CATCH ME IF U CAN' ya 'bang???.. ;D ;)
Music / Re: My Playlist....
01/08/06, 19:03
'duhhhh djuoooooooo secara 160bpm gitu loh...... :o :o :o....*leher gw neehhh bs patah.. ;D ;D
Music / Re: mo tanya nih...
01/08/06, 18:58
Music / Re: mo tanya nih...
01/08/06, 18:29

*ti' ati ALTUNA + INNERLIGHT!!.....hauhauauauaua
Music / Re: mo tanya nih...
01/08/06, 17:59

yeukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk sobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!!........*ngakak guling2an ampe melintir cingko!!..

ayeukkkkkkkkkkkkk semuaaaaaa......hehehhweheheee....
Halahhhhhhhhh beunerrrr ituuhhhhh..[kt joevan sih]..ahauahuahauaua...yeukkk mariiiii...
Music / Re: Interesting lyrics
01/08/06, 16:36
I know this will be something
I remember in my head (something i remember)
sharp words push me back
hanging on to anything I can (anything I can)

why do you tell me
only things I want to hear
why dont you tell me
this could just dissapear

at the same time
you keep tracking treasure down...

cant stop im soked tonight
wanna find something I believe(something i believe)
open up take me in makes no sence
help me understand(help me understand)

why do you tell me
only things I want to hear
why dont you tell me
this could just dissapear

at the same time
you keep tracking treasure down

you tell me of pirate-ships and fairytales
you have me wishing that everything
was real

at the same time
at the same time
you keep tracking treasure down
at the same time. ............

*Gabriel & Dresden feat. Molly - Tracking treasure down :'( :'( :'(
sore yg mellow,,, hehehe

Music / Re: best vocals on edm
01/08/06, 16:22
bener CARRIE SKIPPER PENTING bgt tuh!...
*time goes by,,,
*once again,,,
*never be the same.....huuhuuhuuu,,,, pelan tapi membunuh.... :'( :'( :'( :'(

Siap om R!,....dan sudah di download....KEREEENNNNN!!.....

01/08/06, 11:13

Yeeuuuuuuuukkk'.....mari bergokil bersama-sama.... ;) ;D
*nah gmn tuh mutter mau ga??... 8) ::)