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Messages - mahesautara

Its 4.40 in the morning..
Just wanna say..

UP!  :)
@ Luthfi

Thx a lot sob! smoga kdepannya smuanya tambah canggih!
@ Adagio

Mas marcel, wahh... thx a lot!!!! :) I really appreciate it!!
laptopnya single or dual core?
Today is the day!

Goodluck smuanya.. :P
Oh iya, ditunggu bgt uploadnya creamy sugar grooves!
Mas Rizky (eh masi pake mas jg.. hahaha) Makasi banyak ya!

Bootlegnya gokil2! Purple emang killer bgt dh!
@ endradj, mas lawrence & mas Rizky

Congrats all.. :)

Gmana kalo kita ketemuan semua, ngobrol2, tuker2 ilmu.. seru tuh kayaknya..
Waduh udah rame aja.. Hahaha


Kami berdua producer dr subdivision..

Lagunya beda, jadi vote dua2nya.. hehehehe :P
Baru skali gw liat wb terang.. hahaha

Flownya gokil! gw baru dateng jam 3 dan ga berasa tau2 udah jam 7 aj..

And yeah, buka thread baru aja.. hahaha

Piss jg.. :)
The truth is, at the hands of a skilled artist a bunch of raw loops can be molded into a unique piece of artwork that holds its own against any other musical accomplishment.

I'm a big fans of loops.. (beat loops ya) and u know what.. it's just tools..

Knapa gw suka loops? Banyak feel yg ga bisa didapet dari drum programming konvensional.. Paling simpel, pernah denger loop shaker kan? coba buat pake drum machine.. Lo bakal butuh sample banyak dr suara shaker, atur satu2 velocitynya, quantize, compress.. etc. and that's it, you spend 15 minutes longer, than just dragging the loop into ur audio workstation..

shortcut? yes it is.. i'd rather save my time to think about the music than doing some cool technical stuff for the same result..

but then, it's just me.. Gw ga mau nyinggung siapa2 disini.. Idealisme orang emang beda2 kok, and in the end.. yang penting kita respect each other aja..

So open ur mind.. Music should be enjoyable.. Jadi jangan nyiksa diri kita dengan hal2 yang ga perlu lah..
My God.. soal loop mlulu.. udah pd baca blm?

"No, I don't use loops. I create my own music."

Heard it before? In all likelihood, yes. Oddly enough, the use of loops still remains a somewhat controversial issue. It's in the twilight zone, that fuzzy grey area between artistry and "pushing a button". After all, a loop is the product of someone else's efforts, talent and creativity. But then again, isn't that true for any kind of art? Aren't you using sampled instruments that have been recorded – and played – by someone else? And synth presets that someone else programmed? Who do you owe credit to when you play a violin trill on the NN-XT – the guy who sampled it? The conductor? The violinist? Antonius Stradivarius, who built it? The truth is, at the hands of a skilled artist a bunch of raw loops can be molded into a unique piece of artwork that holds its own against any other musical accomplishment.


Good music is good music.. ga peduli pake loops ato ga..
Emang gw house kan rik.. Hueheuheu

Ya big / gede.. Beat ny bouncy bgt.. hehehe

@idra, eh maksud lo bkn hardware synth kn? gw cm modal laptop sm esi U46DJ, ga terlalu bagus suaranya.. tdnya mau numpang render pake layla echo, tp ga smpet..
ga pake preamp ap2 kok.. Btw. gw pake cubase.. Ni lagi blajar guru sm battery buat drum programming..

Gw lg nungguin previewnya dj lawrence dh, pgn dnger.. posting dong mas.. hehehe :)
Come to hear the sounds of indonesian new breed producers!

Iya, i used a lot of synths.. buat remix ini pake Pro 53, predator, and korg m1 for that famous "be" sound.. heheheh


Commentny doong.. better ga dibanding waktu lo dnger? ini dah gw potong2 x.. Plus quantize dkit..
Subdivision Records Present :

Introducing Producers and Renewing the Dance Scene

For Information : 02195222831 - Eddo

<object width="300" height="110"><param name="movie" value="http://media.imeem.com/m/vRjssc6U2E/aus=false/"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://media.imeem.com/m/vRjssc6U2E/aus=false/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="110" wmode="transparent"></embed>She Pretends (Mahesa House Mix).mp3 - </object>

Lho, kok jadinya kayak gini ya? ato gw salah embed code ny?
Gw smpet stress jg buat remix lagu ini.. Buat reffny transisinya enak susah bgt..

Btw. ini yg waktu itu lo dnger ger.. wekekeke

Respect and support local producers  tepuk tangan tepuk tangan tepuk tangan jg

pake fast net.. Parah bgt nih rik.. sbar ye..

Sound lo as usual.. BIG

Imeem parah nih.. gw drtd mau ngupload ga bs2
Pindah ke Cubase sx 3.. huehuehue

Wekeke.. mp3ny mnyusul ya.. lg buat outro dulu..