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Messages - dj ungu

yuk mareee
Jakarta Events / Re: LATENIGHTFEST
28/05/09, 19:50
hey guys,, we will held a workshop about pioneer svm 1000 and many things about it

free for all of you guys!!

see you..

human robot will also perform at this events

best regards

bisa trial svm 1000 ampee geblek.. bawa dvd atau cd atau video loop yawww

;) ;)

damm gw baru bgn cal, he3 pengen bgt dateng, penasaran sama set nya dia ..
zabiella kidi dtg nihh... ajibb bgt
he3.. lo juga edan kalo joo...
Quote from: djrandom on 07/05/09, 10:38
sayangnya kemaren ga keliatan... ketutupan meja...

iya, pas liat fotonya baru... WADAWWWWW CANGGIH BGT SOOOBBB !!!!!!!
salute to clubbersmedia concept!! u go guys!! congrats defoo
foto by nareen at REDMA awarding  nite 2009
terakhir liat sih di deadmau5,,, ternyata electronic grooves pake juga ..

gokils BGT!!!!


Local Remixes / Re: new remixes ;)
04/05/09, 22:33
nice one gerr.. canggih bgt !! top abiss
wow, nice house ndra.. sukses yaaa
nah , bener.. echa gw juga bengong sama elo.. hasil lagu guokilsss ,studio nya simple.. mmg tergantung inspirasi ya gan.. he3.. oke ga ta#boy.. he3
keren bgt!! mantapp
Quote from: ican*agoesdjam on 01/05/09, 03:21
Quote from: dj ungu on 01/05/09, 00:21
yeahh human robot..

what is HUMAN ROBOT?is it av set?coz ada 9motion ....interesting :)

more than that.. more detail comin up..

dj and vj performances..
yeahh human robot..
happy bday dj cello
hmm, pengen bgt dateng joo.. tapi ada gig juga.. udah liat foto2 nya di fb.. cool events !! selalu support microchip dgn ide2nya terkini yaa