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Messages - kc

hay febyyy.. hay ferreee.. hayyyy semuanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
;D ;D ;D

kenalannya yang lengkap doonk..
namanyaa.. kuliah ato kerja.. hobby.. alamat.. tempat tanggal lahir.. cita-cita.. kata mutiara.. STATUS.. sama email yang di friendster.. biar kita bisa mengenal lebih dekat satu sama lainlaaahh..

hihihihihihi ;D ;D ;D ;D
@abriel : gue vote buat dj dikaa 7/24 aja deh.. HUAHAUHAUAHA ;D ;D


Top 100 DJs Poll 2006

Heres your chance to play a vital role in deciding the outcome of the most important poll in dance music.

DJmags Top 100 DJs is a genuine phenomenon that grows in strength every year, with 123,933 votes coming from 147 different countries in 2005! It's the only poll that matters to clubbers, promoters and DJs worldwide.

Voting is open until 25th September, so make sure everyone you know comes and makes their voice heard in support of the DJs who've rocked their world.

Results will be unveiled on 25th October at a star-studded awards party in London featuring many of the world's top ranking DJs.

Keep an eye on DJmag.com and sign up to our text service for further details and info on how you can be there!
Top 100 History

The first Top 100 DJs Poll open to public voting was held in 1997.

Before this, DJmag's poll was intermittent, and only people in the dance music industry contributed towards a candidate shortlist.

Back in 1997, DJmag.com didn't exist, so all votes were sent in the post.

Altogether, about 700 people voted in Top 100 DJs poll in 1997.

In 1998 we started accepting votes by email, opening up the poll to many more international voters.

The amount of votes received more than trebbled, and Paul Oakenfold was crowned people's champion for the first time.

In 1999, there were 31 new entries. Only four women made it into the whole poll.

The 2000 poll was the first time that Dutch superstar DJ Tiesto featured (at number 24).

In 2001, votes came in from 50 countries.

Over 500 DJs were nominated, and the top 25 garnered almost 60% of the vote.

In 2002, the vote was up by 20% on 2001, with 38,481 dance music fans taking part around the world.

Votes came in from 65 countries.

In 2003, there were 61,529 votes, up 50% on 2002's total.

Votes were received from 120 countries around the world.

There really was no disputing Tiesto's position in the 2004 poll.

Previously, Paul Oakenfold and Carl Cox had both won the award twice, but last year Tiesto took things to a whole new level.

His 25,000 capacity stadium gigs, and his DJ set at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to a TV audience in excess of 4.5 billion, meant no other DJ could compete.

In 2004 Tiesto was crowned No.1 for the third year in a row.

Last year after years of being in the top 10, Paul van Dyk finally reached the top spot, and claimed the crown as the No.1 DJ in the world.

bisa ga yaaa kita vote buat dj indonesiaaaaaaaaaa ???  ::) ::) ::)
hoiiiiiiiiiiiii akhdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
i'll be there tonite loooooooooooooohhh !!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
@ian : wah serius lo ???? wah.. kita angkat aja jadi maskot RVLX bareng julia perez.. hahahahahah ;D ;D ;D
@blink : yah beginilah tugas penerima tamu di RVLX.. ada job desk tambahan gitu.. hahahaha ;D ;D ;D
jangan lupa dateng kalo kita parteh parteh bareng..
biar bisa liat BLINKSATAN yang melegendaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa salah satu biagian tubuhnya.. khihkhikhikhihki !! ;D ;D ;D
gue dateng ke acara 17an di menteng..
ada bazaar gitu..
sibuk blanja ini itu ini itu.. makan ini itu ini itu..

malemnya ada dinner sama client di hardrock cafe..
trus ngopi-ngopi di grand cafe hyatt..

berasa kok kemerdekaan indonesia.. abis dimana-mana banyak benderaa ;D ;D
tante nayo : makasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :-* :-* :-*
@goofy : welkam.. !!
banyak kok yang penting.. rajin-rajin posting aja yaaa biar cepet jadi rookie dan bisa menemukan info-info PENTING lainnya.. haeuhaueh ;D ;D
@ija : okey, jadi yang punya lo di gue, gue kasi temen gw aja ya ??

@dnab : udah abis di tek-in yang 4 punya gue.. nanti ya pur.. gue mengais-ngais dulu kesana-kemari.. kalo ada lagi I PROMISE gue kasih ke elo !! ;)
@errie : citcuiiiiww.. dikasi sapa si tuuuu.. ihiikk ihiiiikk ;D
@errie : becanda kalee.. ;D ;D
tapi beneran juga ga nolak sih..
haha :P
sepertinya sih ya..
karena disana banyak turiss.. banyak buleee..
dan bener juga sekarang lagi peak season banyak banget orang-orang ke bali..
jadi banyak acara-acara yang digelar disana..

tapi apa kabar yang cupet ga bisa beli tiket pesawat macam gue ini ya ? ??? ??? ???
ah.. ya sudahlah.. kan ada andy moor ;D :-* :-* :-*

@danzadanzi : jadi ini asal muasal thread di SDA ?? ;D ;D ;D
vulgar banget sihhhhhhhhhh !!!

mana cuma di tawar sarebu lagiii..
duhhh.. imej donk imeeejj !! ntar pada takut lagi INTRODUCE THEIRSELF disiniii.. ;D ;D ;D
@omphie : kalo kenalan sama lo kayaknya musti 10 kali ya kayak kapten IJA biar nempeeelll kalo cuma selewatan doank kayak gue.. yaaahh sudahlah.. hahahahahah ;D ;D ;D
@esge : loh.. ya udah deh.. invit lo buat gue aja gimaanaaa ?? ;D ;D hahahahahhahaha
@esge : horee.. *toss* ;D ;D ;D
@ebdj : hi devina.. :) or milinka.. ;D
@dhanty : dateng ya ? kok ga ketemu ya ? ??? ???
maklum.. persiapan buat nonton andy moorr..
aaahahahahahahahahahaha.. ;D ;D ;D

iya deh ga jadi deh.. :(

hoyy waithiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnkkk !!
sini sini siniiiii.. perkenalkan disini aja jeuuuunggg !! ;D ;D ;D :-*
kangen BC BAR !!!

WUZZUP BC !!! :-* :-* :-*


@bapur + awan : tapi ada upetinyaaa.. ;D ;D ;D

eh.. boleh ga ya tiap yang baru memperkenalkan diri disini ditarikin "upeti"..
if u know what i mean.. hauhauhauahuahau
ga boleh ya ??
khikhihkihkhikhihkihk ;D ;D ;D